212th Jr Medic CPL Walter

Unfair warn appeal

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My In-Game name:
212th Jr Medic CPL Walter

Steam Name:
What is the reason for your warn:
Name of the staff member who banned you:
CT 8734 Atlassmells         at   00:55 (08/07/22)
Why do I believe that I should be unwarned:

In the shock of being arrested by a CT (the admin) who was actually a scav, I didn't follow the text on the bottom left corner. I also didn't know scavs can disguise as clones and I earnestly thought the admin was abusing. To which I even confronted him.

I did not see or know that they stripped me of weapons and comms as other text had sent the "rp" text up quite quickly. I also missed it as well as I thought that those "RP" elements have to be in a single colour in line with the regiment colour - not shaded in other blinking lights like the rest of the ads and real chat. Again, I thought the admin was abusing. 

Eitherway, whilst I did not know I was stripped of comms, I had failrp-ed when I typed to /r. When confronted, I explained to the admin that I didn't know they stripped me of comms.

Apprently, the admin told me to "void", and again, I didn't know what "void" was.  Not understanding him when he said that and not even 5 seconds later, I got a warn. Instead of giving me a second to understand him and to explain to me what I need to do to fix it, I still got warned. Even later realising the reason I was warned was because I didn't "void". 

My first ever failrp and I got warned. I understand the mistake, however, it was not done intentionally and definitely is not going to be repeated. Just feel as though the punishment does not fit the crime since it involved miscommunication and cluelessness on my part. I am still learning and figuring out how all of this rp works. Its my 4-5 day on the server and am still learning. Am I to get a warning each time I do something I didn't understand was wrong or wasn't explained to me? 

Evidence: https://imgur.com/fT1VLxx

I did not know that the "RP" binds can be in different colours and I missed it because it was lost quickly by the below text. 

212th Jr Medic CPL Walter

Edited by 212th Jr Medic CPL Walter
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I was playing Scavenger and had cuffed and stripped you right in front of Med bay to which you called me out for false arresting so I should have noticed you were a newer player, it is my mistake for not realizing you didn't know I was a Scavenger. Getting kidnapped is a common occurrence especially in the later hours of the night when there are less people on. After pulling you into Research Lab you put into comms that Scavengers had taken over the base and you were kidnapped in Research Lab. This lead me to believe you knew we were Scavengers and reported us in. I picked you up with the Phys gun to which you said I was abusing my power and you were being very hostile towards me. I told you to void the message and I was met with silence. Not replying to me made it appear that you didn't care about the situation and I was able to justify warning you. I do agree it all happened quite fast, but it was not a five second interaction. I understand that you more than likely missed the message now, but I would recommend becoming familiar with the rules if you are serious about ranking up in the server. It is now up to SMT to decide about removing the warn, but I see no problem with it after further hearing your explanation.

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Obi Wan Kenobi ║

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Just to clarify, I never put in comms that the Scavs took over the base. I only put in that a CT (which was you) was entering vents at Medbay. However, I do agree with you when it comes to getting more familiar with the rules, to which I will. Thank you for explaining your side as I only later understood what was happening. I'm sorry for accusing you of admin abuse and being somewhat rude, as I genuinely thought a CT was never able to arrest others, let alone be a scav in disguise - and therefore assumed that you were admin abusing. 

Edited by 212th Jr Medic CPL Walter
grammar and adding final sentence
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That makes more sense now, again I apologize that I did not recognize that you were a new player and I hope this doesn't affect your stay on the server. Wish you the best.

Current CWRP Ranks

Obi Wan Kenobi ║

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║ Jedi Senior Guardian  104th NS LT CG CPT ║ Jedi Overseer ║ Jedi Warden ║ Jedi Veteran 

║ Jedi Spectre ║ Jedi Phantom ║ Jedi Lorekeeper ║ DU LT COL ║ Event Planner 

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Almost had a similiar experience today with a new 41st who I cuffed because he followed me into a secluded area, luckly I managed to explain to him what was happening and he understood.

So yeah will take the benefit of the doubt that you really didn't know how scavs worked and were just confused. (Still you should read the rules as Neru said, so you know)

Current ranks

HLRP Trial mod



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Looking at Neru's input as well as yours, your warn will be removed as currently we are aware scav can be weird for new players and will be in the process of retweaking it to make it easier for newer players.

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CWRP Vice Manager

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