
Senior Admin Daro Berand Staff Report

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Your in game name: Biggus Dickus

The accused staff member's in game name, Steam profile link or Steam ID: Senior Admin Daro Berand

What they had done (Please give a detailed description as to what happened): I went up to him and called for him to follow me by saying his name and come here, for some reason he has to bring up the point that I know his name and keep questioning me for it, before I explain anything, I will state that I personally don't believe that someone of the staff rank senior admin should ask questions, that, although seemingly innocent enough of a question in retrospect is actually just fishing for an answer that could be perceived as "Fail RP"

To answer truthfully, as I didn't know him and at the time he was a civilian, I thought it could've been a new player, so I answered honestly, which was, "It's floating above your head" but then, for a more RP friendly answer I also said "It's on your nametag". 

Then, he follows me into the alleyway, where I pull out my EE-3a and tell him to drop 5k or die, to which he responds with, "No". He then proceeded to pick me up with a phys gun and say "No, not happening, you just broke Fail RP", Confused to as why a staff is using a phys gun in an RP scenario, mugging, in this case, I continue to ask for the 5k which he continues to plainly state no and then declares it a staff sit, in which he is the admin for.

Because I am not being given my money for mugging him where he was under the conditions of FearRP, I call an admin, as anyone in my case would, whether or not he is a senior admin I don't believe he is above the rules of Fear RP or the server nor do I believe that using his position as staff as leverage to avoid being mugged is proper, nor tolerable.

The admin of course sides with him as, from other star wars RP servers I've staffed on only allows SMT to warn/ban/punish other staff, and tells me to take it to the forums, which I do.

Overall this staff member has, fished for an answer that could be seen as Fail RP, which, even if it was fail RP, he didn't care that it was Fail RP until I pulled a gun on him and told him to drop money or die. For these reasons I believe that this report should accepted, and to maybe have the 5k that I am owed.


(Apologies for the lack of my voice, my clipping software only picks up what is inside the game)

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Hello, am staff in question 🙂 

From the get go you "fished" for a response as you stated my name which you would not know. I questioned you on this, taking this situation to be OOC from this point onward. I did not use my phys gun at this point as I wanted to keep this low level and not disrupt RP in the middle of the city. At this point I made consideration for warning him for FailRP as per the staff guidelines however due to how low of a level this was I did not. 

I would not of followed you in the first place if you did not instigate the whole FailRP situation.  Therefore any interaction we had is in my eyes is OOC. I have continually asked you how you know my name to see if you have a valid rp reason for knowing and you gave no valid response.

I was under the assumption that you knew what you were doing, had a sound mind and thought like any other rational person by understanding that I would have been following you because you have taken the situation out of character. 

Your clip conveniently does not show how you are attempting to bait me into the secluded area.  Please see my link for how you instigated this all. 

You pulled a weapon on me therefore I have escalated the matter to pulling out my physics gun.  

Any further detail can be explained via discord message.




Kind Regards,

Staff Manager Haze xx

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sounds like a Copium Issue

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1 hour ago, Haze said:


From the get go you "fished" for a response as you stated my name which you would not know.


Saying your name isn't "fishing for a response". It's just calling you by your name to get your attention, also known as directly addressing someone...

1 hour ago, Haze said:

I questioned you on this, taking this situation to be OOC from this point onward.


We were in a RP situation, you can't turn RP situations, in this case mugging into an OOC situation because someone said your name. You likely just wanted to avoid being mugged at all cost, no matter how petty the reason.

1 hour ago, Haze said:


I would not of followed you in the first place if you did not instigate the whole FailRP situation.  Therefore any interaction we had is in my eyes is OOC. I have continually asked you how you know my name to see if you have a valid rp reason for knowing and you gave no valid response.


I did not instigate any "Fail RP situation", if anything, it would be you that instigated it by asking a question that you knew you would get a response that you wouldn't like. I responded in 2 ways, conveniently you cut out the other response I gave that was more RP friendly in this situation, to which I find disturbing as you are a Senior Admin hiding evidence in a conveniently trimmed video, later on, I had said it to be on your name tag. Whether or not you had a nametag on or not, it is considerably more RP friendly.


1 hour ago, Haze said:

I was under the assumption that you knew what you were doing, had a sound mind and thought like any other rational person by understanding that I would have been following you because you have taken the situation out of character. 


Saying that I don't know what I'm doing, claiming I don't have a sound mind, nor a rational person is unneeded and insulting, pettiness and equally petty insults should be below someone at the rank of Senior Admin. If someone stated that you don't have a sound mind, not rational, nor knowing what you are doing you would most likely ban/warn/punish them under the rules of the server. You are not exempt from the rules. 


2 hours ago, Haze said:

Your clip conveniently does not show how you are attempting to bait me into the secluded area.  Please see my link for how you instigated this all. 


My clipping software only records the last 30 seconds, although, conveniently you trimmed where I said an RP friendly reason to as why I knew your name. As a senior admin shouldn't trimming out evidence be below you too?

2 hours ago, Haze said:


You pulled a weapon on me therefore I have escalated the matter to pulling out my physics gun.  


I pulled a weapon on you to mug you. As you would do when mugging someone. Surely as a person that "knew what you were doing, had a sound mind and thought like any other rational person" Would've expected to have received when being pulled into a dark alleyway...


As far as I'm concerned this isn't serious RP, so knowing someone's name without having a whole ass conversation with them is irrelevant. Nor any reason to use as leverage to avoid being mugged.


Overall, he wasn't going to do anything until I pulled a gun on him and to drop 5k, which from that it just sounds like he wanted to avoid being mugged, with the knowledge that he was a senior admin he believed he can get away with avoiding RP scenarios like mugging which I find appalling for someone of his rank.

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Its only a Mugging, its like nothing. Just Cope for a Minute and mug someone else

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16 minutes ago, Archer said:

Its only a Mugging, its like nothing. Just Cope for a Minute and mug someone else

That's not the point. Fail RP is fail RP. In my eyes the rules are there to be upheld, not blatantly ignored, especially at the rank of senior admin.

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Mate, I have seen worse FailRP from people, Just carry on with your day, Random shit happens everyday and everyone has accidents.

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14 minutes ago, Archer said:

Mate, I have seen worse FailRP from people, Just carry on with your day, Random shit happens everyday and everyone has accidents.

As I said before, Fail RP is fail RP. If we are using the logic of "I have seen worse FailRP from people" then why did this staff care so much that I knew his name before he told me it. 

If I had committed the same actions as this staff member I can absolutely assure you I would've been warned. Being held accountable for breaking the rules doesn't only apply to normal players, it also applies to staff, and in this case a staff member broke Fail RP which deserves a warning.


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to be fair to both parties, You are both in the wrong

                                                               Current Ranks                                       

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                                                               Previous Ranks 

  • Imperial Head Medical Officer
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2 hours ago, biggusdickusfr01 said:

We were in a RP situation,

Incorrect, it cannot be roleplay if you have broken the rules of RP by metagaming, using ooc knowledge in a IC situation. That is why I done what I did. 


2 hours ago, biggusdickusfr01 said:

Whether or not you had a nametag on or not, it is considerably more RP friendly.

It isn't, nametags are not a thing, you are aware of this. Whether you done this to "mess around" only you know. Regardless, you should be aware of the rules, I was simply trying to enforce them in a way which does not impair other peoples RP


2 hours ago, biggusdickusfr01 said:

Saying that I don't know what I'm doing, claiming I don't have a sound mind, nor a rational person is unneeded and insulting, pettiness and equally petty insults should be below someone at the rank of Senior Admin.

This is not an insult. I'm very clearly stating that was I approaching the situation to how I perceived you, which how I described. 


2 hours ago, biggusdickusfr01 said:

hiding evidence

This is a false accusation. I made a rough trim of my clip and cut it here as I believed this was when your clips begin. 


1 hour ago, biggusdickusfr01 said:

Fail RP is fail RP. In my eyes the rules are there to be upheld, not blatantly ignored

I agree with this, so why cannot it be applied to yourself?

I will not be commenting any further, please message me on discord if you want to speak some more


Kind Regards,

Staff Manager Haze xx

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3 minutes ago, Haze said:

Incorrect, it cannot be roleplay if you have broken the rules of RP by metagaming, using ooc knowledge in a IC situation. That is why I done what I did. 


I said your name. If saying other people's names in RP scenarios before you ask them, despite already knowing it since it shows up when you look at them is metagaming then EVERYONE has broken the rules. It more-so seems like you are picking and choosing when to uphold the rules in the server, in this case it was to avoid being mugged. I will continue to say people's names and you cannot tell me I cannot.

8 minutes ago, Haze said:

It isn't, nametags are not a thing, you are aware of this. Whether you done this to "mess around" only you know. Regardless, you should be aware of the rules, I was simply trying to enforce them in a way which does not impair other peoples RP


It's called imagination and roleplaying, which is the whole point of the server, I RP'd that you had a nametag to provide a RP reason to as why I knew your name.  As to "messing around", I responded with an RP answer which isn't messing around, that's just RP. You say that you was trying to enforce them in a way that doesn't impair other peoples RP yet you impaired mine by phys-gunning me in the air when I tried to mug you, which if you didn't know, is impairing my RP.

20 minutes ago, Haze said:

This is not an insult. I'm very clearly stating that was I approaching the situation to how I perceived you, which how I described. 


In what world is saying to someone "I was under the assumption that you knew what you were doing, had a sound mind and thought like any other rational person" not an insult? To sum that up, you basically called me retarded in the politest way possible, which still, for someone of your rank should be unacceptable.

27 minutes ago, Haze said:

This is a false accusation. I made a rough trim of my clip and cut it here as I believed this was when your clips begin. 


To this, " Your clip conveniently does not show how you are attempting to bait me into the secluded area. " Your clip "conveniently" does not show how I fully responded to your question

(The reason to as why my clip didn't show me "baiting him into a secluded area" was because my clipping software only records the last 30 seconds, not sure to as why me baiting him into the secluded area particularly matters though)


33 minutes ago, Haze said:

I agree with this, so why cannot it be applied to yourself?


Because I said your name, not refused to drop money whilst being mugged. Although knowing someone's name before you ask them for it could be argued as "metagaming" or "Fail RP" you most likely have broken this rule many times yourself, and everyone else on this server dozens of times too. 

43 minutes ago, Haze said:

I will not be commenting any further, please message me on discord if you want to speak some more


For anyone reading this, feel free to comment, I will answer any and all questions whenever I can.

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Though the staff member in question should have made it clearer that a sit was being instigated sooner, you did still break failRP rules by attempting to lure him into a robbery by using OOC means and openly admitting that you used "the name above his head" to get him down an alleyway to fearRP him. I'll have a word with the staff member in question, but you will also be receiving a warn for FailRP for attempting to instigate a robbery through OOC means. 


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