BNC_Coby 2 Posted July 23, 2022 (edited) n-game name(s): Shade Steam Name: BNC_Coby Steam ID: ( STEAM_0:1:582224689 Age when applying: 15 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: England, BST. Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes i can speak fluently and type. Current total game-time on the server (type !time): 2 wekks IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on CWRP: CG Temp EXO Shade and Plat VIP. (Or CG COL Shade out of temp period) Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes its working and i always speak. When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: 15/04/2022 took one ROA for 2 weeks but cancelled after 2 days. How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, CWRP Discord and our forums: TS and discord everyday and forums quite often. State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type !time then open warns menu, and drag the menu so chat is visible with the time): I have 2 warns for FailRP and VDM which i recieved on my first day on the server where i got in a LAAT thinking i was getting in one of the transport seats but getting into the piolot and flying into a person. State the role of staff on the server: The role of staff is to ensure there are no rule breakers and to provide assistance when people have questions regarding the rules. Another role of staff is to help in trainings by giving equipment for sims and assisting in any other needs for trainings such as colouring the player or giving no clip. Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? Yes i have read them and are familiar with them. List of all previous server staff experience: No when I got gmod I joined this server and that's it. Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes indeed. Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones: I would tp to the reported player and see if there's any evidence (if not I would go to player who reported them to ask for proof) if there is any evidence or it is actively happening I would check logs to see if they shot someone if it shows they did I would tp them away and ask why and say that there not allowed to do it as it is ARDM/RDM and would then warn them and tell them not to do it again. 2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function: I would ask if there are any volunteers in OOC if nobody responds in a couple minutes I would wither tp a low ranking NCO or inform batt so they can order somebody. 3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: It happens quite a lot so I would ask them if it was on purpose and why it happened and then if it was an accident and i would leave it be and let them carry on. 4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: People rarely salute you when you walk past anyway so I wouldn't intervene and leave them be 5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitly stated within the server rules: Not every rule can be stated and is left up to common sense so it would be up to my own judgement to decide on punishment. 6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing: I would try to calm them down and talk them through what they did and why that punishment was deserved then i would return them from the sit and see if they continue if they do then I would punish accordingly Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): With all my time in CG has taught me a lot about the rules and how to deal with them fairly so I already have experience in that area. I also have experience in defusing situations, for example when riots break out. I am a very active member of the community and I have a good relationship with most people on the server. I have never been cruel to rule breakers and if they argue back, I just say I am doing my job and do not argue with them no matter what they say or do. I have had very few days off meaning I have been on almost every day within the community having fun. I am a devoted person, meaning that when I want to achieve something I stick to that path and put my time and effort into it. I also know the equipment and tools used within the server so if people come to me asking how to use them, I would be happy to help. Even though I have no experience with staff on other servers I know the expectations I must live up to and how important of a role this job is within the server and not to think it will be easy. Overall, I should be the best pick for staff as I am a devoted member of the server and have good experience within the server and within a devoted member to the server and have good experience within the server and the community. Edited July 23, 2022 by BNC_Coby
Preence 27 Posted July 23, 2022 (edited) +1 you are very active and a nice guy decent application You have a Solid rank in CG and i feel like you could possibly be a decent staff member. Edited July 24, 2022 by Preence Current Ranks. Event Planner - GM 2nd LT - Jedi Paladin Past Ranks. CT 4123 - 41st 2nd LT - GM CPT - 501st COL - CG DD - 104th LT COL 2x Regimental Medic - CE Major - DU SGT- 442nd 2nd LT - 212th LT COL - Reserve Medic - Jedi Sage - Battalion 2nd LT- GM Supervisor
List 34 Posted July 24, 2022 (edited) Disclaimer: Since there is extremely limited spots in staff with many many people applying I will be completely honest and judging/responding not only based off if I believe you will be a capable staff member but are you better suited to be a staff member compared to the other 40 people that applied, so don't take any of this to heart. Thanks : ) Neutral The application could have used a little more detail being 100% honest but still wasn't that bad There just isn't anything that stands out that says you will be a better staff member than everyone else that has applied, a way you can do this without necessarily interacting a lot with the community socially, is by spending a lot of time on an application. You seem to be doing good in CG though so keep doing that and who knows maybe in 4ish months when apps open again you can be a solid staff member Edited July 24, 2022 by List Sorry for previous response you put in your own steam ID for an arrest I thought you were a minge currently au tistic Previous Ranks: 501st ARC Colonel/Temp Exo DS Squad Leader F73 CWRP Administrator
Vengeance 57 Posted July 24, 2022 Neutral Ive had no issues with you IC or OOC but as List stated, with there being 30+ applicants I'm not seeing much that makes you stick out. Apart from being a decently well known member of CG, nothing really sticks out to me more. Good luck! Current Ranks: CT #### Previous Ranks: CWRP DS Commando F-80 "Scorch" CWRP 501st ARC Colonel CWRP 501st Temp EXO CWRP 41st Temp ARC Major CWRP Jedi Operator TRP Arturo Huevos "The Huevos Family" WW2RP Kompanie Caesar Gefreiter and Pionier CWRP Event Planner CWRP Senior Mod
Ryker 1 Posted July 24, 2022 +1 Very nice guy, mature for his age, has been doing great in his temp role as EXO within CG
Henk - DutchDavin 46 Posted July 26, 2022 Neutral You seem to be doing good IC. I don’t really know you but you just don’t really standout to the other applicants. Good luck Current Rank's: Resident of the CWRP Retirement home Past Rank's: CE Marshal Commander CWRP Executive Administrator