
Incognito (New GOI)

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What is Incognito?

Incognito is a special force group from the surface made up of anomalies that all have different powers from mutations and experiments, they are a group that escaped a laboratory and have all united to try and take down other forces trying to lock away other anomalies, kind of like a civil rights group but much more extreme. The whole concept is that they are normal people who went through traumatic events and years of pain and now they have their own powers they can retaliate and save their fellow anomalies from people like the foundation.

What can it do for the server to improve it?

I believe that if this group is added it can help cause havoc to the facility and can spruce up the overall quality for the MTF units as it gives them more thing to do other than patrol and stand guard. This group is made up of people with powerful abilities so it can also give more chance for people to get in and out safely without being gunned down immediately, getting more of those satisfying kills and overall more fun.

Main goals and creation:

The main goal for this team is to free anomalies and breach them out of the facility, as well as making more anomalous creatures and defeating the ones that are related to their enslaving, they all want to stop abuse against the 'different' and stand against everyone who try to kill and experiment on them for their rights as still semi-human. They began back when there was a breach in a lab before the SCP facility even knew about this lab, they breached because a man nicknamed 'The prophet' had broken out with his power which is supreme strength, making his punches and kicks lethal and his skin almost impenetrable, so he smashed his way out of the chamber he was locked in and released the rest of the anomalies, escaping with their live since they had killed hundreds through tests and torture due to disobedience. They want to avenge their fallen brethren by destroying anything that is related to the torture of  anomalies and the testing on them.

Jobs and hierarchy:

The Prophet- Leader of the group, Has massive amounts of brute force strength but is slow and can use his fists to cause shock waves to knock enemies back (Kills in 2 hits unless they have armor, then it would be 3). Would be WL, level 50 and Plat VIP.

Pyromaniacs- Use flames to melt the enemies quickly, with slightly increased damage to the normal anomalous ability  and can use the fire blaster to propel themselves towards enemies. Would be level 40 and Plat VIP

Shockers- Use the power to control electricity to electrocute the enemies, it weakens by distance bu can slowly kill at long range, at short range it can destroy the opponents and fry them quickly and painfully. Would be Level 50 and Plat VIP

Dashers- Uses their speed to get in front of the enemy quickly and use a knife or a small handgun to kill the enemy quickly and efficiently. Would be level 35 and Plat VIP

Vanishers- They use their power to sneak through the enemies and like the dashers can use a knife to kill the enemy, or they can sneak past them and steal files or break out other anomalies. Would be level 50 and Plat VIP

Shape shifters- They use their ability to become whatever they want and enter the area as quietly as possible, they can disguise as anything and anyone (If props are a little overkill then ignore the 'anything') and will be able to attack from the inside, using their weapons if they can get through. This would be level 20 and VIP

Recruits- The recruits ingest white powder brought from the Chicago Spirits and can tag along in the battles, but cannot use weapons since they are removed and the group dislikes guns for just slaughter, and guns are only used by the infiltrating units to keep them safe, but are only handguns.


If this does get accepted I will do any whitelist templates needed and will help construct ideas for the project at hand and I will deal with the whitelists and the annoying mingery as well to save time, with a simple demotion. Hope you enjoy the idea! BTW BREACH ANOMALY LIMIT IS 1 FOR CLARIFICATION JUST IN CASE AND ALSO IT IS HAS TO BE AT LEAST 20 MINS AFTER A BREACH AND WHEN 3 CONTAINMENT ARE ON!


Edited by [W-G]souldestroyer005
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insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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At this point, I'm convinced that you guys just want to create and or own a group just for the fact of it. 

This is a combination of mainly TSH and stuff from other GOIs. For instance "The Prophet" being an exact replica of the CoTBG construct and other stuff being abilities from TCS or other already done anomalies. Attempting to make your group as powerful as possible because...

You describe your group as purely being for TDM for MTF and your group because that will "Spruce up the entertainment for MTF", because raiding = More fun!  And cause even more chaos by breaching SCPs. You literally describe yourself creating this group to make it as powerful as possible so that it's easier for you to wipe waves of MTF, because effort and skill is too much work. One of the worst purposes yet. 

I can see 0 RP being done by this group and loads being ruined by it, and the last thing we need is another GOI that just non stop raids Foundation and now instead begging in admin chat to do a breach event they can now claim that it's part of the group's purpose! And they get to use all their super cool broken abilities to easily slay MTF squads and unfairly dominate the Foundation, because that's fun! 

Group management is also one of the worst. 

Edited by That1RussianDude
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Yeah pretty much Russian dude, would be nice to have a group made but we are just spreading ideas, it shows that we have at least a little imagination rather than do the same things over and over, One person commented about the Serpent V5 which I had no idea about since I am not an OG to the server, but all I wanted to do was spread my imagination with others rather than have a full blown argument, the reason for more raids is because very few happen a lot of the time and the SCPs breaching is because researchers are either not on, not testing etc, and the breaches happen every hour or so which can make it boring for the people who want to play SCP and so if this is put in the game they can have fun and others can do more, improving RP for containment. The fact you said that you believe that we will do 0 RP is completely opposite to my idea, and since I am going to deal with it, I will put in the effort to make it work rather than keep it doing nothing, you are entitled to your opinion but I am telling you that if it is a new group then I will take complaints, I will even create my own discord if asked, and I will manage the WL and everything to make sure it is at its optimum state. The abilities will be balance by different debuffs as well, such as the prophet being slow and the shockers at a range do a lot less damage, also the pyromaniacs cannot ignite people at a range and rocket blast does damage to them if not careful, the shape shifters, vanishers and dashers have to be up close to attack with the knives and so are harder to play and the recruits are very weak due to their powers being there for around 5 minutes, also the name prophet is not a replica of the prophet of the Church, since he was nicknamed that after they broke out since they believed he would be the end of the whole fiasco with the test and torture, so if you look at my reasoning against yours, it is much more balanced than you think and will be used to its fullest because I will make sure it does. Thank you Russian for bringing up your concerns, but they have been explained to the fullest I can provide and if it is a group I will deal with any further problems anyone has, so just message me over Steam about it if it is a thing, thank you.

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54 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

the reason for more raids is because very few happen a lot of the time 

They happen way to often. Most of time GG is on lockdown because a 12 man team of several GOIs cobbled together are raiding. A real issue with the GOIs currently as they are constantly raiding the Foundation instead of RPing. We also already have a dedicated GOI to raiding, CI.  

54 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

and the breaches happen every hour or so which can make it boring for the people who want to play SCP and so if this is put in the game they can have fun and others can do more, improving RP for containment. 

Breaches shouldn't be often as it isn't SCP, it's SCP-RP, when you play as an SCP, you're hopefully playing for the fact to create RP not to just kill people and breach to kill even more people. Additionally if 1 breach is every hour and a breach lasts around 13 minutes then 13/60 then for hour, 22% of that has a breach occurring in it. Which plenty enough in my opinion, the fun is in the SCP not the fact that they can kill people, altough agreeably that's not always possible because of a lack researchers, but the right solution would be to assist in the research department and apply for HR to assist in that. And what interesting RP is given to the containment units? Being trapped and burned to death constantly by SCP-457 and waiting for their NLR to expire to repeat the cycle? Sure re-containing SCPs is somewhat fun, but dealing with one every second gets annoying. 

54 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

The fact you said that you believe that we will do 0 RP is completely opposite to my idea, and since I am going to deal with it, I will put in the effort to make it work rather than keep it doing nothing.

And this RP that you are creating is the fact that your group will non stop raid Foundation and breach SCPs? Because that's not RP, that's a TDM. It has literally no other "RP" than raiding and killing people, the backstory and "lore" is a paragraph explaining how anomalies want revenge because Foundation bad. What RP can be done or made by this?

54 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

The abilities will be balance by different debuffs as well, such as the prophet being slow and the shockers at a range do a lot less damage, also the pyromaniacs cannot ignite people at a range and rocket blast does damage to them if not careful, the shape shifters, vanishers and dashers have to be up close to attack with the knives and so are harder to play and the recruits are very weak due to their powers being there for around 5 minutes.

It would make sense if for instance 1 of them had anomalous abilities, but everyone? It's broken not because of their personal strengths but them as a unit, and the amount of combos you can make it ridiculous, additionally they are pretty broken by themselves, and really do underestimate them for how good they are. The recruits you act like they are weak, despite them being easily able to wipe waves of Foundation. 

And who exactly will code all of this to make your perfect army of overpowered sweps so you can slay MTF and the snap of your fingers?

54 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

also the name prophet is not a replica of the prophet of the Church, since he was nicknamed that after they broke out since they believed he would be the end of the whole fiasco with the test and torture.

 I said he replicated the construct, because.

"The prophet"

- Lots of health

- Uses fists

The construct

- Lots of health

- Uses fists

The construct also moves fast and has a flamethrower but if you simply combo your "Pyromantics" then you'll have the exact same thing.


54 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

so if you look at my reasoning against yours

It's not good

54 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

it is much more balanced than you think 

It's for sure not balanced in anyway possible unless Foundation are rocking mini nukes with every Nu-7. It's much more broken than you understand.

54 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

Thank you Russian for bringing up your concerns, but they have been explained to the fullest I can provide

It's not been explained why we need another GOI that replicates other GOIs with the same purposes, with them using the most overpowered set ups to go conduct TDMs and breach SCPs which create 0 RP, and will get boring within half an hour. 

This group is a minge's wet dream by giving them some of the most powerful sweps that wants to be managed by someone who is relatively unknown (At least to me) and gives a bunch a empty promises, and is just a terrible idea.

Edited by That1RussianDude
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Look dude, I honestly don't care about what you have to say, this isn't your world to dictate, it is a place for spreading ideas and for a little fun, I decided to put my ideas out and you criticize it like I am your competition or like a disapproving father, I do not care how much you want to say that it is bad and your reasoning is good, but I am not here to sit around and read all your infinite wisdom, I am here to give an idea and get a little bit back from it instead of a barrage of negative feedback about how it is the worst idea. Like I said you have an opinion and you are entitled to it but blasting me with whatever you can think of to slew me is not what I did this for and neither did the other guy, we are not little citizens in you large fortress for you to criticize, so if you wouldn't mind, stop shutting down everything you hear just for the sake of it just because you feel the need to be condescending at the other side of your screen, no one cares for your facts, and everyone who you have given a large paragraph worth of slewing will not care either, just one comment is good enough to tell someone how you feel and that is that. So I will say it one more time, you are entitled to your opinion, but no one cares about all the things you think are wrong. Thank you.

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Ok (ok), boomer
Whatever you say, boomer
Ok (ok), boomer (yeah, boomer)
Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)
Ok (ok), boomer (yeah, boomer)
Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)
Ok (ok), boomer
Whatever you say-
Oki doki boomer
B o o m e r, please
Your dusty mood don't vibe with me
You are old and so, therefore
I must say ten-four dinosaur
Ok (ok), boomer
Whatever you say, boomer
Ok (ok), boomer
Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)
Ok, boomer
Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)
Ok, boomer
Oki doki boomer

I am here to launder money

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19 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

Look dude, I honestly don't care about what you have to say, this isn't your world to dictate, it is a place for spreading ideas and for a little fun, I decided to put my ideas out and you criticize it like I am your competition or like a disapproving father.

Agreeably I have been a little harsh, but to say it isn't all fair isn't right as well.

I criticize GOIs very hard because what you don't seem to understand is that this isn't like a WL application, it's a massive RP changer on the server, a good GOI will add a lot for everyone, a terrible one will take it away, if you're suggesting a GOI, you're put to the same standard as everyone else because it matters so much. 

19 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

 I do not care how much you want to say that it is bad and your reasoning is good, but I am not here to sit around and read all your infinite wisdom.

If you don't like my reasoning, then disagree with me, tell me what's wrong with it and I'll either defend the reasoning or agree with you, it's my opinion and we can debate, I don't have an infinite wisdom I just state my opinion and etc, and you can do the same a address my points and either say what wrong with them or address them yourself and use this info to better your GOI. 

If you're reasoning is good, then defend it. Simple.

19 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

I am here to give an idea and get a little bit back from it instead of a barrage of negative feedback about how it is the worst idea.

If you're getting this kind of feedback, then maybe take a hint from it instead of pouting and claiming how rude everyone is? 

So far there have been 2 suggestions made in total by you and Tzachary, both of them have a terrible concept, design, and execution. Those jobs are purely for raiding the Foundation and causing chaos, they offer no RP and can already be done on the server. You're receiving this kind of feedback so A) Adjust accordingly or B) Scrap the whole idea and move on. Not everything you suggest will be a banger, it takes trial and error, but you need to have the motivation of someone will move on, because I don't want someone managing a group who will give up because someone was being "mean" to them. 

19 minutes ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

stop shutting down everything you hear just for the sake of it just because you feel the need to be condescending at the other side of your screen, no one cares for your facts, and everyone who you have given a large paragraph worth of slewing will not care either, just one comment is good enough to tell someone how you feel and that is that. So I will say it one more time, you are entitled to your opinion, but no one cares about all the things you think are wrong. Thank you.

I'm just giving my opinion, I'm not attempting to be condescending at all. I mean the only areas I can see me being slightly was because you were claiming that you're reasoning was superior to mine, where I then showed it's flaws.

I've made 2 comments, the original one, addressing the issues of the GOI and a response to your reply.

I think people should know my opinion and especially you, you should take this and use it, not start to close your ears and ignore all feedback because it isn't the kind you want to receive, if you made something actually decent that wasn't just a lazy excuse to create an OP group so you can raid the Foundation more easily and own a group then you wouldn't receive this negative feedback. 

A good group manager takes feedback, not shoves it away. 

Edited by That1RussianDude
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I am sorry if I came off a little rude, I just heard that you did it often and didn't know you did until someone told me and said you had been horrible to others, I do apologize about my actions but it was a little harsh and I didn't appreciate it, I hope we can come to a civil agreement and hope this all becomes civil,  I do keep saying you are entitled to your own opinion and I am sorry but I felt like you shove it in people faces too much, but I understand more now and I was just a little annoyed, thanks for your criticism and I am sorry about what I said


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Thank you for your suggestion but I am going to deny this before this descends into more arguing.

I would like to say that it's very good to see newer players coming here and suggesting their own original ideas for GOIs and I ask you not to let certain individuals dissuade you from doing so by being snarky and condescending towards you and your ideas. 

I do not know why people are under the delusion that Combat =  No RP, as quite literally every Role Playing Game I have ever played, going back to text based RPGs and Tabletop RPGs have a lot of combat in them. Unfortunately at the moment people seem to label any combat (Even if it has a very good RP purpose, or is a result of RP)  as "TDM" and seem to think good RP is limited solely to Passive RP, which it is not.


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