
Navas' Battalion Application

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Navas' Battalion Application


Steam Name: Navas

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:516450086

Current OOC rank: Security Staff/Platinum VIP

Age : 19

What is your playtime: 4mo 1w 6d 12h

Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: Yes.


Have you read through the Battalion Handbook, and extended documents from it: I have.


Do you meet the requirements: I am currently the rank of SGT but have been MJR+ in the past so have experienced the roles and duties of Battalion first hand for quite a long time. Other than this, I do meet all of the requirements.


State all previous OOC punishment (Kicks, Bans and Warnings | Including Discord / Team Speak) and provide a screenshot of your list of warnings (Go in-game and do !warns) then provide a screenshot: I have never been warned or kicked from the server. When I resigned a year and a bit ago, I annoyed a CAT member to the point where they banned me from the discord for 3 months. I have since realised that I should not have annoyed them to the degree that I did, and I apologise for my childish actions. Since coming back, I have been well behaved and plan to continue that.




In Character Section (IC) -


In-Game name (Regiment, Rank then your name): 501st SGT Navas

Highest rank obtained: RC Commander

Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment: No


What is the Battalion Motto: "Lead your men to death. Honour is better than surrender".


Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion (100 words minimum): The role of Battalion is to guarantee that every other regiment does their job to the utmost effectiveness. During Defcon 5, Battalion must ensure that they are focused on the running of the base. This includes Granting and Denying any requests that may be brought to their attention by other personnel on or off base. When not leading the base, Battalion must devote their attention to their supervisional regiment. They are able to host trainings with the regiment and help out the hierarchy in any way they can. Battalion supervisors are meant to bring any issues that the regiment may have to the higher ups, where it can be solved and improved upon, which is very important. When under attack, the leading Battalion must keep a level head and a good point of view over the battle so that they can lead the base in the most effective and clone-efficient manner. They must be able to make decisions in the heat of the moment and these decisions must be correct as many lives depend on them.


Why should we pick you for Battalion (200 words minimum): Being a previous RC Commander, I have had previous experience leading a group into battle. However, there is a notable size difference between leading a small group of well trained people, and leading a base of different regiments. I mainly want to become Battalion to help out and also for the challenge. I always looked at Battalion as something that I wanted to achieve previously and believe that now is the correct time to do so. I am very comfortable with speaking in front of a large group and thinking on the go; believe that this will come in very handy. From past experience, I have found out that I can stay calm under pressure. This will benefit me when leading as I will be able to make better, more decisive decisions than I may have been able to if I was less experienced. I think that becoming Battalion will grant me a new perspective and I am very keen to become involved and do whatever may be necessary. As a Battalion, I will not think that I am better than anyone else as that, from experience, can cause a lot of problems. Instead, I will strive to be as understanding and easy to talk to about any issue that may be brought to my attention.


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank? I do understand this and will behave accordingly.


What do Battalion do during combat, when they are not leading (In detail):. When not leading the base, Battalion must be alongside their supervised regiment and assist them where they can. It is imperative that they do not overshadow any commands given by the higher ups in the regiment as this will cause turmoil and tension and that is not the aim of Battalion Supervisors.


What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted? 

- Host an open training

- Lead a base attack with voice amp

- Lead a planetary attack and a debrief



What rank can Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up too: They are able to promote any clone up to the rank of Captain. They are subsequently allowed to demote anyone from Captain and below.


Anything else?: I understand that my current rank may be a slight issue in the decision to grant me Battalion, however, I hope that my previous rank being MJR+ is still within the time threshold to accept me. I assure you that I try my very hardest to help Battalion out in any way possible and give my all. 


Thank you for taking the time and reading my application.

  • Navas

Edited by Navas

                        Current Ranks:                                                                  Previous Ranks

                                                    Happy                                                                                    Less happy




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A really good application and your explanation on why you should be picked for Battalion is very well written and showing you are a capabable leader. Im sure you would get far as Battalion as you seem to have the determiation for it. 
Good luck with your application 😁

Previous Ranks:

212th COL

501st EXO & 501st Vice Commander

CWRP Senior Event Planner


"I spent 300 hours getting into ARC"

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It would've been amazing to have you in Battalion but sadly you haven't been MJR+ in the last 3 Months 

Aside from that the application is amazing and I hope that you will reapply when your get to MJR!

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- Extremely good app. Someone's actually taking it seriously, good job.

- Worrying that applied with Sergeant and not been Major within 3 months, but I still hope you get in.

Current Ranks


CT Executive Officer

CWRP Event Planner

Past Ranks

CT Temporary Commander

CT Temporary Vice Commander


501st Snr Medic COL


Temp Head Medical Officer

Temp Deputy Medical Officer

501st Temp Executive Officer





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Unfortunatly as it has been said, you haven't been major in +3 months... I have no doubt you would be a great Battalion Navas, but you haven't been major in quite a while...

Good luck anyway Navas!

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