
Ginger's Event Planner Application

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General Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: BigGinger (Profile link:

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): Battalion Brigadier Ginger

Teamspeak Name: BigGinger

Playtime on the Server: 2mo 4d 12h 52m

SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:121415491

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: I have a very small amount of staffing on CWRP, it was barely a day but I learned the ropes of staff

Current Age: 20


Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes to both

Have you ever done an Event Before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities an event planner has? If so, what are they?: An EPs responsibility is to professionally conduct events in-game that everyone can enjoy. They should use the permissions they are given to manage the events they come up with to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible while making sure that the event characters have their reasonable requests given to keep enjoyment levels high. They are not to abuse these permissions, as well as their access to ULX as EPs need to be given trust through actions.

Furthermore, they must help out their fellow EPs, for example, if an EP requires a co-lead for their event, you are to assist them where possible but not take over and pass it off as your event.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: I understand completely

Clone Event Plan:

Create an event plan for clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event: A band of criminals have infiltrated the base, and the republic must locate them before they run off with supplies.


Event Announcement for your story: Trespassers! They've come for your supplies and will deplete your resources if left unchecked. Quickly, join the fight against these thieves so you can put those precious republic resources back to where they should be!

Choice of map: Rishi Moon (The mountainous area around main base can be used to great effect for ECs to get into high clearance areas undetected to allow the event to start)

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Cartel. This event is about stealth and invading an unsuspecting army that is currently dealing with a war, makes sense that pirates would try to profit from it to steal supplies and weapons to fuel their own criminal agenda.
(eg. Pirates, Reason, )

Additional Characters: Myself or Co-lead could act as a comms channel to direct the ECs on where to go, making it feel like a spy mission.
(eg. passive character)

Republic's outline and execution: The pirates accidentally trip an alarm in a high clearance level area and the Battalion will order their troops to that location.
(e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.")

Event Character outline and execution: The pirates will sneak into the base from the mountains and proceed to admiralty offices, after tripping an alarm after hacking a chosen admirals datapad, they will barricade themselves in the office, lace it with explosives and immediately begin fighting. After fighting ceases (when the event timer is up, the pirates will plead for surrender and lie to interrogators about their intention, saying they are poor and homeless when in fact they are just greedy and wanted to exploit the republic's war effort.
(e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice")

Jedi Event Plan:

Create a Jedi event BASED upon one of the following P-EC scenarios below 

- Grey Jedi Teidowan who prevented the Jedi order from stopping the genocide of a village. The Grey Jedi now must be redeemed by the Jedi order. Write an event plan on how the Grey Jedi would be redeemed

- Sith Apprentice who seeks to resurrect its master with a dark ritual after he was slain by the Jedi. The ritual required sacrifices of multiple lifeforms. Write an event plan on how the Sith could perform said ritual

- Mercenary Guerilla wanted by the republic for multiple murderers has been hired by a wealthy client. After a high-ranking Jedi within the order captured the wealthy client previously, now he is hungry for revenge. Write an event plan so that the Mercenary can kidnap the high-ranking Jedi

Story for your event BASED on the option: An uncharacteristically violent Grey Jedi Maenowan and his Teidowan protest against the Jedi, discussing the differences in their order and how it benefits them and how others should abandon the jedi order for what they deem is "True peace". The Maenowan becomes increasingly agitated and eventually attacks, with the Teidowan reluctantly following behind him. Eventually, the Teidowan surrenders and pleads for redemption, after watching the Maenowan be cut down for his violent outburst.

Event Announcement for your story: Not everyone agrees with the Jedi's way of thinking, and two members of the Grey Jedi order have come to recruit for what they believe is the better way of living. Prove to them that only through the light can salvation for the galaxy be found. Make sure you hold your duties and responsibilities close, you never know how violent someone can get when proven wrong.

Additional Characters: A second grey jedi to act as the elder of the two (as stated before). Perhaps some summons like infected ECs to showcase the elder's power more.
(eg. passive char or burner EC)

Jedi's outline and execution: The Jedi sit with the seemingly peaceful grey Jedi down and they discuss their respective orders and values, eventually, the Jedi will be engaged and the fighting starts. Once the fighting ends, they will have a brief discussion with the Teidowan before the Teidowan willingly goes to jail for his part in attacking the order
(e.g. "- Jedi finds a camp of slaughtered civilians  .")

Jedi Event Character outlines and execution: Grey Jedi will march up to the Jedi Temple and request an audience with the leading Jedi and their masters, they will have a discussion on the Grey Jedi, and how they may have a bad impression but they want to recruit young recruits. After the Jedi continue to refuse, the Maenowan/most experienced grey Jedi will engage and the Teidowan/less experienced will follow behind, but the latter will eventually surrender after the former is slain.
(e.g. "- Sith has sent an emissary to lure the Jedi into an ambush")

Last question:

Anything else?: Thank you for taking the time to read my application. Please do leave your comments below, it makes me feel more confident about this whole process when you do.

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It's another Batt that wants ULX 😱



Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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Ginger my beloved

Good plan 
very nice guy 

Current Ranks
  DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager - CWRP Deputy Event Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu - Yoda





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really cool jedi event 

seems like a good clone event 

Can probably be trusted with ulx 

Edited by Slavking
bottom line

Current Ranks


Past Ranks: 

 Kit Fisto, 212th Exo ,  Batt officer ,  Event Planner , GM 2nd LT, Snr Mod

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good application


high rank



go on my fellow ginger

Current Ranks:

Battalion Major | Senior Event Planner

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG T Vice Commander Exotic Weapon Specialist | Peacekeeper Battalion 2nd Lieutenant Event Planner


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