212th TRP Wasp

LATRP unban appeal (Template version cause i didn't see the notice)

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My In-Game name: 212th TRP Wasp

STEAMID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198410151441/

Steam Name: Names_arent_everything

What is the reason for your ban: Got a LATRP

How long were you banned for: 3 days

Name of the staff member who banned you: camo432

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Like last post, played as scav got caught and spammed for my life trying to break the cuff, game closed down persumeably by crashing and tried to rejoin.

Evidence: Ask CG carre and 41st strum, this happend yesterday as well

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9 hours ago, 212th TRP Wasp said:


this did also happen yesterday wasp crashed but as soon as wasp got back in he got CG to put him back into the brig so he could serve the time (wasp was a scav at the time) I'm not sure in this instance what happened as i wasn't there  but he did the right thing the first time but staff can see if you crashed so good luck wasp 

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