
Modelling Team Application Template

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Requirements to apply

We expect applicants to actively play one of our servers and be able to prove this when requested.

To be accepted as a Junior Modeller we expect at least some basic modelling knowledge, even if its not specifically GMOD based.

To be accepted as a Modeller you must be able to demonstrate a strong knowledge of modelling, as well as having images or a portfolio to showcase previous models you have made.


Copy & paste the following template into your application and answer as honestly as possible.

Server(s) within WG you have played/currently play:(include your highest IG rank for each/any and estimated time played)

Discord Name:


Steam Name:


Steam ID: (


Age when applying:


What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone:


What is your Modelling knowledge?: (i.e Have you made models before? Have you been modeller before for a GMOD community before? How long have you been making models? Do you have substance painter? etc)


Why do you want to Model for Werewolf Gaming?:


If accepted, is there a server you would want to primarily work on?: (If you have no preference, leave as N/A)


If Accepted, Is there a Modeller you would prefer to learn from?:(Only relevant for Junior Modeller applicants, remove if applying for full Modeller)

Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak:


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