
Southski's EP application :)

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Steam Name + Profile link: GSVHD |

Roleplay Name GM ARC COL Southski

Teamspeak Name: Southski 

Playtime on the Server: Your total time is 4w 2d 7h 16m.

SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:60600173

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Not really

Current Age: 23

Warns/Bans (Screenshot required):

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes 

Have you ever hosted an event before?: Have helped out in PME's and been EC many times

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: PME with Aguero, didnt go as planed but we improviced and it worked out

Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Host balanced and fun events for both sides

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes

Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):

Story for your event: Pirates have come to Rishimoon to try to make a deal with the Republic. They want the Republic to turn a blind eye to there drug smugeling. They tell them they will pay them 30% of there profits. The Republic are not willing to do this so they contact the CIS to help them take over Rishimoon.

Event Announcement for your story: Pirates have landed on Rishimoon and want to make a deal. They have contaced the CIS and if the deal dosnt go thru they are threatining to attack

Choice of map: Rishimoon

Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?:
(eg. Pirates, Reason, )
Pirates and Droids, because they made a deal

Additional Characters:
(eg. passive character)

Republic's outline and execution:
(e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.")
There will be an advert to lett them know they are entering orbit and negotiations at main gate

Event Character outline and execution:
(e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice")

If the negotiations dont go well they will attack and then the CIS will send in drop pods with droids

Anything else?: sorry about my spelling 

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Nice person
High rank
Super active

Basic story

Very short application, not very thorough.

Current Ranks:
CT EXO Senior Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT 2x | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM VC | 212th SGTM


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Southski has been one of the nicest folks I have met coming back to the server, Always willing to offer a laugh or a lesson from pac3 to grapple hooking to cooking. Absolute lad and would do great as an EP from what I have gathered of his creativity, Big +1

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After going through your application, Event Management as well as the Senior EP team would like to invite you to an Interview.
Please contact a member of Event Managment for your interview

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