truji 2 Share Posted June 26 In-game name(s): Truji Steam Name: Truji22 Steam ID: ( STEAM_0:1:157949861 Age when applying: 20 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: Spain (GMT+1) Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes Current total game-time on the server (type !time): Your total time is 4w 3m. IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on CWRP: CE Gamma ARC EFT COL Truji Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes and speak When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: Joined the 19th of January 2024 and had a 1 week long LOA since How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, CWRP Discord and our forums: Teamspeak and Discord most days, forums check the weekly. State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). None :). State the role of staff on the server: The role of the staff on the server is making sure people are enjoying themselves and having fun as long as the are following the rules of the server. They can take different types of claims as simple as getting someone unstuck or helping set up a training/SIM, or more complex as having someone accused of FailRP or RDM. Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? Yes List of all previous server staff experience: Elite Administrator - Jedi vs Sith Icefuse [shutdowned] Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones: I would talk to the person who reported it so he explains the context in which this happened. I would then follow the player around and keep checking the logs to see if its on purpose. If it is on purpose I would bring the player to a sit, explain to him the situation and the punishment/warning given out to them. If he killed more than one clone and it doesnt seem on purpose I would tell him to be more carefull and to not hit friendlies. 2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function: First off I would tp to them and explain that I will get someone to train him. After that I would tell battalion that there is a cadet that needs to be trained, and ask them to get someone (NCO's preferably) to train the cadet. If no battalion happens to be on I'll put in the OOC chat that there is a cadet that needs training and ask for volunteers, if I get non I would start getting NCO's tped to me until I find someone who trains him. 3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: If this is really accidental then I would not do anything as I believe CG or anyone with enough cappabilities (IC) can handle it. If this situation repeats itself frequently I would keep closer attention to the actions of that CT as I understand is no longer unintentional and could be punishable OOC. 4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: I would do nothing that has to do with staff as this is an IC situation and should be handled has such. A part from that is not something enforced at the moment in the server, not even to admirality. 5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitally stated within the server rules: If its FailRP then I would explain to him there are some FailRP instances that aren't in the rules, and don't need to be there to be considered FailRP. If its really withing the selver rules I would just show him the specific part where is on. In the case that it is not explicitally stated I would try to make him understand why it is FailRP and why he had been giving the specific punishment, if its not just a verbal warning depending on the situation. 6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing: I would try to explain to them the reasoning behind the punishment and why it is being handed to them . A part from that if he keeps talking to me trying to understand it I would still try to explain it to him, but the moments it turns toxic I would just tell them if he really believes he is on the right he can try to argue it in the forums but no with me as I already explained the situation. Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): I think the experience on another server helps me to move well in situations that other people have probably never been in. With this experience, things like being unbiased and being reasonable enough to handle different situations taking the context of those situations into account. And I'm also mature enough to take any criticism that anyone might have towards me and improve on that thing that I might need. A part from that I think of myself as an understanding person that never really gets worked up in any situation while dealing with other people, this helps with dealing with people of all kinds like people that don't want to listen or kids that really don't understand the situation or don't want to understand it. Because of this I am willing to explain anything to anyone who has a question about anything or for that matter helping anyone who needs the help I can bring, and if I can't help them or can't answer them anything specific I get them to the person who knows the answer. Another good thing I consider I have is that I'm active and this shows that I really care about the community and about making it better. In this time I have been active I reached the rank of COL with CE and also temped as VC once, and Gamma ARC with ARC, which shows I'm a person that can be trusted with different responsibilities and that doesn't missuse the position he is in to abuse it. During this time I haven't been arrested nor warned, which shows I do follow the different rules IC and also OOC. This doesn't mean that I'm serious all the time, I'm just serious when the situation requires it which has helped me make different friends throughout the time I have played. A part from that I don't think I have made any enemies and I'm friendly towards anyone who wants to talk to me. I just want to end this by saying I would love the opportunity to improve the player's time on the Server and the Server itself and thats is what I think I can bring to staff, someon who cares about it. Link to comment
Tasker 70 Share Posted June 26 Has been playing for long enough to have an alright understanding of the rules and how the server works. Would do well as a member of staff truji 1 Link to comment
TheDucktator 9 Share Posted June 27 +1 Great Guy Able to handle situations with great care Is very responsible Is a great SO truji 1 Current SWRP Ranks [ CT Vice Commander] | [ Detainment Droid ] | [ SWRP Junior Developer ] Past SWRP Ranks [ CE Vice Commander ] | [ Junior Medic ] | [ Jedi Knight ] | [ 212th 2nd Lieutenant ] [ 118th Master Sergeant ] | [ 118th Demolition Leader ] Link to comment 129 Share Posted June 28 +1 he can hit a Musty flick i think and is a very nice guy truji 1 Spoiler Current Ranks DS Commando F91 CWRP Deputy Event Manager Honour Guard Past Ranks CT 2459 CE PFT Medic Colonel Battalion Colonel GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner x2 Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Shadow Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Warlock Jedi Paladin Jedi Lorekeeper Jedi Phantom CWRP Jedi Event Planner 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi wan Kenobi Plo Koon Mace Windu Grandmaster Yoda Link to comment
Pingu 33 Share Posted June 30 Accepted ____________________________________ You have been accepted into the Staff team! Contact a member of SMT for your introduction! Spoiler Current Ranks CWRP Manager Grandmaster Yoda Sith Initiate Past Ranks 327th Colonel Head of Battalion Republic Vice Admiral Imperial Grand Admiral CWRP Admin Jedi Champion Jedi Battle Master Plo Koon 501st Vader's Fist Vice Commander Imperial Commando DS Squad Leader Imperial Commando Vice Commander S-12 Adjutant Governor Major General Lieutenant General General IRP Event Planner IRP Senior Event Planner IRP Deputy Event Manager IRP Super Admin (For 20 Minutes) IRP Event Manager IRP Vice Manager IRP Manager ICRP Manager TRP Manager Rebel Alpha Commander FiveM Staff Manager CWRP Staff Manager Link to comment