
Jett EP application

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General Information:



Steam Name + Profile link: Nox +


Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 212th Vice commander Jett


Teamspeak Name: Jett


Playtime on the Server: 2w 4d 6h 14m


SteamID (😞 STEAM_0:0:207976543


Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No

Current Age: 20


Warns/Bans (Screenshot required😞



Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes and yes


Have you ever hosted an event before?: No


What was your event and was it successfully executed?:N/a


Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes EPs have a responsibility to the players and server to host fun and creative events whilst being balanced and fair. using ULX EP’s are trusted to not abuse their status.


Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:Yes



Clone Event Plan: (Delete this if applying for Jedi)


Create an event plan for Clones, Event announcement, What type of enemies will be encountered. Keep in mind this will be used for your first training event. Make it easy to understand, be original and be creative(Use the Template):


Story for your event:


 An important merchant is coming to the republic base with a new trade deal, The Man manufactures a large portion of the Bacta gel used by the base; however, he brings his bodyguard of elite Mandalorian soldiers.


The merchant lands on base and is escorted to an office where said deal could be discussed However turns out a rival business man has paid his bodyguard group to scare him and make him delay completing the deal, However the Mandalorian seeing this opportunity decided to frame the rival business man and kidnap/take hostage the merchant for a ransom from the republic.


Should negotiations fail the Mandalorian assassinate the merchant to frame the republic and tie up loose ends. They proceed to battle the base, until they can find an opportunity to escape causing havoc and massive property damage.


Event Announcement for your story: 

A Bacta Merchant of great significance for the republic has reached out to our forces he wishes to travel to our base to discuss a new trade deal. However he is accompanied by his elite bodyguards of Mandalorian soldiers who know no bottom line, ensure his safety while the trade deal is discussed.


Choice of map:


Type of enemies/faction, Why them in particular?: Deathwatch 

(eg. Pirates, Reason, ) Because they act like mercenaries and they can have Passive RP, plus it makes sense a big shot would hire the best of the best.

80 players on there would be 8 EC

two warriors

two Commandos

two Deathwatch soldiers

one Marksmen

one Flame Trooper


Additional Characters: Bacta Merchant

(eg. passive character)


Republic's outline and execution: the battalion are to announce an important Merchant is coming to base, once he lands he is to be greeted and escorted to a suitable place to conduct the trade deal.

(e.g. "- Battalion inform all troops that an unknown ship has entered orbit.")


Event Character outline and execution: the EC are to follow and “protect” the merchant(ep) once they have entered negotiation/discussing detail about the deal the EC’s when ready will advertise that a signal has been received and they take hostage the merchant. When the hostage has been taken they are to Passive rp and explain they have been hired by a rival business man. After the merchant dies the EC are free to attack the base.

(e.g. "- All Bounty Hunters are dropped off at the caves, they will stay there until further notice")



Last question:


Anything else? W-G E-Planner


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You have a Creative Event Idea, you are quite the Lovely Chap and you are a Vice Commander, so you know your way around Leading People and briefing them. Might aswell give him a Shot.

Edit: I wish you would still go into a bit more Detail as where the Merchant is from, who his Rival is and why the Mercenaries would attack the Base (are they just trying to fight their Way out of the Base or are they just hostile for the sake of it...)


Edited by Loki
Had to add something.

spacer.pngSeth was here

Current Ranks:
Battalion Major | Jedi Event Planner | Reserve Medic CG DD | Jedi Ace
Past Ranks:
CE COL | Jedi Adept Regimental Medic | 104th 2nd LT | 41st SGT | DU SGTM 501st COL | Rancor Instructor 

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+1 Been a great member of the community and is very easy going

- The plan itself is also different and not seen alot, I like the idea of a double cross ( I'm stealing it) and the fact that you end negotiations in a different sorta way an RP reason to open fire very nice


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After reviewing your application, we would like to invite you to an interview.
Please contact a member of Event Management when ready.

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