
Joeys ep application

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General Information:

Steam Name + Profile link:Joey_097

Roleplay Name Jedi Champion Joey

Teamspeak Name:Joey.09

Playtime on the Server:Your total time is 2w 6d 3h 14m.

SteamID STEAM_0:0:844180044

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: nope

Current Age:16

Warns/Bans [not letting me put the ss in here i can send it in a ticket or dm on discord]

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:indeed [£150]

Story for your event (250 words minimum):

A Jedi master has came from the corosaunt temple because he could feel the force crying out and leading him here,He couldnt understand what the force was trying to say to him but he could feel it dragging him to the holocron vault. When entering the holocron vault everthing looked fine but something looked off! When looking around the jedi noticed a crack in one of the walls. They look into it and litley push it. A deep dark hole has appeared looking like it was leading to something.When the jedi begin to make there way down they can feel theforce crying out to them like something was going on.When they arrive at the bottom of the cave they see 2 people what look likes siths.They quicky notice that they have 2 holocrons and it looks like the sith are trying to open them attempting to steal jedi information.Before Confronting the "sith" They see another entrance to the cave. In the cave there a boxes filled to the top with stolen holocrons and kyber crytals.The master can feel the force closer then never the jedi must confront the siths, what will they do fight or negotiate. the jedi try to negotiate but the sith arent having it and keep mentioning a guy called master? The jedi fight the sith and they take care of them. Once they were delt with the look around the cave and see another entrance. the jedi go into the entrance and follow the route down.when they arrive they see another sith with opened holocrons and bleeding kyber crytals.the the jedi realise this would of been the master the previous siths were talking. about jedi confront the man and realise the sith is defenceless and have nothing to protect himself with.the jedi arrest the sith and put him away for a life knowing if he gets out he has jedi knowledge to spread.

Event Announcement for your story:A jedi master from corosaunt has arrived to the temple following the force. The jedi ask him what is wrong and why he is here. The jedi master has told the jedi he feels a disturbance in the force leading into the temple. once entering the temple they feel the force pulling them to the holocron vault. What will they do?


Choice of map:rishimoon


Additional Characters:n/a

Jedi's outline and execution:
The jedi finds a crack in the holocron vault not knowing were it could of came from.

Jedi Event Character outline and execution:
The jedi can feel the force crying out to them knowing something was going wrong [i dont really understand this question]

Last question:

Anything else?: spent some time thinking of this idea for the event if i cant do it i hope someone can in the future

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What are the responsibilities an event planner has? (100 words minimum): The eps have to make sure that the server is alive and fun. Event planners have to make great and enjoyable events to make players wanna play the game and stay consistent.if there r no events the server dies simple so its there job to stay active and and coming up with constant ideas for there events and future events.The event planners should also be able to face constructive criticism.people r going to want better events and like to give feedback so the eps know how to improve for the future. its also the eps responsibility not to get annoyed the ecs for missing up and let them know how to improve for the future.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:indeed i do!     [deleted this part in the application sorry 


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  • Some Parts of the Story are poorly written, such as:
  • Quote

    "When entering the holocron vault everthing looked fine but something looked off"

  • Quote

    "When the jedi begin to make there way down they can feel theforce crying out to them like something was going on."

  • Quote

    "A Jedi master has came from the corosaunt temple because he could feel the force crying out and leading him here"

Theres many more Parts i'd like to quote, but you should get the Point.

  • The entire Formatting and Construction of the Application is lackluster, it just seemes like you rushed your Application for no good Reason.
  • The Event itself; is an easy Event to create and execute so thats a Positive.
  • Jedi Champion (SPL); you've shown Dedication in the Jedi Order, which is also good.

It is your first Application and i think its great that you are showing Interest in Jedi EP! But nonetheless i want you gather some Experience, take Time with your Application and most importantly try not to repeat yourself on the Story Part...

spacer.pngSeth was here

Current Ranks:
Battalion Major | Jedi Event Planner | Reserve Medic CG DD | Jedi Ace
Past Ranks:
CE COL | Jedi Adept Regimental Medic | 104th 2nd LT | 41st SGT | DU SGTM 501st COL | Rancor Instructor 

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Needs way more experience in the server. Needs to learn more about the inner workings and just the general flow of things.
Loki has explained everything about the application itself
Still immature

High Jedi rank
Very good guy

I love ya Joey but it is way too early for you. You don't need to rush! It's good to see you're interested in being EP but first you gotta learn about how things work a bit more. Talking with EPs and asking questions is always the best way to do it

Good luck!

Current Rank:

212th SGT

Past Ranks:

501st Executive Officer

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The Application is horrible, I thought you were going to take your time
Loads of Grammar errors 
Loki and Moon explained most 
Interesting story, A dupe would look very nice to it.
However I see you have some potential so if you work on the next one properly then I would say you would be a good ep!


Current Ranks.

Event Planner - 501st COL - Jedi Champion
Past Ranks.

CG 2nd LT - CT 4123 - 41st 2nd LT - GM CPT - 501st COL -  CG DD 104th LT COL - GM LT
2x Regimental Medic CE Major - DU SGT442nd 2nd LT Jedi Snr Guardian- 212th LT COL - Reserve Medic - Jedi SageBattalion 2nd LT- GM Supervisor

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No effort in the application whatsoever
Very immature from what I have heard

This application just shows that the applicant has no real desire in being an EP, and moreso just wanting to have ULX.

Edited by Ravolta

Current Ranks:
CT EXO Senior Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT 2x | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM VC | 212th SGTM


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