
Unwarn Appeal- Lunar Colony

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In game name: Lunar Colony

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:43028249

Steam Name: The Card

What is the reason of the warning: "Wasting staff time" and being "toxic"

Name of the staff member who warned you: Maurice

Why shall I be unwarned: So first this happened like 1-2 months ago I can't remember, I posted the console log to Nathan Beck via discord, people who was in this could remember what happened or so. I will colourise the texts so it will be easier to see and understand, uneeded things or IC/OOC stuff will be in diffirent colour and staff sit will be diffirent colour. I will explain what did I do with a diffirent too, anyway the spoiler will have the logs and all.



The start: Kinqu Kyle called a staff sit cause I killed him, the reason why I killed him he was near 2 SCP's (SCP-049-II and SCP-008-II which are infectious) Fading Door oppened and I tried to cuff him and get him to SCP-500 cause I couldn't let a SCP-008 outbreak happening in the room, and there was over 3 unarmed personel in there. I didn't risked the chances and tried to cuff him, he ran away and I shot him. (And he had the SLAM idle animation aka the pose when you hold the Keycard, I thought he oppened it so there was another reason why I was gona arrest him, but his friend oppened it not a big thing but just making things clear.)

Ludwig Ahgrin brought You
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: So
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: He oppened CC

[Platinum-VIP](OOC) First Lieutenant Willrick: regimentsmusik
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: He could be infected
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] Jeff CartWright: Swm on site where am i needed
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: He ressited arrest
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: It wasnt me mate
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: I ask to be returned (x1)
[COMMS][Foundation] Dr Beckett: innterogation on scp 049 was not succesful as we did not get any answers
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: ya fucking donkey
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: You did it I didn't know who did it, but he was near the keycard scanner and he had the SLAM Idle animation.
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: no
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: it wasnt me

(OOC) Hazza Longbot: E-11 not helping a researcher how nice
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: i was next to wasza
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] Jeff CartWright: sqm on site where am i needed?
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: it was will
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: Does anyone have footage? I disagree with my mouse going right to left several times.
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: i even told ya
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: evidence?
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: Then why would you have your keycard out and rush it to scanner
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: he doesn't return me

[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: I didint have it 
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: out
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: even

[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: you did
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: any footage?
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: yes or no 
same thing shaking my head right to left
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: i was trying to body block zombies as SR you can't body block, but I didn't care so I skipped this part in the sit, Norra didn't noticed this either.
chase medhurst has been rewarded.To also receive rewards, Login every day!
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: you can't use the keycard bug anymore So for new people in V5 and earlier your animation when you die (like holding a pistol, AK etc.) was your Keycard Animation. In raids you could look like you holding an AK, but you werent. Diesel Changed and reworked keycards so people couldn't use the keycard bug anymore, thats what I meant.
Failed to get emotes for chase medhurst, request unsucessful: This profile is private.
Iteration: Jules changed their RPName to: Jules Mcgroot

[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: ngl preatty epic DM
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: [18:02]Sykes: BLAMED ON YOU AHHAA
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: [18:02]Sykes: BLAMED ON YOU AHHAA

[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: and you could be infected so we had rights to detain or kill you
Do !discord in chat to join ourdiscord server!
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: epic gamer moment
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: I don't care
● SCP-RP | [W-G]Crusader (STEAM_0:1:168618464) has joined the server ●
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] El Black Wasza: 049-2's can be infected by 008-2 This was the Crosstest we were guarding as E-11, and I asked to be returned cause this, if something goes wrong SCP-008-II Outbreak could happen.
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: Shouldn't have your keycard out
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: i said i aint infected
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: can both of you stfu and answer my question yes?
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: i didint have my keycard out
Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: ya twat

[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] El Black Wasza: It also causes the 049-2's to redevelop some of their lost body mass
Alexander Anderson has been rewarded.To also receive rewards, Login every day!
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: No Responding to Norra
General Craw changed their RPName to: Andy Beckett
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: Kinqu?
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] El Black Wasza: Making 008-2 Superior.
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: return me (x2)
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: what
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] Will Sykes: 049-2 is gay compared to 008-2
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: Oh wow
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: do you have evidence?
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: So RP
I shoot at Norra to make him return me, and stop this pointless sit, and Maurice pops out. Thats why he slapped me.
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] Hermann Schrodinger: astounding info
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: !slap @
Ludwig Ahgrin slapped You with 0 damage
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: so profesional
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: shooting staff in sit

[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: buddy
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: wow
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: so profesional

[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: hi maurice
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: answer
BubbleButt changed their RPName to: Simion
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: he is wasting my time
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: no i fuckign dont duh
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: can you be fcking
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: alright
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: respectful to staff trying to find out what happened
Carl Tomson has become infected!
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] El Black Wasza: But the 008-2's could possibly infect 049, which would result in something very bad most likely.
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: he basicly RDMed me and i cant do anything
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: Well he already saied he didn't have evidence
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: very nice
Derick Jenkins has been rewarded.To also receive rewards, Login every day!
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: also I don't give a fuck about your time if you are being rude Yep I am being rude and toxic, I RDM'd Kinqu haha (being sarcastic of course). Being Arrogant and getting annoyed by someone just wasting your time
SALE ON ALL PACKAGES! Type !shop in chat for VIP|Instant SCP Access|Levels/XP|PAC3|E2|3D Radio; We support PayPal & Bank Card/Credit Card
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: if he didn't see that not my problem
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: I asked to be return

[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: ludwig
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: This is the fourth time
BubbleButt changed their RPName to: Simion peel
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: did you check combat logs
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: I can check logs that you killed him yes
Cameron Stoker returned Simion peel to their original position
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: he*
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: did you notice how he killed both of them
Cameron Stoker teleported to Hermann Schrodinger
(OOC) Kevin Oreily: i have to go for a little
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: both?
(OOC) Kevin Oreily: cya u guys later
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: epic gamer moment
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Hermann Schrodinger: brb
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: ludwig
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: can u check 
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: if he infected me

[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: 008 infection doesn't show on the logs
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: and proove ti him
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: I was staff I am saying this cause SCP-008 infection SWEP doesn't show on blog and I knew this cause I was a staff
(OOC) Andy Beckett: can we get some scientists to test more d bois
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: don't bother with it
We have a teamspeak server:
[Cuffs] Daniel Mcdonald has handcuffed Crusty Ham with Elastic Restraint
[Cuffs] johnson woods has handcuffed Chris Garfield with Elastic Restraint

[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: it doesnt show up
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation System]: Remember, security is the first step towards a safe work environment. Stay secure, stay vigilant.
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: and if he stands near 2 infectious SCP's we can asume he is infected when there is no object between them
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: because i wasnt infected
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: to me it just seems like a miss communication
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: He resisted arrest
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: he seems very powerhungry
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: yes and thats valid
● SCP-RP | Erwin Rommel [R.I.P RICK MAY] (STEAM_0:0:164048572) has joined the server ● 
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: ngl
Contract with SCP-Foundation [$900]
● SCP-RP | BUFFED LETTUCE (STEAM_0:0:117133217) has joined the server ●
[Cuffs] Daniel Mcdonald has handcuffed Nathan Kennedy with Elastic Restraint
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) An average American: 913 on site

[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: you may kill him for resisting arrest
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: yea
Anxiety changed their RPName to: Scp 682
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: but for the actual reason to arrest was a miss communication
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: I may assume him he is infected
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: but still you had no reason to detain me
[AWarn] Micheal Blackson was warned by Cameron Stoker: FailRP - Femur pressed with no reason
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: If you stand near to 2 Infectious SCP's
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: And in a room with 4 unarmed personel

[Platinum-VIP](OOC) El Black Wasza: 049 come back
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: I have rights to detain, even kill him
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) El Black Wasza: Or somebody play 049
[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: not my bad if u didint saw a guy with a pac 3 bigger than his entire body open the doors
(OOC) Hazza Longbot: why do i keep hearing about femurs
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Nathan Kennedy: someone go 049 i will pay 3 mill

[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: and blame it on me
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: I have pac3 turned off
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Daniel Mcdonald: I do it
(OOC) Hazza Longbot: thats meta [Platinum-VIP]
(OOC) Chris Garfield: will u?

[Platinum-VIP]Kinqu Kyle: trying to close the doors
(OOC) Hazza Longbot: 😮
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: This has just became pointless arguing
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: Im returning you both

SALE ON ALL PACKAGES! Type !shop in chat for VIP|Instant SCP Access|Levels/XP|PAC3|E2|3D Radio; We support PayPal & Bank Card/Credit Card
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: Well why didn't you return me first time
● SCP-RP | TheBestia (STEAM_0:1:425185200) has joined the server ●
Ludwig Ahgrin returned You to their original position
● SCP-RP | TheBestia (STEAM_0:1:425185200) has joined the server ●

This is the first part done, an useless sit which is a time waster. I decide to call Norra and inform about this: E-11 or any Containment Unit can assume someone who is near an infectous SCP without any protection "Infected", it was like that since I joined and this was the first time I get in to the sit about it.

You to admins: norra get to me
Ludwig Ahgrin returned Kinqu Kyle to their original position

[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] Agent Jonas Hoffman: Anomaly safely recovered.
Ludwig Ahgrin teleported to You
● SCP-RP | ShadowFall_334 (STEAM_0:1:160775033) has joined the server ●
(OOC) Andy Beckett: can some scientists test on some d bois plz Russell Mendez is now AFK.
Captain Donald Harvey has been rewarded.To also receive rewards, Login every day!

[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: so if you are gona waste my time on useless shit don't I was annoyed cause I justed wasted 10 minutes and missed a GOOD RESEARCH RP which included crosstests.
● SCP-RP | fairgamer (STEAM_0:1:225759688) has joined the server ●
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) First Lieutenant Willrick: that's what I get?
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) First Lieutenant Willrick: I don't get perma ban

Cameron Stoker teleported to First Lieutenant Willrick
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: You can assume a person infected if he is near a SCP or infector
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) First Lieutenant Willrick: that's one thing that makes a difference
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: yes
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Cuddle Teddy: LEAVE ME ALONE!
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: you know Maurice pops out
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Jeff CartWright: do you want one?
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: im not retarded lunar The thing is if he knew that why he kept the sit for 10 minutes, since it was valid with and without an evidence.
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: since it was an admin call
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] Kinqu Kyle: HR loc
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: and this isnt a sit
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Nathan Kennedy: its worrying there is a guard who is infected with 008
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: get here 
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation] El Black Wasza: 049
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: I could just warn youf wasting time
[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: hes not wrong

Personally, calling T-Mods to teach them something or inform them about something is "Useless Admin Calls" like duhh, they are new staff people (I will not call a this thing on Noe, Banshee, Gordon etc.) but they know everything I guess, I still don't understand why don't they just get Mod.

[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: Wait
Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: can you stop being so rude
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Will Sykes: Kinqu Kyle
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: I am wasting time? I thought Maurice will understand I am trying to inform a T-Mod about something but he didn't I guess.
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Kinqu Kyle: what
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Will Sykes: wya
チンチョン changed their RPName to: Tai Carter

[Trial-Moderator]Ludwig Ahgrin: oh thats funny
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation System]: Anomalous activity has ceased.
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: Maurice un noclip or bring me there Maurice Noclips and gets invisibility
[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: Admin calls are only for actual sits , or actual questions
Contract with SCP-Foundation [$900]
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: so
Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: I didn't call a sit

[Staff-Manager]Maurice D Biggs: calling an admin to be rude is not acceptable in any way
[Cuffs] Tom L Clancy has handcuffed Cuddle Teddy with Containment Equipment
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: He did
[Platinum-VIP]Commander Steelpoint: First get it right
Ludwig Ahgrin teleported to Matt Feeney
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) Cuddle Teddy: Foundation

Both of them leave without listening. I will not keep this going cause it is mostly OOC stuff and I got tired of writing and coloring this, I call maurice about this and leaving mid conversion saying I could be arrogant etc. Getting an warn for that and calling maurice again to ask why did I get warned and wanting the removal and getting another warn for that.

This messages has been sent to Nathan Beck on discord application. I didn't edit it or did something to it, if you doubting the logs DM me on discord and I will screenshare the DM's. Personaly I think I deserve a verbal warning in this sitation, but when I discuss it with Norra and explain my point I get this answer:181530024_yesretard.JPG.671b34ec2180385bce4107c913445abc.JPG If you want to discuss or so just type a comment or idk. I think "Being Rude" and "Going too far" came from only 1 text I typed. But Maurice saied "Stop being rude" in the Staff Sit about me killing Kinqu which I didn't use any swear words or been disrespectful.


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i will say why i said "yes retard can you stop pinging me":

7 pings coming from you even though I was still directly talking to you, 9 if we count nathan
maurice already explained to you why you were warned but you kept arguing more and more. please go back to being v5 lunar, we dont like this new one

Edited by Norra


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2 hours ago, Notch said:

Fuck off braindead retard :^)

Notch shouldn't talk like this 😠 You ruined my immersion you cunt


Now for the thread so it's not a shitpost

No, you're an idiot -1

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1 hour ago, Norra said:

i will say why i said "yes retard can you stop pinging me":

7 pings coming from you even though I was still directly talking to you, 9 if we count nathan
maurice already explained to you why you were warned but you kept arguing more and more. please go back to being v5 lunar, we dont like this new one

I only pinged you twice because you were ignoring my question while you obviously saw it bc you were talking to lunar

Now i didt understand all about it but it seemed as one big over reaction imo so +1 but im not certain i got it all


3 hours ago, Notch said:


Fuck off braindead retard :^)


if you dont got anything to add then "

Fuck off braindead retard :^)

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warn is probably valid (just by looking at the aftermath) and the logs youve shown have backed that up.  Also pinging staff 7 times doesnt help

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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13 hours ago, Norra said:


So first in a conversion where more then 4 people involved in I ping the person which I am talking to, and it makes things clear. I will return back to "purged" or "cleansed" lunar (and already decided trying to turn back with making this thread) and I want to get these warns removed so I can actually apply to the groups and RP, and bla bla bla. And I generaly look things in bad way so people can know what can they do better, lets count your event. If you actually made an horde-ish things and made them killable, and a shaman or so unkillable but more passive and weaker it would be better. And other stuff I will tell but I don't want to change the topic. I don't remember Maurice explaining why he warned me, he was trying to avoid me before and he is still now.

11 hours ago, Atomik said:


I was "toxic" and "rude" since the start of the sit, or Maurice called it like that. I will show you the hole log I sended to nathan or so, only time I been "Rude" was the text I pointed out. And in this state of Server Research RP is non existent, when it happens I try to join it with Jack Wasza, I was annoyed since I missed an RP. Sit was pointless if Kinqu or I had evidence the result won't change thats why I request to be returned several times. And informing a T-Mod shouldn't be an issue on my opinion and you raise their sit counter as well, thats why I got confused if Norra knew that why did he made us stay in a sit for 10 minutes. If you wanna discuss more DM's.


12 hours ago, Xhorinhas said:


Maurice or Hierarchy warning me doesn't matter anything. If they weren't staff I would understand, but they are they still need to claim sits if they are free and staff rules goes for them too. And you are giving an opinion without reading the main evidence doesn't seem like a smart move to me, but it is your opinion.


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A: You were pressuring new staff members which is just inacceptable behvaiour.

B: The reason you actually got warned is that you repeatly called staff again, while being told no multiple times( kinda convinent to exclude the part which actually resulted in the warning ).

And it is not your job as a user to teach a tmod, and you certainlly wouldn't do it by starting with "Hey you wasted my time" , thats not helpful thats just rude.

Idk why you think it was even a good idea to create this thread, the simple fact I told you to stop multiple times before giving you the warning is more then enought to make the warn valid, you called staff like 5 times, being told no everytime.

You even continued after being warned if I rember right, where I specificly told you if you want to dispute it to go to forum, but you still called staff.

(Also I think you were uncooperative during the sit,being the reason why it took so long, which makes this even worse)

I basiclly never give out DTS/Wasting staff time warns,cus I don't really think its so much of an issue, but you actually managed to go to a point where I needed to do it.

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5 hours ago, Maurice D Biggs said:

A: You were pressuring new staff members which is just inacceptable behvaiour.

B: The reason you actually got warned is that you repeatly called staff again, while being told no multiple times( kinda convinent to exclude the part which actually resulted in the warning ).

And it is not your job as a user to teach a tmod, and you certainlly wouldn't do it by starting with "Hey you wasted my time" , thats not helpful thats just rude.

Idk why you think it was even a good idea to create this thread, the simple fact I told you to stop multiple times before giving you the warning is more then enought to make the warn valid, you called staff like 5 times, being told no everytime.

You even continued after being warned if I rember right, where I specificly told you if you want to dispute it to go to forum, but you still called staff.

(Also I think you were uncooperative during the sit,being the reason why it took so long, which makes this even worse)

I basiclly never give out DTS/Wasting staff time warns,cus I don't really think its so much of an issue, but you actually managed to go to a point where I needed to do it.

The thing you don't understand is, if me or him had evidence of the action it wouldn't resulted it anything. I answered the question "do you have evidence" but kinqu didn't. Like I saied even if we provided Norra with evidence sit will not end with any warning. And should I just reported him to a Hierarchy? Trial peroid exists to make the people learn, if you don't want players to state it. I called staff 3 Times 1 for telling Norra about this, 1 for asking why did I get warned 1 for the discuss the warn and in last 2 you warned me. AFTER warning me the last time you PM'd me to go to the Forums. Kinqu was the reason sit took so long, I explained my side told I didn't had evidence. And as you can see I never use swore disrespected a staff, I been disrespectfull Once and I showed it and explained it and you warned me TWICE for DTS and "Going too Far". + You are the one popping out Hostile in the Sit even I saied "hi maurice", and it seemed questionable to me if Norra knew it why did he make the sit like 10 minutes

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