
CI Rework When

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I'm just gonna put this out now, CI needs to get heavily reworked as it currently fucking sucks. One of the things I suggest to make it WL And maybe have one job for unWL'd peeps with minimal restrictions with what they can do. Since every time you get on the job no matter what somehow all GOI's and foundation have comms because of the new people that don't know how CI works.


second thing is, why doesn't CI know foundation uniforms? Even they were a special foundation forces that went AWOL, doesn't make any sense really. I know it might start a few problems in game but you know what I mean

I'm no Delta to say anything but talk with the current ones, see their opinions on what should get changed, please CI atm is a joke, you're good off to remove it and replace it with something else ngl.


Edited by Rick Lee
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3 minutes ago, Rick Lee said:

second thing is, why doesn't CI know foundation uniforms? Even they were a special foundation forces that went AWOL, doesn't make any sense really.

I find it kind of funny that CI can disguise as Foundation personnel yet don't know their uniforms, I feel like some kind of a rework to the disguise system needs to be put in place to fix this kind of stuff.

in terms of the suggestion, I'd love for CI to WL'd again but it might result in inactivity and Harland's pocket growing lighter.

I would like for a complete rework of CI and their goals, so that people don't go onto the job and go "heheh funny ci scp sl go brrr, save d-boi!!!"

just punch through his fucking head

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I agree with some kind of rework. However, whitelisting CI won't happen. End of story. Disguising is meh sure it is fucked and it needs some proper change but how exactly. Doesn't really give a good idea of a rework.



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2 hours ago, Rick Lee said:

One of the things I suggest to make it WL

Not gonna happen because of money 



2 hours ago, Rick Lee said:

why doesn't CI know foundation uniforms?

Meh...People would cry too much but I wouldn't mind them actually knowing uniforms



2 hours ago, Rick Lee said:

I'm no Delta to say anything but talk with the current ones, see their opinions on what should get changed, please CI atm is a joke, you're good off to remove it and replace it with something else ngl.

They literally don't care about the job anymore probably. Only keeping the WL and that's it lol..

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2 hours ago, Fricky Hecks said:

I find it kind of funny that CI can disguise as Foundation personnel yet don't know their uniforms, I feel like some kind of a rework to the disguise system needs to be put in place to fix this kind of stuff.

I agree with hecks


2 hours ago, Jason Ray said:

Because then CI would mrdm Foundation on the surface as well

Mate u know how cl3+ is usefull to ci. They can open gate's, doors and shit for us. Maybe unwl people yes but deltas would cuff them and use them as key.

I would be happy to see a Weapon Checker upgrade, so you can steal persons guns, keycards (Cuffed +Undergun point + weapons needs to be striped by you = his stuff) (Only Weapons,Keycards). I don't mean that only for delta's for any wl job that has it.

In reality, you would steal his goddam CL3 keycard and use it on doors. Wouldn't make it so op but would make more sense.

And lastly, when person dies make an option tat you can take his model and use it ask disguise (would make disguising and playing a lot more fun. I mean that only for infiltrators,delta's,FA's).

Field agent would become more fun when you get GOI's disguise and use it after them

Edit: Idk what I wrote here i need to go sleep

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