bucks00001 4 Share Posted May 7, 2020 In Game Name: Jedi Ace Bucks / GM PVT Bucks Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:206027558 Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: No In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Platinum VIP and Jedi Ace / GM PVT Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: No Age: 16, almost 17 Playtime: 7 weeks 5 days at the time of writing Predicted time on server per week: 30-40 hours but probably more in the summer Warns/bans: 1 warn for stealing a Headhunter as a scavenger, no bans. Do you use a microphone: Yes What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: I will aim to reduce toxic and mingy behavior on the server and help build a friendly environment where everyone feels welcome on the server and are having fun roleplaying. Be that through punishing rulebreakers or by helping those asking for help, I will not hesitate to step in when it’s needed. I want to give more to the server and as staff I could be part of something bigger, by creating a welcoming environment for new players I could help the server and the community grow. Why do you stand out among other candidates: I can remain relatively calm in stressful situations and can defuse heated/toxic situations when necessary, and during my playtime on GMOD I’ve got a basic understanding of how staffing works, when they should intervene in RP situations, and what they can/cannot do. Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): I’ve dedicated a lot of my own time to be on the server, and during this time I have gained a good amount of experience on roleplaying on the server. I try to be as helpful as possible toward new players on the server, if they ask for help for example. By doing this, I believe some of the new players could get dedication towards the server and become part of the community. One of the big things that got me to stay on the server was how friendly the other people were and how they took roleplaying way more seriously than on other servers I played on prior to joining W-G, and I want to keep up this positivity on the server. Also I have been playing on W-G since February/March 2019, little over a year now, on SWRP for 5 months. During my time on SWRP I think I have proven myself helpful and trustworthy, helped a lot of people with issues they needed help with. I try to be very polite and friendly toward other players on the server, but will take action if that is the case. I can handle situations under pressure and without getting mad or frustrated which in my opinion is a must-have for staff members. During disagreements, be it ingame or in real life, I will always try to find a mutual agreement instead of arguing or getting frustrated. Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: Yes I do and completely accept this fact. Under no circumstances should an unsuitable staff member be in the staff team. If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: The staff on duty job doesn’t need to be saluted, it’s an OOC job. You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: I would contact Server Hierarchy and tell them about it, and then accept any and all punishments they feel necessary. You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: I’d just try to get along with them and not treat them any differently than anyone else, sometimes there just are people who you don’t like, that’s life. Anything else: wgswrp -= Current Ranks =- CT #### | Reserve Medic -= Past ranks =- 41st Vice Commander | Senior Medic | Trial Deputy Medical Officer | Jedi Specialist | Jedi Teacher | CG CPT | 501st LT | GC SGTM | 74th Medical Droid | CC #### Link to comment
Bongo 89 Share Posted May 7, 2020 +1 quite a nice guy plays literally everyday, always on when I’m on good application well known as a good Jedi and Ace former ct 2245 bong Link to comment
Battle 56 Share Posted May 9, 2020 +1 Good application High Playtime Active GM LCPL 03.03.24 - Previous Ranks GM Colonel 13.09.19 – 19.03.20 DU Colonel 19.03.20 - 07.05.20 CG LCPL 18.07.20 - 25.07.20 Jedi Blade Warrior 08.03.20 - 26.08.20 Deathrun Senior Admin 24.04.20 - 05.03.21 DarkRP Senior Mod 02.04.21 - 12.04.21 Link to comment
Mort 77 Share Posted May 11, 2020 +1 Really Nice dude Active Has a good amount of experience. --------------------------------------------------------------- Current Ranks Jr Developer Battalion Officer Former Ranks CF-99 Squad Leader IRP Executive Administrator Fleet Commodore Dark Council 501st ARC Colonel Master of the Order RRD Researcher --------------------------------------------------------------- Link to comment
Silent 148 Share Posted May 11, 2020 Neutral/ +1 Very Very Active However Slightly unknown to me as I don't think I have ever spoken to you on ts Ok Playtime The Boys Link to comment
Puggo 55 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Denied Other candidates have proven to be a better suit for a staff position, this does not mean you are not fit for the role but due to the high amount of applications we had to pick who was deemed the best options. had to remove signature because of romanian censorship Spoiler Link to comment