Joel Mikeson

Several Addon idea's

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the reason i want these addon's is 

A. the first one is really useful and before you say it's not realistic and doesn't belong in the SCP universe, the foundation is an advanced organization that has technology from the past, present and future. they have time travelling SCP's that can go to the future and retrieve these item's for them and also they possibly have some of the smartest scientist's on earth to create this technology so yeah.

B. the second of these is for adding a sense of realism to this server, yes you COULD use the built in binocular feature but with these you can adjust how far you can see and if someone doesn't know how to use the built in binocular feature in the game this could help them 

C. the third of these also adds a sense of realism to the server and using PAC3 is cool and shit but using this you can have the exact same result's but for free. you can still use PAC3 for other stuff but saluting could be infinitely better with this than /me salute's with this in my opinion

yall don't have to add all three of these addon's if one is bad or smth but still, this has been my Suggestion to the SCP RP server of werwolf gaming, i hope you can take the time and effort to see if these addon's are good for this server or not.



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1- No, simply no, especially for GOC it's not like they need it anyways not to mention it would be useless to whoever got it, I've used this addon before, basically for it to activate you have to equip it, throw it and wait a few seconds for it to activate, not only that once the shield is up you can't be harmed from outside but you cant harm them either if I remember correctly so it would basically once someone threw that they would either have to peak out to shoot anyone else or the people outside would just have to wait for it to go  disappear (it has a time limit in which it can stay up)

2- I'm not gonna be like some people who just say "PAC3 exists" like everyone paid 15$ to have it or even know how to use it but either way I don't see a problem with it but it would be rather useless

3- Totally useless, Surface is not that big


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-1 for everything


All of them are not needed and add really nothing.


But thats not where my problem lies.


10 hours ago, Dr. Alto Clef said:

gib te fisrt to goc.


On 10/24/2020 at 12:21 PM, Windows XP said:

1 - Ehh, maybe something for GOC - small size is good



My issue is these monkies thinking GOC needs more shit.


They dont, they are already the strongest GOI, only rivaled by MC&D because they literally can spawn guns.  They are literally a match for Nu-7, something that is unheard of.  They need nothing to be effective, stop asking.

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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On 10/24/2020 at 6:54 AM, Joel Mikeson said:


A. the first one is really useful and before you say it's not realistic and doesn't belong in the SCP universe, the foundation is an advanced organization that has technology from the past, present and future. they have time travelling SCP's that can go to the future and retrieve these item's for them and also they possibly have some of the smartest scientist's on earth to create this technology so yeah.

It is unrealistic and doesn't belong to the SCP universe, at least for the Foundation. The foundation doesn't use anomalies or time traveling machines to abuse and to possibly mess up more things and the whole universe to make a ball shield. They secure, contain, protect. 

Also, besides that doesn't make any sense in lore, it seems just overpowered and not needed to again shift the power. 

No one needs this, especially GOC. 

On 10/24/2020 at 6:54 AM, Joel Mikeson said:

B. the second of these is for adding a sense of realism to this server, yes you COULD use the built in binocular feature but with these you can adjust how far you can see and if someone doesn't know how to use the built in binocular feature in the game this could help them.

It's not really needed, the chances that it'll be used will be extremely limited, besides you could just do "/me Salutes (Whoever)" without even Pac3.

(Also, can everyone stop saying "Pac3 does this, hurr hurr." Roleplay shouldn't be limited behind a 13 pound pay wall.)

On 10/24/2020 at 6:54 AM, Joel Mikeson said:

C. the third of these also adds a sense of realism to the server and using PAC3 is cool and shit but using this you can have the exact same result's but for free. you can still use PAC3 for other stuff but saluting could be infinitely better with this than /me salute's with this in my opinion

I don't think adding binoculars will make the server anymore realistic than before, other than tank performance more and make loading into the server longer. You can just click B on your keyboard  for the same result.



I know you put time and effort into suggesting this, and it doesn't seem half bad on paper. But realistically, it won't be used as pictured, left to rot, and just removed in the end.  



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The first thing seems a neat idea .... but I wouldnt know what group right now should get this.

The Salute swep ... well yea so, I don't see the point in having a dedicated swep just for saluting, its not done enought and would probably just be annoying for alot of players ( more sweps on a player = more chances of accidentally chosing something wrong ), maybe the Act Menu on the keys ( aka if you press R), could be modified to include a saluteing emote( but I wouldnt set any priority on it )
(Also stop arguing something is not worth adding because E2/Pac3 can do it, if something would generally improve RP, it doesn't matter that something that some of the playerbase has, can also do that in a way)

The third one, is not that needed, sure it would be neat if  *certain* Nu7 Scouts would stop using their guns to zoom in, but it is not really worth, the surface is pretty small.

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