Owlbear Nothic

3 day ban for something that could've been said in a simple discord message (+2 warnings)

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My In-Game name: Owlbear


STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:125275768


Steam Name: Owlbear


What is the reason for your ban: "Left after telling him to wait while I get SMT to come | FailRP PAC"


How long were you banned for: 3 days


Name of the staff member who banned you: Spades


Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:

Let me start this by explaining the situation from my POV, Spades approached me saying an SMT told him to tell me to remove my PAC, which I replied to by asking for the SMT to directly tell me instead of via a security staff. I did not hear him tell me to wait for an SMT to come to me in-game so I went offline as it was midnight so I was done for the day. I could literally have been told to no longer use the model in my PAC via a discord message, but for whatever reason I was instead approached in-game by someone who, to me, doesn't seem appropriate to be the one saying it and also was on a non-staff job, so it seemed even less serious to me.


So I question the following:

Why was I not just sent a simple discord message?

Why did SMT/other high staff not approach me themselves but send a security staff?


Also got 2 warns:
Warm for LTAP: Makes no sense as the situation was never about any type of punishment, but to remove a part of my PAC
Warn for (see below): The security staff previously mentioned (the one who banned me) was the only staff to say anything to me about taking off the PAC



don't have picture of the second warn as I was sent that in text as follows:

[Deputy Event Manager][AWarn] steamid 76561198210817265 was warned by RC Vice Commander F57 Navas: Not Listening to Staff | Refusal to take off PAC despite multiple staff asking you to


Evidence: I have no evidence in my defense whatsoever as I do not record my game (heard about the ban +-30 mins after I went offline and wasn't expecting any ban/warn because that wasn't what the situation was about)

Edited by Owlbear
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First its only like 2days left probs by the time SMT get round to this youll be unbanned
second that SMT member that told spades to tell you probs didnt tell you themself as they werent on and if spades was already talking to you about could of told you instead of the SMT member DMing you
and finally if he told you to take it off just do it

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-1, to put it simply this wasnt the first altercation involving you and your PACs, yes your moustache was approved however for many reasons using Han Solo was not. On the topic of spades' staffing abilities he has more experience in this field than most and is more than capable.

You have been told, or atleast should have been told several times before by those in Jedi who you are more inclined to listen to and according to others, when spoken to about the PAC you chose the same method of logging off rather than removing it.

People have been punished for using that model specifically for even trainings and so it should go without saying having Han Solo in the clone wars era has no justification whatsoever.

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I really don't see why you didn't take off your pac after being told by spades to take it off. I mean he is a security staff and SMT don't really have to DM every single person who has a pac that shouldn't be implemented

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Firstly, I would like to remind you of the PAC rules that staff are meant to enforce on the server:

All Pac-3s MUST be Role-play friendly to Star Wars the Clone Wars or the Sci-Fi Genre.
If a staff member asks you to remove your Pac-3 you MUST listen to their instruction.
The only place you are allowed to use non RP Pac-3s is inside the bar on Rishimoon and the Venator.
You are not allowed to change your model unless permitted by server hierarchy.
You are not allowed to import things without being permitted by server hierarchy.
The main ones I wish to draw attention to are the ones I have highlighted. Your PAC uses the Han Solo model. This, for starters, is not RP friendly as he wasn't in the Clone Wars timeline ( I dont think I need to explain myself further). The second rule you broke is the one that I warned you for. I have heard off multiple staff members that they have asked you to remove your FailRP PAC several times and you still decided not to. Therefore, I asked in the staff chat in discord if I could warn you and the SWRP Vice Manager agreed that you have had ample chance and deserved to be warned. The third rule highlited is another rule of which you broke. You did not send a screenshot of your changed model in the #pac-import-approval channel in the discord before wearing it in game.
As for you being ultimately banned for leaving while Spades told you to stay while he got a member of SMT (which you requested by your own accord), it is completely your fault in my opinion. If you had intention of actually carrying on the situation and wanting to resolve it by saying 'Go and get a member of SMT and then I will take it off' then why would you leave after Spades went to do just that? It doesn't really add up in my opinion.
Also, I don't believe saying that  ' I was instead approached in-game by someone who, to me, doesn't seem appropriate to be the one saying it and also was on a non-staff job, so it seemed even less serious to me. ' is not a good reason as to why you left at all. Spades is a Security Staff. Incase you aren't aware who Security Staff is given to, I will explain it briefly now. Security Staff is awarded to people who have held high staff ranks (usually Executive Administrator +) in SWRP or are currently a trusted SMT Member of another WG Server. Spades has been both. He is currently Vice Manager on HLRP and has been Manager on SWRP beforehand and that isn't even mentioning the fact that he was Co-Owner of the Community (equivalent to Community Manager now). So I would argue that he has ample experiance and is more than qualified to tell you what PAC is FailRP and what is not.
Overall, it is only a 3 day ban which, from what you did, you deserved. Just wait it out and maybe make a non FailRP PAC while you're away.
Edit: To adress this: ' Warm for LTAP: Makes no sense as the situation was never about any type of punishment, but to remove a part of my PAC ' players get warned for being banned so that it then shows up on their record when someone looks at their warns. Otherwise no one would be able to tell if a someone had previously been banned for anything as the ban logs disappear once the ban is over.
Secondly, to adress this: ' Warn for (see below): The security staff previously mentioned (the one who banned me) was the only staff to say anything to me about taking off the PAC '. The reason I did not speak with you in game and ask you to take it off before warning you was because I was checking in the Staff Chat to confirm that you had been told before and are still refusing to listen to staff. After getting the go-ahead by a member of SMT, Spades said in TeamSpeak that you had left while he was talking to you. Therefore, I could no longer make you aware that I was going to warn you in-game so I just warned you while you were offline. Spades then handled the warn and ban for LTAP as he was the staff that dealing with you when you decided to leave.
I hope this clears up any final confusion you may have as to why you recieved the punishments that you did.
Edited by Navas

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Personally I think this whole situation is silly, I believe from what I've seen he was told this Pac3 was allowed but it was not from a staff member who can grant this. This situation is a whole miss understanding and the fact that a Security Staff had to deal with it while there was at least Super Admins and below online, they could've dealt with this. I think you should just wait out the 2 more days that are left unless staff decide to unban you earlier.



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You said it yourself. You asked me to get SMT to tell you to not use the PAC - I simply responded to your request with "alright, gimme a minute to grab someone" and tabbed out to message a member of SMT from SW - by the time I'd found them on TS and poked them, tabbed back in - you'd already gone offline. 

I mean it's highlighted by other people that rules state if staff tells you to take a specific PAC off you do, doesn't say you need SMT to ask you too - in fact it would be quite the opposite, if a staff member tells you to take it - take it off and go ask SMT whether you are allowed to use it.

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-1 all there is to it is that he left while a staff was speaking to him about a possible warning, which is bannable doesnt matter what job they are on or what rank they are if a staff tell you to fucking remove a pac you have to do it unless a member of SMT has approved, obvi already know this but imo you are acting very immature right now owlbear...

also hiding your post without perm from forums staff is against forum rules...

Edited by ethan

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On 1/3/2021 at 12:01 AM, Lewis Benitez said:

Personally I think this whole situation is silly, I believe from what I've seen he was told this Pac3 was allowed but it was not from a staff member who can grant this. This situation is a whole miss understanding and the fact that a Security Staff had to deal with it while there was at least Super Admins and below online, they could've dealt with this. I think you should just wait out the 2 more days that are left unless staff decide to unban you earlier.



This is me telling him the moustache model is approved, after asking Saffrus if I can import it. Quite literally as it says. Not that the entire pac has been approved. 


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