
Breaking NLR Addition

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Currently you can't hurt others while you are near your last point of death (If your NLR Timer is still active that is). This was originally added to prevent people from "re-engaging" in a fight they just died in.
This is obviously all nice and wonderful, but there is still one thing that is regularly being done by people who are breaking NLR - bodyblocking.

Pretty much everyone has seen or experienced it first hand (mostly people who played Class-D at one point in their life) and I bet, that I am not the only one who is completely annoyed by this.

Something that  could  solve this...
Disable Player Collisions for people, who are currently breaking NLR. They would not be able to collide with anyone, which would effectively prevent them from bodyblocking others.

Now maybe there is a reason this wasn't implemented already. I'm really not sure, which is why I'm asking you what you think of this?

After reading a bit of feedback and thinking about it myself, this actually seems pretty abusable so forget about it. However, until this gets denied, do you have any other ideas that could solve this problem more smoothly, without the need of calling staff?

Edited by Kolopsel
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This could be abusable.  Picture the scene.

  • O5's hold a meeting
  • A-1's hold the door 
  • Minge wants in the meeting
  • In the most extreme case, Minge gets gunned down by A-1's / Asks a friend to kill him near the meeting
  • Minge walks past A-1 due no player collision, disturbing the meeting. 

Also.. God lord if this was given to D-Class.  They would try to get themselves killed near the airlock, then they would be able to escape easier.

(I don't think the NLR Zone gets applied to D-Class when they die. Unsure tho)

Also.. what if we got a guy that needs to be cuffed, who also happened to have an NLR zone active. Who decides to retreat back to his NLR Zone. Now we got a guy that can phase through people, making cuffing the guy much harder for 1-5 minutes.


Edited by Avery Winters


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4 hours ago, Avery Winters said:

(I don't think the NLR Zone gets applied to D-Class when they die. Unsure tho)

Yeah they don't have a nlr zone cause dblock is too small but you make a great point with the A1 scenario and why this would do more harm than good.


Also just call a mod if they are bodyblocking , and if there are none online you have full right to just cuff him and move him 

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I see what you guys mean now. This could really be abused in some cases. Wish there was some other way to prevent these people from bodyblocking but it's really hard to find a solution, that's not abusable. Thanks for your feedback.

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1 hour ago, Lorex Krato said:

Could just implement a feature where you get pushed away from the area of your NLR, like pushed so much it would prove difficult crossing it, and impossible staying there. 

Or just do an autoslay if you stay in your NLR zone for too long. 

 ->Pushing could easily get people stuck in some corner of a room, unable to go outside of their NLR Zone

and Autoslay will probably cause issues aswell [also considering that slaying,etc does not give NLR, it would just get rid of their NLR]




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3 hours ago, Maurice D Biggs said:

 ->Pushing could easily get people stuck in some corner of a room, unable to go outside of their NLR Zone

and Autoslay will probably cause issues aswell [also considering that slaying,etc does not give NLR, it would just get rid of their NLR]





I dont really think NLR system needs to be changed. IMO it's good as it is.

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