
Morts 4th EP application

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Steam Name+Link: Mort

RP Name: Jedi Lorekeeper Mort and 501st LCPL Mort

TeamSpeak Name: Mort

Playtime on server: Around 9w, used to have 5w 5d but got reseted because of a glitch (proof can be provided)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:185515074

Any experience in staffing: Yes, i was staff in a SCP-RP server, and also T Mod in some wack Auswitchz server but got demoted and perma banned for not attending to a meeting (lol).

Current Age: 16

Warns/Bans: N/A

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable: Yes, can easily be understanded.

Event Plan:

Enemies, HP, amount:
B1 Heavy Droid x3 (one per outpost) HP 2.500k
Commando Droid x3 (one per outpost) HP 2k (may be given stronger weapons)
B1 Droids (Clones who become ECs because of last stand)
Sith War Chief 125k HP
JHDs x4, 20k HP


Clone Side:
The republic arrives to Ranqor, which has been taken by the CIS with the help of a Sith War Chief and his JHDs, the clones will arrive to the landing zone and wait there for briefing, Battalion will explain that Clones will have to spread in different squads which are formed by different regiments which are better suited for each chokepoint to take, so for the outpost chokepoint we have 212th, 327th and CG, after they take the chokepoint they will defend it since droids will be attempting to take it back (will be like this with all chokepoints), next squad will go to the droid factory and it is compossed of CE (who will take down the hyenas and vultures that the CIS sends), GC and GM who will position themselves on top of the big hangar door and clear the hostiles (GC by spining them and GM after clearing somewhat the way down with RTCs will jump and start flaming), next chokepoint is the Caves, the squad taking this one will be compossed of 501st, CT and DU, 501st will be leading the push with CT and DU supporting them, DU will place barricades along the way to protect the caves, 74th will be splitted in order to have enough medics for each squad, up to 74th commanding officer, after all chokepoints are secured, the clones will give a status report to the leading Battalion, after that a Tactical Droid will launch a surprise attack, venator is shot down and munificents start to appear, the clone last stand will beggin as the venator has been destroyed, droids will have 1 set spawn and will spread to choose which outpost do they want to take, after some fighting with the droids a Venator message will arrive informing that they are on their way to help the clones, now this can go different ways, if clones are being destroyed they will ask for Jedi help, if they are holding their own well they will simply just keep fighting, RC will receive a message from the Venator that they have located the Tactical Droid, that he was being protected by a Sith War Chief and his JHDs, after the Jedi have captured it they will hand it over to RC, who will hack the droid and force him to end the attack, after that the last stand ends and the clones will kill the remaining droids.

Jedi Side:
Jedi arrive with the clones to vanqor, they are informed that one of the high ranking enemy officers is on the planet and he is a saber user, so Jedi will make their way there in order to talk things out with him, being that this is a Sith War Chief we are talking about, and he is simply following orders which he cant disobey so he will fight the Jedi along with his JHDs, after some fighting the Jedi will realize that the Venator has been destroyed, which will result in a Jedi last stand starting (however this last stand isnt really important so it doesnt really matter if Jedi die or not), after a while, Jedi last stand will end and they will force the Sith War Chief to surrender, who will shortly uncover a hole in the wall which reveals the Tactical Droid hiding in there, the Jedi will capture both of them and hand the Tactical Droid over to RC, after that, depending on how clones are doing and Battalion orders, Jedi may go help the clones.


Event Info: So looking at the feedback saying that the event was poorly made and rushed (which is true yes i do apologize for that) i decided to do a way more detailed event in a planetary, i think that the idea of chokepoints and squads is fun and clones will really enjoy it.

Have you ever done an event before: Well, Hologram trainings are kinda a Jedi event, so yeah i have done similar stuff, not for clone thought but im always ready to learn.

What was your event and was it successfully executed: Sith attacking JT to avenge their fallen brothers until they reach HV where they make their last stand, Rogue helped.

Do you understand what the responsibilities of an Event Planner are? If so what are they?: Yes i do, keeping the players entertained, either by doing events or some PMEs, to keep track of the event by taking event related claims and going around in noclip making sure everything is running smoothly

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:  Yes i understand.

Anything else: Thanks for reading my app, make sure to leave feedback for me to see so i can improve on what's wrong, W-G E-Planner.

Edited by Mort
Completely changed event due to feedback (allowed by Rogue)


Current Ranks
Jr Developer
CF-99 Squad Leader

Former Ranks
IRP Executive Administrator
Fleet Commodore
Dark Council
501st ARC Colonel
Master of the Order
RRD Researcher


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Good event and good guy

Trustworthy and commited to the server

-= Current Ranks =-

In-Character Ranks        Out-Of-Character Rannks

 [Mace Windu, MOTO]    [CW-RP Senior Admin]

-= Previous Ranks =-

 [Doom's Unit Major]       [CW-RP Event Planner]




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Good Event Plan

Solid and Mature Guy

High Playtime

Previous staff experience

Very good candidate

    Current Ranks                            Past Ranks
          SCP-RP Manager                                                IRP Manager
                                                                              IRP Event Manager

                                                                         CWRP Senior Event Planner

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App is very vague, plan is also very basic. You are competent which is proven by your in-character app. I think you need to take more time into your app, being the first to apply doesn't affect your chances at all.

former ct 2245 bong

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- I think describing how you will make sure the B1´s don´t continue fighting against the jedi because you can not always control the ECs and it´s always good to make plans beforehand to prevent it. 

- It lacks details

- It seems like a simple event if you ignore the part where you mix clone and jedi event which can turn out to be the worse. It´s still Sith coming in and taking starting to fight. I wish there would be a bit more RP or something else to the event so it´s just not fighting until he surrenders due to them both being dead.

-High play time and a high rank in Jedi as well

Current Ranks


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High IC rank and previous staff experience

From my experience a nice guy

Not very imaginative with the event plan. Pretty basic and you also choose a base attack instead of a planetary event,

Planetary events are harder and more complicated to host, and with the plan that you provided, from my point of view it was rushed because you wanted to post your application as soon as possible.

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I'd say the event plan while simple, doesn't make it bad, Like I always say. Not every event needs to be some miraculous event. I think it's a decent idea for a nice basis and a decent look at an event. 

Shown he is dedicated and has put the effort in. Best of luck.



dance yoda.gif

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Clearly dedicated due to his time spent in Jedi, competent too hence such a high rank.

High playtime, so a lot of experience.

To be honest, a pretty plain event. Understandably IMO, Clones and Jedi mixing is quite fun however you haven't really mentioned how they would work together, only that the clones are just coming to the JT to destroy the droids.

For what others have said, not all events need to be complex, and a simple event can be good. I can agree, to a certain extent. Like I have mentioned on other peoples applications, with your application to becoming an EP, you want to make something which is more original, creative and sounds fun. This event for me, does sound fun however there is little creativity and originality. For an EP application I always say that you want to try and make it as original and creative as possible, so Event Management are able to see your true creativity. You could create a plain event and then say you are creative, but there is no proof so it is hard to believe.

I suggest re-writing your Event Plan, either tweaking it or just restarting it, as long as there is some more originality to it. If you nail that, then you'll have a much greater chance of being accepted.



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49 minutes ago, [W-G] JH said:


Clearly dedicated due to his time spent in Jedi, competent too hence such a high rank.

High playtime, so a lot of experience.

To be honest, a pretty plain event. Understandably IMO, Clones and Jedi mixing is quite fun however you haven't really mentioned how they would work together, only that the clones are just coming to the JT to destroy the droids.

For what others have said, not all events need to be complex, and a simple event can be good. I can agree, to a certain extent. Like I have mentioned on other peoples applications, with your application to becoming an EP, you want to make something which is more original, creative and sounds fun. This event for me, does sound fun however there is little creativity and originality. For an EP application I always say that you want to try and make it as original and creative as possible, so Event Management are able to see your true creativity. You could create a plain event and then say you are creative, but there is no proof so it is hard to believe.

I suggest re-writing your Event Plan, either tweaking it or just restarting it, as long as there is some more originality to it. If you nail that, then you'll have a much greater chance of being accepted.

Thanks for all the feedback lad, i thought that changing stuff in my app by editing it was not allowed, but if an EP says i can then i probably can lol. will add more stuff to make it more original.


Current Ranks
Jr Developer
CF-99 Squad Leader

Former Ranks
IRP Executive Administrator
Fleet Commodore
Dark Council
501st ARC Colonel
Master of the Order
RRD Researcher


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Unfortunately you have not been picked for Event Planner this time round. Feel free to reapply net time apps are open.

Current Ranks

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Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

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Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


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