
Cal Reece - HoMD Application

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In Game Name: Cal Reece

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:558538978

Crafting Table Experience Level: 125

Warns: 0


Playtime: image.png.17fa83d6d4d6dc4aff246785d5d2ac7d.png

What job does the manufacturing department have on site?: The head of manufacturing department (HoMD) is essentially what it says on the tin, it is the head of the 2 manufacturing personnel that are also on site. The manufacturers craft and supply the foundation with Ammunition, Gas Masks and other items that can be used to benefit others. The HoMD has more expertise and can create more complex items, like healing grenades, SLAM's and Micro HID's too for those who want them. 

Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: I think that I will be a good fit for the role described, I'm active within the server and can be active within the job too. I can read, comprehend and abide by the rules, but I also have more than two functioning brain cells that I can rub together to allow me to press 'E' on a table to craft items for others. 😄 


Cheers Mush x

Proud owner of the famous Gromit Mug.



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+1 good app 

has more than 2 brain cells 

Current Ranks
Past Ranks

EX-IRP Ranks -  Sith temple guard - Fleet SNR LT - DT commander - EX-SCP ranksSenior-Moderator - nu-7 SGT with med and support spec - Alpha- 1 agent - MC&D salesmen 💰


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3 hours ago, Andre Wolf said:


nice man

good app


2 hours ago, Peter file said:


Good app

Would make a great HoMD



2 hours ago, oliver crisp said:


idk how u could even get denied on the easiest app ever


33 minutes ago, Dylan Mcf said:

+1 good app 

has more than 2 brain cells 


1 minute ago, Alan J Miller said:


Cheers big lads x


Proud owner of the famous Gromit Mug.



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