
Cameron Stoker's O5 Application. V2

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Your in-Game Name: Cameron Stoker 

Your SteamID:     STEAM_0:1:128962199

Your Age: 18

Your In-Game Playtime: 3 weeks, 4 days, approximately 10 hours

Your Warns: 1 warn, self administered for aRDM nearly a year ago.

Rate Your RP Skills: Given the frequent interactions I have given to Plague's events as well as current happenings within the ECM/A-1 divisions, I would rate my RP skills a 9./10 as I am very confident in what I am doing, but sometimes will make mistakes.

What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: O5-6: The Tarot's Envoy

Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: I have read and understood the rules of SCP-RP and am confident in my ability to uphold them.

Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): I believe that I posses various qualities that will be essential to being on the Council and performing well.
Composure, diplomacy, the ability to handle extreme pressure as well as a natural skill of debate means that I know I can explain my point as well as get it across to other Council members so that I may be a part of the smoothly running system that is the Council. Also very logical so I am confident that my decision making is on point and to our benefit.
My history of being in positions that require leadership such as A-1 Commander, Nu-7 General Staff at one point as well as previously managing HoEA means that I believe my leadership qualities to control the Site if necessary and enable me to maintain order and assist Administration as they see fit. My PassiveRP skills, as I rated, are also very high and I believe will provide me with the skills required to stay afloat in this job without dying or causing more problems than benefits. 

Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?:
I would think of the O5 Council as the ultimate group of shadow managers. Everything naturally goes through them, but only those of high enough clearance are aware of this fact. Their job is to subtly maintain order over the Site through instruction of lower members of Site Administration so that the cogs of the Site keep turning in a smooth and efficient way.
They therefore differ in their hidden nature. They handle the important decisions, but it is not meant to be glaringly obvious that this is the case.

What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council are the pinnacle of the Chain of Command within the Foundation, barring the Administrator.
These 12 people are designated with handling everything that passes through and will be handled by the Foundation, such as relations changes, funding management, policy dictation and more. so that it may continue smooth operations. If an impactful decision needs to be made, it will go through them first, or there will be a likely consequence.

Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?: I am none of these things. The closest I may be is the current Head of Law in the Foundation thanks to the ECM, or potentially the owner of the ITD if it were to be accepted. 

What Department would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...): My favorite department to focus on would be the Legal/Ethics side of the Foundation. 

Edited by Serrt
Changed slot applied for from -11 to -6 as a placeholder due to Kevin. Willing to change again if needed.
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would say I need a new O5 to metagame but those days are gone

from the time I've played with him he has shown good RP and an overall decent guy, apps good too.


Please shut the fuck up, no one cares about your whitelists in a Gmod RP server

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A pleasure to be around, a very strong candidate. 

Cameron has shown his diligence and critical thinking on countless occasions, the attributes of a good O5.

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despite the format being simplistic and ugly, my very important opinion and conclusion remains a +1


😂 imagine bothering to make a list of your very cool ranks 😂

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Application is well detailed and shown through his involvements in Plagues events, and just in general RP, it is clear to see that Stoker is more than capable in being part of the O5. 

Proud owner of the famous Gromit Mug.



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DM me please

Present SCP Ranks:
SCP Developer

SCP Ranks Past
SCP Manager
SCP Head Admin
SCP-Head Moderator             
SCP-096 Co-Manager
Onerioi Collective
Ethics Committee Manager
Chaos Insurgency Delta Manager
Sarkic Manager
O5 Council Manager


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