Mr Clean

Walter Clean's Unban Request

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Server you got banned from: SCP RP

Your name in-game:  Walter Clean

Your SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:461543746

Admins' name that banned you: Norra

Admin's steamID: No Clue

Why did you get banned?: Reason was Stated "Trying to Crash the Server"

Evidence(Un-necessary): Lots of Evidence against me, No need to prove my innocence's 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Its been Around 6 months from that incident, I was basically banned for trying to crash the server, from me spawning a mass amount of props at one time, I don't think it would have crashed the server, due to it there being very little people on, and that none of them was spawning prop, except the ones on surface with me, I think I should have been banned for Mass Prop mingery and Mass RDM, which I did commit, I do admit that, someone told me about the concept of downtime, and I believe them, which taught me to do this, but by the time I found out it wasn't real, this "downtime" It was already to late, and I've already committed the act, I believe I should be unbanned because, I have learned my lesson, in-fact, I already learned the lesson, 2 weeks Prior to my banned, cause I did pick up my act and continue to play on the server 2 weeks after, I guest the guy who made my ban request, waited 2 weeks for it, but I did pick my act up, and made it all the way to SD, but I do feel that I have served my punishment now as of this Perma-Ban, I've waited 6 months, and I would enjoy a second chance on the server, that I use to always play on.

Anything else?: N/A

Edited by Mr Clean
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I mean , 

funny masspropkill (      wtf!!!!! (

You did get targeted by lando who loved to post ban requests on people while breaking a lot of rules himself, but what you did was ban worthy and runed anything that was going on on surface.

I do think you weren't attempting to crash the server but i'm also neutral since it was massRDM , but i also think that you weren't the only one doing it at that time and but was the only one caught


Edited by Fayne™
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