
I got banned for "NH2RP" but I was clearly RP-ing

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Edited by Shepherd

Current Ranks [CWRP]
Admiral | Reserve Medic
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CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
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 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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You came on the server with no intent to RP. Firstly there were 3 of you minging in the cadet area disrupting and annoying everyone there. That was where I first warned you for NH2RP. 

Despite this you continued to minge throughout the training. When you finally got cadet trained I whitelisted you and warned you again and directed you to the server rules.

As soon as you got whitelisted you went as a big group and started harassing members of the community saying how you "fucked there mum" and asking "whether Amelia had big boobs".  I even showed you a clip of you saying this but you still denied it. Then you still continued to harass others. Until I brought you into a sit and banned you accordingly.

The reason the Ban length is so long is because you were all previously banned for MRDM not too long ago, resulting in a longer punishment when you came back and broke the rules again.

Even after this you dragged me into a discord call with all your friends just to shit talk me showing a lack of maturity.

Btw please use the template when making an unban request.



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You put no effort into the application and didn't follow the template.

Past SWRP Ranks
CW Grand Admiral, CW Manager,
CW 501st Commander x2, CW ARC Commander,
CW RC OS Squad Leader F61, CW Jedi Fighter

IRP Grand Admiral, IRP Vice Manager

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