
Site Director app

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In-Game Name: Lincon Ruiz 

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419494937

Age: 15

In-Game Time [Proof Required]: at the bottom

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: HoS

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: because I think I'll help people and rule over them, afcourse not like a dictator

What role does the Site Director have on the site?: he's the second highest  job in the foundation, he can only be overuled by the O5

What is the O5 Council?: the highest job in the foundation, they can say that you don't exist and evrybody thinks you don't exist, anomalies trying to contain anomalies.

Screenshot 2021-06-22 174258.png

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- You dont have enough information on the question above

- i have never seen you ingame

- i think you need atleast 1 week ingame to be SD but thats just my opinon

You must add more to what the SD does

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