
Unwarn request

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My In game name:Russel Mendez
STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:450545816
Steam Name: bulletslap
What is the reason for your warn:  Changing job to avoid sit
Name of the staff member who warn you: Joshy Freeman
Why do I believe that I should be unwarned: I for a start would be too scared to even think of that as i as many other people would not like to be banned, i also did not know it was possible to change job to avoid a sit and also i have no memory whatsoever of being warned for it or doing it, well i definetely didnt do it on purpose.
(im sorry if this is a pain to read it a mess) (I also do not have any evidence of anything as I was very new to gmod and also didn't even know until recently about a warn that I got like 8 months ago)

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15 hours ago, DaDerpo said:

i also did not know it was possible to change job to avoid a sit and also i have no memory whatsoever of being warned for it or doing it

But if you didn't know it was possible to change job during a sit and then you get a warning for it and then you say you haven't got memory of doing it this just kind of seems to me like you're lying im sorry but thats my opinion


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Well the only times I have been in an admin sit were when I actually got banned and other times when I called an admin so what im saying is back then I didn't know very much about gmod and was kinda dumb so I could've changed job after doing something wrong without realising it, and back then that is totally possible for me to do that as I never read the rules I only knew basic things like RDM, I didn't even know what NLR was and everytime I died I got pissed because I thought I was breaking it when in reality It was just the countdown timer.


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It's a warning, at the end of the day practically nothing even if you do plan on applying for something for staff people have made it in with more than 10 warns. Warns only also ever get removed when they're invalid, in this case it's not as it's stated in the ruleset that not knowing the rules does not make you exempt from them. 

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I wasn't trying to say I didn't know it was a warnable offence and that's why I did it, Im trynna say that I didn't do it cuz I know for a fact that isn't a thing I would do and even if I did do it, it wasn't with the intention to evade a sit it was with the intention of "Im bored of this job, Oh hey that job looks pretty cool I will try it!"


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