
Suggestion for a "surrender" tool

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I think it would be a great idea to add something that allows a player to quickly surrender without having to type or use a mic as a lot of people are quite impatient and sometimes don't realise people are trying to surrender and just shoot em, and why? well either because they had to be murdered OR because they didn't know they were trying to surrender or are just really impatient. This isn't really a big problem but I have seen other servers have a tool which allows you to put your hands up.

(Also if you do add it Please for the love of god let Class - D have it)

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Maybe a command you can type in chat could be done? While "surrendering" you cant equip anything, and doing /unsurrender activates a 2-3 seconds cooldown before you can equip weapons again.


Maybe to top it all off, it should say as a popup message that (Name,Surrenders) so people can see it in chat as well as on the person

Added onto this, when a person is doing /unsurrender it also appears as a popup saying (Name, is no longer surrendering)


Cooldown on the command could be 1 minute to prevent Class D's spamming it 

+1 for the suggestion 

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4 hours ago, Lorex Krato said:

Maybe a command you can type in chat could be done? While "surrendering" you cant equip anything, and doing /unsurrender activates a 2-3 seconds cooldown before you can equip weapons again.


Maybe to top it all off, it should say as a popup message that (Name,Surrenders) so people can see it in chat as well as on the person

Added onto this, when a person is doing /unsurrender it also appears as a popup saying (Name, is no longer surrendering)


Cooldown on the command could be 1 minute to prevent Class D's spamming it 

+1 for the suggestion 

while I think this is a great Idea to it just doesn't account for people with high ping (like me) as text takes centuries to send with over 300 ping, I was more thinking a swep or even just a tool you hold that puts your hands up but still I like your suggestion to

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Hi there, we had a surrender SWEP for a week on NRP and it was causing numerous bugs. (Being stuck in the animation, players not being able to get demoted, and the player model just completely getting messed up)

I know I'm not on SCP but I can say the SWEPs can get buggy so if they do at this for you guys I hope it's not the same one 🙂 

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49 minutes ago, Herman Stellman said:

Hi there, we had a surrender SWEP for a week on NRP and it was causing numerous bugs. (Being stuck in the animation, players not being able to get demoted, and the player model just completely getting messed up)

I know I'm not on SCP but I can say the SWEPs can get buggy so if they do at this for you guys I hope it's not the same one 🙂 

I'm pretty sure there is a perfectly fine tool on the workshop that just puts your hands up In the air and that's it no clicking no fancy stuff just plain ol' equip and thats it, but I do understand your point on the bugginees but then again nothing is perfect (also I dont know what the tool is called on the workshop all I know is that it's used on a DarkRP server in america somewhere)

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Can be done with PAC3 if you want it that bad.
Most likely wont be used for RP reasons more so just to piss about.
May result in some retarded rules being added concerning the SWEP like "you can't pull out your weapon while surrendering" which will just lead to OOC bitching etc.


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