
Beta-7 Discussion Thread

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Does anyone actually like Beta-7? I think that it is the most useless group in the game and people who play Beta-7 don't even know what they're supposed to do when they play. Also the fact that Beta-7 CMD is not a WL makes it even more cancerous, letting 8 year old kids play as CMD who think their job is no different than a security officer's. Most of the time, Beta-7 just guard the airlock or D block while their real job is far from that.  What do you guys  think about Beta-7? 



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5 hours ago, wasabix said:

Does anyone actually like Beta-7? I think that it is the most useless group

 It is,  during the community meeting prior to it's release I stated the MTF would be useless and brings nothing.

5 hours ago, wasabix said:

people who play Beta-7 don't even know what they're supposed to do when they play/ What do you guys  think about Beta-7?

There is nothing to know, the group has zero functionality and it's purpose at the most is useless as you stated. The playermodel choice also represents the Foundation and the Group poorly, as they look like nothing more than Russian terrorists with the Foundation insigna steam pressed onto their uniform. The playermodel also lacks the appropriate equipment that Hazard containment units would have such as  a gasmask, contradicting their so called "purpose".

On the topic of their "Purpose" as well, it's practically non-existent as there's barely anything to nothing when it comes to biological, chemical, radiological hazard anomalies. Which is one of the primary reasons the group remains useless, yeah they can deal with 008 and the cleansing of the containment chamber and 016 but E11 majority of the time handles that. 

Perhaps if they had more functionality I wouldn't look at the job in such a negative light, but I mean they were initially added  just so that players weren't restricted from a containment job and that's most likely all hierarchy had planned for the job. If more anomalies were added and maybe if the "False breach" rule was removed as well I could see Beta-7 as more useful as it would allow for them to act as the immediate response team to the situation as they're specialised for that sort of task. 

Another negative, the group causes the playerbase to be spread among jobs unevenly,  there's already too many useless jobs as it is. This results in more fundamental jobs being left empty and waste of job space.

Edited by Jack Wasza

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11 minutes ago, Jack Wasza said:

On the topic of their "Purpose" as well, it's practically non-existent as there's barely any to nothing when it comes to biological, chemical, radiological hazard anomalies. Which is one of the primary reasons the group remains useless, yeah they can deal with 008 and the cleansing of the containment chamber and 016 but E11 majority of the time handles that. 

In lore Nu-7 handled a mass amount of 008 instances in the wild, this was a sort of breach and few soldiers were lost

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33 minutes ago, Jason Ray said:

In lore Nu-7 handled a mass amount of 008 instances in the wild, this was a sort of breach and few soldiers were lost

Okay? This has to do with the server or Beta-7 how? 

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17 hours ago, Jack Wasza said:

If more anomalies were added and maybe if the "False breach" rule was removed as well I could see Beta-7 as more useful

I agree. The false breach rule would allow some fun scenarios with 008-2, and let Beta-7 do something useful for once other than guarding D block



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4 minutes ago, {KN~SMJ} Inspector Willrick said:

They don't guard D block. If you encourage people to do that, then you're the problem

For the past week or so, the only thing Beta-7 has been doing is security guards' job. They operate airlock door controls in D Block and/or guard the airlock or escort D class. I am sure other people can vouch for this. And nobody encourages Beta-7 to do this, like I said, they usually don't know what they're supposed to do so they go to D block to shoot D class.



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1 hour ago, {KN~SMJ} Inspector Willrick said:

Seems like a you-problem, if you see that happening, maybe act, instead of letting it happen?

First of all, he wouldn't be making an open discussion post about it, If he really could do something about it. Addition to this making this post and trying to secrete some awareness into the people are methods of acting to solve the problem. I don't know how you managed to classify him as a "problem" in this situation; this man is literally a Class-D player who is not retarded, making a civilised post on the forums to state and discuss about a present problem. 

He is not in a position to exterminate the roots of this problem but making people aware of this present problem by making a post is probably the only thing he can do. 

He is literally saying "B-7 has been drifted away from their sole purpose and they are guarding the D-Block instead of helping the containment processes of SCPs". 

Edited by westend

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