Charlie Gutierrez

Charlie Gutierrez's SD application

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In-Game Name:

Charlie Gutierrez 





In-Game Time [Proof Required]:image.png.6e5ed9e8aecb8d2cc339c253562bd48d.png

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions:

I used to be an O5 council member, ECM, E11 CMDR, HoEA, I am now also a moderator.



Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: 
Firstly, I can work very well under pressure. This means that where other site administrators may fail and collapse, I thrive. I enjoy trying to improve the site, pushing it to its limit, to see how efficient and organised it can become. Due to my experience on this server(and on Gmod in general) I know how to handle most situations effectively without any mistakes. I can also apply my current set of skills to adapt to new and more challenging scenarios/situations.

What role does the Site Director have on the site?
The role of the Site Director(SD) is to manage the site and its contents so that everything runs smoothly. The SD reports to the O5 Council however the SD has authority over most foundation personnel. To do this correctly a good SD would utilize their Site Advisors, heads of departments and commanders to divide up the sites tasks into small, manageable groups. This then makes everything much easier to keep track of and any problems can therefore be quickly identified.

What is the O5 Council?:
The O5 council are the highest ranking members of the foundation(apart from the administrator). They have the final decision in any debates and are the highest clearance on site(LvL 5) so only certain foundation members have the knowledge of their existence. There are a number of members on the council (12 or 13 depending on if 13 exists) and they go bay various code-names. The O5 council also have their own personal army known as Alpha-1. Alpha-1 report directly to the council and risk their lives protecting them every day.


Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

If you have any questions then feel free to ask below and I will try to answer as many as possible.


Edited by Charlie Gutierrez
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On 8/24/2021 at 9:10 PM, bobjeffman123 said:

I used to be an O5 council member, ECM, E11 CMDR, HoEA.

I've checked your posts on the forums.. I can't for the life of me find your O5 Council Application nor HoEA.. Just briefly searching your RP name comes up with a E-11 Commander Blacklist by the manager himself. Can you share some light onto why none of your applications show up -and show light on the blacklist itself-

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6 minutes ago, Sam Kelly said:


I've checked your posts on the forums.. I can't for the life of me find your O5 Council Application nor HoEA.. Just briefly searching your RP name comes up with a E-11 Commander Blacklist by the manager himself. Can you share some light onto why none of your applications show up -and show light on the blacklist itself-

Although I cannot prove the threads existed I do recall them existing on the old forums. 

I am here to launder money

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Seen you a few times around the facility as various jobs and your name rings a bell, but it would be cool to see you on Foundation Administration helping contribute to a few of the calls that happen around site. 

On 8/24/2021 at 9:10 PM, bobjeffman123 said:

I used to be an O5 council member, ECM, E11 CMDR, HoEA

Also this is a huge bonus because you've got experience from times when you did play the role.

My thoughts are +1/Neutral, but I'd suggest playing SA or DOEAA just to refresh yourself on how the main foundation admin works and how it is played so you can back into the swing of things before getting WL'd for this.

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Decision:  +1

On 8/24/2021 at 9:10 PM, bobjeffman123 said:

In-Game Time [Proof Required]

Damn, So, normally people applying for Site Director normally have lower than I'd expect play time, you on the other hand have plenty of time in game, and therefore experience. So you don't have to worry on that front. (For context, for me at least a minimum of 2-4 weeks is required to give a good range to aim for.)

On 8/24/2021 at 9:10 PM, bobjeffman123 said:

I used to be an O5 council member, ECM, E11 CMDR, HoEA.

You have been in many High Ranking positions, similar to Site Director. Although it is slightly different -go figure- you should fit the job perfectly. Although I don't really need to confirm you are O5 -since I am sure Fixer will check most likely- I'm going to just consider that you had the roles and move on.


On 8/24/2021 at 9:10 PM, bobjeffman123 said:

Firstly, I can work very well under pressure. This means that where other site administrators may fail and collapse, I thrive. I enjoy trying to improve the site, pushing it to its limit, to see how efficient and organised it can become. Due to my experience on this server(and on Gmod in general) I know how to handle most situations effectively without any mistakes. I can also apply my current set of skills to adapt to new and more challenging scenarios/situations.

I think this is the first time I've seen a non-generic reason why someone should be Site Director, most follow the same template. It was a nice shock to see something is unique. Now, to actually review the paragraph. It's good that you work under pressure, I think this is common between most Site Directors, Having experience outside the server is always great and written in a way -unlike some- that is more casual. I've seen people bring Experience from other servers and use that as the reason why they should be SD without having much experience on the server. 

I am overall impressed, I would normally go into more detail and write about the whole application, but the rest is perfect, and I honestly see nothing wrong with the application itself. Best of luck and can't wait to see you as a Site Director.

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2nd page when?

Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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