
096 application

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RP-Name:  Josh Martin


Playtime (Must be 4 days or over): 04Days and 9 hours

In-game Warnings (Reasons and amount, provide a screenshot. Type !warns to see a list, warnings may not exceed 20 [exceptions can be made]): 1 warn (image attached) Killing a CI delta without knowing uniforms

Have you read the rules of SCPRP and understand them?: Yes

Have you read the SCP-096 rules and understand them? Demonstrate your understanding with an example or two: 7.12.2: SCP-096 may only use his CL5 to open doors which are directly in his way. This means 096 can only open doors infront of him and not go out of his way to open other doors,

7.12.10: Nobody in Foundation can forcefully breach you, this means that if a Foundation personnel goes to your containment chamber, looks at your face and begins running purely to breach you, it is a rule break and you must report it. You may not chase the target if they have purposefully looked at your face. If this happened i would call an admin to inform.

Are you able to play the job often and RP correctly?: Yes

What is the containment procedure for SCP-096 if it has breached? Explain with as much detail as you can: If SCP 096 has breached containment and killed his target he must sit over the dead body until Containment Teams are to evacuate the room and look away from scp 096 until behind him to over his face 

While in a test, the D-Class they have put in your Containment Chamber has run out and managed to get to the Entrance Zone after looking at your face. What course of action do you take and what do you do once your target is dead?: Sit over the body until either i get re-contained or another person looks at my face or picture then i would proceed to kill them as well repeating the process 

While chasing SCP-096-1, you pass a researcher, MTF personnel and D-Class who all look at your face accidentally. You manage to kill your original target and you circle back to kill the rest. Is this a good RP scenario and why? (Free form question.): no because its 096 would kill his closest target first before killing other targets

A Group of Interest has entered the facility and is attempting to bring you to their base. While transporting you, one of the members sees your face, however says that it was an accident and that you should just ignore it. What should you do and why?: I will not ignore it due to it breaking Rule 7.12.8: SCP096 must kill anyone who looks at his face

 thanks for reading


Edited by J0s4U8
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Present SCP Ranks:
SCP Developer

SCP Ranks Past
SCP Manager
SCP Head Admin
SCP-Head Moderator             
SCP-096 Co-Manager
Onerioi Collective
Ethics Committee Manager
Chaos Insurgency Delta Manager
Sarkic Manager
O5 Council Manager


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