
Richard Kowalski - HOEA app.

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In-Game Name: Richard Kowalski

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86953084

In-Game Time (must be more than 5 days, proof required.):

Discord ID: włodek#9062


Describe the different bureau's of the department of external affairs and explain what they do (go into as much detail as needed):
-Administrative and Operations Bureau:
It’s responsible for, as name suggests giving tasks to on-site MTF units, for example ordering them capture of anomaly on surface, or planning raid, giving orders to field agents and DOA agents,  and communication with other administration members.

-Disinformation Bureau:
It is tasked mainly with keeping veil of secrecy, through administration of amnestics if necessary, spreading cover up stories, and hiding Foundation’s activities from other GOI’s, if it’s possible, by any means possible for Foundation in order to keep its activities unnoticed by other GOI’s and population unaware of existence of anomalous objects and Foundation.

-Intelligence Bureau:
The Intelligence Bureau’s job is to gather information about other GOI’s and situation on surface, and relaying them back to on-site units, using available resources(In this case field agents), and finding and containing anomalies outside of Foundation’s containment.

-Recruitment Bureau:
Name is very self explanatory, it’s job on site is mainly to recruit captured GOI members into Sigma-66, or in case of anomalous individuals – Omega-12, and the recruitment of D class personnel.

Show your understanding of the job rules:

 -SD has authority over HOEA, decisions like planning a raid will require his approval. Obviously, it goes without saying that O5 council has authority over HOEA too.

-HOEA does not have direct authority over any armed units on site and can’t command them until he gets SD’s or O5’s approval.

-There’s a limited number of Omega-12 and Sigma-66 units allowed on site at one time.(2 for Omega-12 and 3 for Sigma-66)

-Anything related to tactical part of raid should be left up to MTF units that take part in raid.

-HOEA can’t convert people into O-12 or Sigma-66 in combat.

-Any anomaly should be given to research department first before converting them into Omega-12 units.

One of the Nu7 units has brought in a civilian who was loitering at GA for an extended amount of time and has been confirmed as possibly hostile he's now in EZ cells, explain your course of action (go into as much detail as needed): First of all, I’ll interrogate civilian, focusing on how long he was in front of GA and how he found out about it, also I’ll try to check if he’s member of any GOI – If he is and the GOI is hostile, I’ll either try to recruit him into Sigma-66 after getting information out of him, or order execution/recruitment into D class. If he is civilian, I’ll try to find out how long he was in front of GA – if he wasn’t there longer than 20 minutes, I’ll give him amnestics and send one MTF member to release him, if he was longer than 20 minutes he will be either executed or recruited into D class, as amnestics will not wipe out all memories in this case.


The police department has raided a base of the Chaos Insurgency and have seized multiple anomalous items and a Chaos insurgency Operative has been detained. The PD interrogated the Operative who leaked information about the foundation and the anomalous world, what is your course of action (go into as much detail as needed):  If possible, I will send one of MTF units to retrieve operative, I won’t send field agents alone in case that CI tries to retrieve operative. If PD is few in number I would also order field agents to administer amnestics to PD members. If there’s a lot of PD however I’ll use cover story, telling them that the men was insane terrorist that we have been looking for recently and that he is to be transferred into 75th Ranger Regiment’s hands, and that whatever he said can’t be trusted(Of course, it depends on how much he in fact said. If he said a lot of information, I’d still try to amnesticate PD, but I feel like it would be risky, since there’s always a chance that one of them will evade amnestication).


An anomalous person has been been spotted on the surface being far more physically capable than humanly possible (super speed and super jumping) what is your course of action (go into as much detail as needed): First focus should be capturing of anomaly – I would use field agents for that, sending them to surface in order to capture it. I would recommend them to simply take civilian disguises, try to talk to it and detain it when they are alone. If they would be successful I’ll then order them to bring anomaly on site – hopefully without alarming civilians/PD. Next, I’ll focus on disinformation. I don’t think that city-wide amnestication will be possible, so I’ll use cover story for that, telling  that the man was under influence of lethal dose of unknown performance – enhancing drugs and that he had been arrested by undercover police officer for possession of them, and sent to hospital if anybody has noticed arrest of anomaly. After anomaly has been brought on site he will be first given to research department, and then possibly recruited into Omega-12, depending on his attitude and his cooperation. However, if field agents aren’t successful and anomaly is hostile, I won’t risk pointless chase after anomaly which may cost agents their lives and I’ll order termination of anomaly, since I feel like it’s better option than to have it running around the city, where it can be seen by even more civilians, or captured by hostile GOI and used against Foundation.


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Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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App is nice and detailed and user is competent and trustworthy. Use this as proof of whitelist and request the role on the administrative discord.

Edited by Jason Haze

Please shut the fuck up, no one cares about your whitelists in a Gmod RP server

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