
Simpson's First IRP Staff App

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In-game name(s):

 Shock Vice Commander Simpson

Steam Name:


Steam ID: (😞


Age when applying:


What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone:

 England BST/GMT 

Can you speak and type English fluently:


Current total game-time on the server (type !time):


IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on IRP:

 Platinum VIP

Shock VC

Sith Initiate 


Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: I have a working Microphone and can adapt to typing if needs be 


When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since:

 I joined the server on release

How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, IRP Discord and our forums: I use the teamspeak a lot since Shock is a TS based reg but do prefer Discord  


State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type !time then open warns menu, and drag the menu so chat is visible with the time):


State the role of staff on the server:

 To make sure the players are abiding by the rules of the server that have been set out 

Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?

 I am familiar with the server rules and will familiarise myself with them if new are added or changed 

List of all previous server staff experience:


Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: I understand that if I am demoted it will be solely my fault due to me breaking the rules/guidelines of the staff tem 




Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:


1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other Imperials:

  I will first check the logs and see if the player in question has really been doing so and if they have been I will bring them into a sit and warn them and ban them accordingly 


2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function:

 I would Look through the tab menu and see if there is any NCO+ online and if so Bring them to the cadet area and tell them they gotta train cadets if they have a valid reason not to them i will return them and find someone else 

3 ) During a debrief, a ST accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: 

This will mostly an in-character punishment due to it being once and by accident.


4 ) A ST #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: 

This is not a staff situation so as a Staff member I'd do nothing about it but as an Imperial Troop I would make sure I inform them that some people if not saluted will probably get them arrested for Disrespect as its seen as disrespect to not salute higher ups.


5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitally stated within the server rules: 

I would talk to them explaining that it is fail RP and not to do it again because if repeated it will be a warn for it and state that finding loopholes in the rules is punishable also. 


6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing:

I would calmy say that if they have a problem with my decision I would direct them to the forums or the discord where they can raise a concern to the Senior Management where they can deal with the situation from there




Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):


I believe I am a very dedicated player the community being in it since 2019 and coming back to keep playing in it shows how much fun I find the servers in the werwolf group I originally started on CWRP and still play on it and have achieved the rank of Master on that server also being Vice Commander Shows that I'm able to handle responsibility. Although I have no staffing experience I am eager to learn how the system works. I feel like I would be a good addition to the staff team because I enjoy getting to know new people and I prefer to follow the rules but I do like to at times treat it as a game because that's what it is at the end of the day but I never mess about enough to ruin other people's fun because in the end its not just your experience its others and you have to make sure you make it enjoyable for every party involved. 


After being in this community a while I'm used to all the minges and people so nothing much gets to me so I can just sit there and wait while a player is throwing abuse towards me. I am also open to criticism so if any of the management or any player for that fact has a problem with how I conduct myself or the way I act I will put that into consideration and change that to better everyone's experience.


I do hope you consider me for a new addition to the Staff team because I have free time and Don't mind playing late to try and get the minges that come on after hours when staff aren't online, I'll also play early in the mornings since I have nothing else better to do with my life.

Current Ranks: Honour Guard 🤓
Past Ranks: Gavz's Kitten, Shock Vice Commander, CG Vice Commander, Obi Wan Kenobi, 104th Captain ,GC Person Solaire is cringe MCO, CW EP, 501st SO


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+1 this man did my knight trial!

Also cool guy 

Current Ranks
  Yoda - DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu




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You have not been chosen for staff at this time, feel free to apply in the future when we next open applications - should you meet the requirements.

Former Ranks and Stuff

Community Co-Owner

WW2-ORP Owner

CWRP Manager

IRP Manager

Half-Life RP Vice-Manager

Medieval RP Head Mod

Zombie RP Reserve

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