
Uber's 1st Battalion application

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                                Uber's 1st Battalion application

                                                                                             Enjoy 🙂

Easier to read : )




                                Out of character section:


Steam Name: Your_Uber


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:449944215


Current OOC Rank on the server(eg Plat VIP, Mod): Plat vip


Age (14 - Minimum): 15


What is your playtime (2 Weeks - Minimum): 4w 7h 22m


Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: yes and yes


Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Yes


Do you meet the requirements: Yes

State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link:


In Character Section -

In-Game name: (Regiment, Rank and then your name) CE PFT Jr Medic Colonel Uber


All Previous Ranks Obtained: (Highest Per Regiment) CE Temp Exo 


What should we pick you for Battalion: (200 Words - Minimum) Why i think i should be picked for battalion is cause my brain system catches fast and works very well that makes me think faster and fix problems easier, cause of that i can fastly resolve flanks, strategies. Reason why to pick me for battalion is my activity is fairly good, and also i have online classes until next year summer, making me to get on when people need me on CWRP.  Also a good reason to pick me as battalion is my Strategies, i have played so many Strategy games and watching Historical movies about ww2 or ww1 making me good at planning things ( i have plans even):

a house is full of enemies, and we need to clear them out, i firstly send CG and DU with Shields, after that 501st with shotguns and 21st with flamethrowers making the enemy fell easily and making the republic unstoppable

While i have been in CE, i have been bored of staying GR and doing nothing as leading(Sorry CE), so i want to upgrade myself to more specialized and more of a leading regiment (battalion). I believe i should be picked is that i have mostly known the equipment's of Regiments as playing EC or singleplayer that makes me easier to use the equipment and so making me do easier decision of sending troops to battlefield. I have mostly tested out all regimental equipment as EC or again singleplayer, knowing the secrets of these equipment  like Flamethrowers- aim at the feet, sniper - long range body.  

Last reason to why i should get picked cause i have learned my lesson in these past 5 months, that most of battalion i have seen are either too powerhungry or too strict, making the troopers exhausted and making the game Not fun, if i get picked i would still do trainings, but i would make them fun and different, so they can be happy and enjoy the regiment i am supervising.


Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum) Battalion Roles and Responsibilities:

Battalion role is to be the Main heads of MB, battalions are supposed to be with their regiment they are supervising or (If leading event) Leading all Regiments to Base attacks or planetary,  Battalion is very disciplined rank and almost one of the highest on the base, Battalion role is to lead Grand army of the republic to victory and make their brothers Proud.

Battalion responsibilities are to Maintain peace in galactic republic and in MB cause either there is a crazy CT disobeying rules or the base is attacked by Cartel, pirates or CIS. Battalion is to make sure that army is in good shape and always ready for a battle. Battalion must do trainings for their Regiments they are supervising and have them in good shape and battalion must be the ones who are going with their regiments in frontlines or backlines Serving republic as well and fighting side to side


Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment: (If so, explain why) striked and demoted, cause i was dumbass as medic (Medic - Jr medic) (abused /roll) 


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: Yes


What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading: (IN DETAIL) If the battalion Is not leading, then his job is to stay with his supervised regiment and help them out with combat or stay mid frontline. Most important is that you cant order your regiment you are supervising, only Leading regimental commander can order, you can only give ideas to leading regimental commander. If leading battalion is ordering you to go with other Regiments you are not supervising, you must obey it


What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session:

1.Lead a successful Planetary

2.Perform a successful Debrief after Planetary

3.Perform a open Sim (which goes good)


What rank can the Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up to: Captain


What rank and above can use two pieces of Regimental Equipment: Battalion Colonel


Anything else: Sometimes i act strange cause of my mental health problems like laughing and stuttering sometimes and also some of things dont want to color in the post idk why (Sorry)

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Uber Is a Very dedicated Person with decent playtime and i like how he described that he has a strategy however one thing is that yes you can be fun with a regiment but your still ment to be strict when need be. Anyway Uber is a Lovely guy he js easy to approach and dosent seem power hungry at all. 

Good luck Uber!

- Your favourite Grain of Sand, Sandy.

Current Ranks
  DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu - Yoda





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Uber is a Great man, He knows his rights and wrongs and is great at leading.

I don't want you to leave CE though.

                                                               Current Ranks                                       

  • IE Captain
  • IRP Junior Dev
  • IRP Event Planner

                                                               Previous Ranks 

  • Imperial Head Medical Officer
  • Pyke Syndicate Elder
  • T-RP Administrator
  • CE Colonel
  • Jedi Guardian/Consular
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Heard Great thing about Uber, Seems compietant compared to some over CE,  Would love him to be in Battalion.


Previous OOC rank
Senior Event Planner

Previous IC rank
CT Drill Sergeant-Major
CE Captain
CG Vice-Commander
Battalion  Colonel

Jedi Scout


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He’s honestly pretty competent, his leading is good and i think he’d manage being in batt quite well. My one complaint is there’s sometimes some background noise on his mic, but i don’t think that could make a big difference to his quality of leading.

pls stay ce tho

Current Ranks

DS Commando F75 
CWRP Vice Manager

Past Ranks

Flight Show Extraordinaire
CE ARC Colonel
Jedi Ace
104th Temp Executive Officer
CT Temp Vice Commander


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Overall great guy, I've spoke with you a lot

Never really seen your leader ship skills

Striked and demoted before.

Poor punctuation and some grammar mistakes.


Overall it's a Nuteral / -1 from me. I'm sorry lad, good luck though!

Edited by Doot
Fuck up on colour.
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4 hours ago, Doot said:


Poor punctuation and some grammar mistakes.

sorry but that is such a shit reason to -1 someone

Current Ranks

DS Commando F75 
CWRP Vice Manager

Past Ranks

Flight Show Extraordinaire
CE ARC Colonel
Jedi Ace
104th Temp Executive Officer
CT Temp Vice Commander


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Terrific COL And Excellent Application Form 
Great leader when i am in CE TS 

Good luck uber

"Current Ranks"
Idk something
"Past Ranks"
Battalion CPT - Tech - Jedi Ace Caesar Leutnant - WW2 Event Planner -  GM SpecOps COL
The Bad Batch Tech GIF by Star Wars

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I mean Uber, I have known of your name for some months now, and let me tell you, I enjoy working/leading with you. You may not the the most talkative (Around me at least) but I have heard some great things from you from other battalion members. Along with that, you are great at CE. Knowing what you need to do in seconds and acting swift fully in many situations. I haven't seen you lead, however this shows to me that you are fully able to lead. Also don't worry about some other people, docking you for your grammar or punctuation. Its not needed in battalion and you use your voice then text anyway. Its just a stupid -1 reason honestly.

I only have two minor concerns. One was your demotion. I don't know about it to much nor how long ago it was but its still there to keep mind off and secondly, you have been with CE awhile. Like Sandy was when he first joined, I don't want you having the defensive mindset and I would hope that you can utilise the frontlines well. But this comes with experience in this situations so its not major.

Anyway good application and I hope you get it!

Good luck Uber,


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1 hour ago, Breatoking said:


I mean Uber, I have known of your name for some months now, and let me tell you, I enjoy working/leading with you. You may not the the most talkative (Around me at least) but I have heard some great things from you from other battalion members. Along with that, you are great at CE. Knowing what you need to do in seconds and acting swift fully in many situations. I haven't seen you lead, however this shows to me that you are fully able to lead. Also don't worry about some other people, docking you for your grammar or punctuation. Its not needed in battalion and you use your voice then text anyway. Its just a stupid -1 reason honestly.

I only have two minor concerns. One was your demotion. I don't know about it to much nor how long ago it was but its still there to keep mind off and secondly, you have been with CE awhile. Like Sandy was when he first joined, I don't want you having the defensive mindset and I would hope that you can utilise the frontlines well. But this comes with experience in this situations so its not major.

Anyway good application and I hope you get it!

Good luck Uber,


This you?


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You have been accepted into Battalion, please contact a member of admiralty.

Past SWRP Ranks
CW Grand Admiral, CW Manager,
CW 501st Commander x2, CW ARC Commander,
CW RC OS Squad Leader F61, CW Jedi Fighter

IRP Grand Admiral, IRP Vice Manager

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