IE New Gun

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What your suggestion is: To give IE a new gun for CO/SO

Scriptfodder/workshop link: N/A

Any additional information:

As a supportive regiment, you'd expect IE to be on the backlines, so us having an LMG that does fairly low damage with a large spread is not very helpful, so would it be possible to get a longer range gun perhaps with a scope (Similar to when CE had the E-22 on CWRP) so that our only way of dealing damage won't only be to frontline. Obviously since we don't have to hold GR in events anymore as well, we hardly ever use the turrets and so really struggle to find a place in the fight, as we aren't meant to frontline but can do basically nothing from the backlines; not to mention 1 EC could 1v1 probably anyone in the regiment with us not standing a chance.

Current Ranks:

Founder of The Bois

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Seems Fair.

[Current Ranks]   
 ST Commander IRP Mod
[Past Ranks] 
CWRP]  -  CT LCOL - DU EXO - CG LCOL  442nd VC
[IRP] - ST VC - 501st Temp EXO - Admin

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Could honestly just give them the current E-22

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