Mr Jeff

Revise the current rules for Pac3

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Currently, the rules surrounding the use of Pac3 in SCPRP are quite vague, they are confusing to some and class the majority of Pacs that people want to use as abuse when some are hardly affecting anything. I believe that they need to be revised by SMT and have a new set of rules put in place that alow more freedoms with pacs that currently would be realistic but disallowed due to the ruling.

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"Pac3 must be realistic for your role" is the only rule you really need, especially since if you can't understand it you shouldn't have pac3 in the first place and if you manage to break the rule you are a retard


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100% sure SMT will be reworking and going back to the ruleset before V7 drops, since the current one is based on the current map/jobs/state of the server. Pac3 rules on the other hand are pretty universal and from Staff's perspective I don't see a need it re-doing these. They are really simple and basic yet well done, as in they don't restrain you from creating most Pac3s yet they still ensure a realistic and RP-Focused approach to the feature.


I don't know how you do not understand the rules, if you have questions make a ticket on discord/call staff in-game


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21 hours ago, Alfie - Blake said:

HRs will mald when they see this.

Ofc, who else will they then crash when they get kidnapped??

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