
Trintana's Discord ban appeal

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 My In-Game name: CT 2342 Trintana


Discord Name: Trintana#3482


STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:102573861


Steam Name: Trintana


What is the reason for your ban: Honestly I don't know


How long were you banned for: Perma


Name of the staff member who banned you: I don't know


Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Whatever I did it's been years since I was banned I'm very sorry and  honestly I kind of need discord to communicate with battalions if I were to tryout for one. So that's why I believe I should be unbanned.



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The ban reason is Community-Ban, this indicates you have done something serious.

However there is no logging of this anywhere and as such you will be unbanned from the discord server - Lewis (CWRP Manager)





Credit to Loki for this.



Current Ranks


Grand Admiral

SWRP Manager

212th ET

Previous Ranks

Admirality - lol skipped VA m8

CE Marshal Commander

(Temp) DU Marshal Commander

(Temp) 21st Marshal Commander

(Temp) CG Vice Commander

Jedi Padawan - Like a boss

41st NCO

Fallschirmjager - Jäger

Caesar Obergefreiter


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