
OwnZar's Event Planner Application

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Basic Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: OwnZar + https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198249771994/

Roleplay Name: CT Lieutenant OwnZar

Teamspeak Name: CT OwnZar

Playtime on the Server: 3 Weeks, 40 minutes

SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:0:144753133

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Yes, mainly on Minecraft servers and briefly on a Dark RP server before it was closed down.

Current Age: 21 years

Warns/Bans: None

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes

Event Plan:

-Event's First Phase-
The first wave of ECs will infiltrate the base disguising themselves as Clone Troopers and bring an small box to the GR, Battalion will be instucted to not make a big deal out of this or straight up not mention it so the ECs have an easier time infiltrating the base.
Once the ECs arrive at the GR they will hide the box inside and try to scape the base unnoticed.

At this point the event can go differently depending on the actions taken by the troops stationed in the base.

-Event's Second Phase-

-If the ECs manage to place th box in GR and hide it from the enemy, or protect it from any republic assault, the box will explode after 3 minutes of being placed, revealing an EMP charge inside and turning the base's energy off.
-If the ECs fail to place the box in the GR, or a republic assault destroys it before 3 minutes of it being placed pass, the EMP will not exlode, allowing the base to continue normal duties like nothing had happen.
-If the box the ECs were transporting is taken from them by anyone and placed somewhere else than GR, it will blow up like a normal thermal detonator, as an auto-destruction mechanism, allowing the base to continue normal duties like nothing had happen, although in Defcon 4.

Now it will depend of the previous actions to continue the event.

-If the ECs escaped they have the choice of abandoning the base or stay inside and lay low and act as a fifth column when the second ECs wave arrives.
-If the ECs did not escape they will join the second EC wave.

-If the EMP exploded in the GR, the GR will be turned off without the posibility of being repaired, CE and RC will be ordered to fly to a Republic outpost to get new parts to repair the Base GR and will have to stay there until told otherwise by Battalion (Which will be told by the EP when to tell them)
and will not be allowed to go back to base until it's too late.
While CE ad RC are away, the second wave of ECs will attack the base, at this exact moment the event will turn into a Last Stand, and all killed clones will be required to turn into ECs as they die.
The ECs must control the Main Gate, HQ and GR to have control over the entire base, and when they do it will be announced to all the server as a distress signal from Battalion, informing both teams of the begining of the third event phase.

-If the EMP did not detonate in GR, then a base bombardment will be carried out by the ECs flying bombers.
Once the ECs Leader thinks an assault is viable, the second EC wave will be launched with the same capture objectives (Main Gate, HQ and GR).

-Event's Third Phase-

-If the EMP did not detonate in GR, then a base bombardment will be carried out by the ECs flying bombers.
Once the ECs Leader thinks an assault is viable, the second EC wave will be launched with the same capture objectives (Main Gate, HQ and GR).
>If the ECs capture Main Gate then they will be allowed to recieve armored support (tanks and armoured transport vehicles).
>If the ECs capture HQ then the Republic will not be allowed to spawn new vehicles, ground or flying ones, for the rest of the assault.
>If the ECs capture GR then the Bunks doors will malfuction, requiring Clones with engenieering skills to open manually te bunks.
>If the ECs capture all three points then the event will turn into a Last Stand for the Republic, the clones will eventually be forced to Defcon 1 to outposts or the Jedi Temple, Last Stand then ends and they will have to take back the base, following the same conquering system that the ECs followed during their own assault.

The Event ends once the Republic recaptures all base points and kills the last EC.

-If the EMP detoated in GR, after the CIS took the base, they will have one minute to prepare to defend against EC, RC and whatever republic forces managed to escape the base.
Last Stand is still active for the Republic and will also be activated for the ECs, this Last Stand cannot be broken by anybody, not even Admiralty or RC, once a trooper dies, they die until the base has been taken back or the last republic assault trooper has been eliminated.
Republic troops hiding inside the base that have not been killed have the choice of acting as a fith column, just like the ECs previously did, to help their attacking comrades.

-If the Republic fails to retake the base, the Highest rank will order a complete evacuation and a map switch to a Venator will follow.
-If the Republic retakes the base then the Last Stands will be lifted for a short moment.
All Clones will be allowed to respawn, as long as the arent ECs at the moment, and the Republic will have 2 minutes to prepare for a Last assault on the base by the ECs.

During this last defense Bronze rule will not be enforced for NCO+, this way for example a GM CPL will be allowed just in this defense to use turrets, tanks, etc.
To counter balance this, after the two minutes of preparation the Republic will be faced with yet another Last Stand.

The objective of the Republic is to repair the GR and send a distress signal to the fleet for reinforcements (10 minutes).
The objective of the ECs is to retake GR without using vents and while conquering Main Gate and Main Courtyard before marching into the HQ and GR, they cannot ignore this posts before trying to take HQ or GR.

-If the ECs take all the objectives before time runs out then the Highest rank will order a complete evacuation and a map switch to a Venator will follow.
-If the ECs fail to take their objectives after 10 minutes then a Last Stand will begin just for them and at the same time the Republic Last Stand will be lifted.
The Event then ends once the Republic recaptures all base points and kills the last EC.

>Jedi will not interveene, for they will be fighting Rancors and a Sith Accolite that will escape before being captured or killed, altough he will indeed fight the Jedi.
The Accolite must engage the Jedi as soon as the Event commences to not allow them to assist te clones in Main Base, alongside this the Jedi must refuse to help the clones if these ask for help, as they have "their own problems".


Any Map can be used as long as it has a GR, an outside outpost (pirates/cartel/civilian outposts count too) and an external Jedi Temple.
But I recommend that we use
RishiMoon to do it.

-First EC Wave: Commando Droids disguised as Clones.
-Second EC Wave: A mixture of B1 Droids and B2 Super Battle Droids.
-Third EC Wave / Base Defense against Republic Assault: Droidekas and Commando Droids.
-Forth EC Wave (Only if the Republic Captured the Base): B2 Super Battle Droids and Commando Droids in armoured vehicles (Example: AAT Tanks).
-Jedi Accolite + Rancors (if we have a proper model for it, Ant-Lion Guardians will take their place if no).

-First EC Wave: Commando Droids disguised as Clones: 3000 HP.
-Second EC Wave: B1 Droids: 1000 HP.  B2 Super Battle Droids: 1500 HP.
-Third EC Wave / Base Defense against Republic Assault: Droidekas: 500 HP + 1000 Shield. Commando Droids: 1000 HP.
-Forth EC Wave (Only if the Republic Captured the Base): B2 Super Battle Droids: 1500 HP.  Commando Droids: 1000 HP.
-Jedi Accolite: 500000 HP + Rancors: 10000 HP each.

-First EC Wave: Commando Droids disguised as Clones: 3 minimum - 5 maximum.
-Second EC Wave: B1 Droids: 2 minimum. B2 Super Battle Droids: 4 maximum.
-Third EC Wave / Base Defense against Republic Assault: Droidekas: 3 Maximum. Commando Droids: Limit determined by EC numbers.
-Forth EC Wave (Only if the Republic Captured the Base): B2 Super Battle Droids: Limit determined by EC numbers. Commando Droids: Determined by the ground vehicle chosen by them. Minimum 4.
-Jedi Accolite (One) + Rancors: The Jedi Accolite must always have one by his side, if one dies then another one must be spawnned.
The Rancors will be Ant-Lion Guardians re-skinned (if we have the proper model).

>Republic Execution:
-The Highest Rank Online will notify the base troops that a new package has been sent to the GR and is being scorted by some Clone Troopers (ECs disguised), but will ask all avaidable CE to go to the Batt Offices for a meeting about the fuel reserves on the base

-If the EMP is discovered, the ECs blow up their covers or the box self-destructed then a Defcon 2 will be ordered and troops will be instructed to find the box or destroy it if it hasn't ben achieved already. If they achieve this then Defcon 4 will be instructed and the Second Wave of ECs will be called shortly afterwards, begining the Phase 2 of the Event.
-If the EMP detonates in the GR then the GR will be turned off without the posibility of being repaired, CE and RC will be ordered to fly to a Republic outpost to get new parts to repair the Base GR and will have to stay there until told otherwise by Battalion (Which will be told by the EP when to tell them), shortly afterwards begins the Phase 2 of the Event and CE and RC will not be allowed to go back to base until it's too late.

The Rest of the Republic Execution has been explained already in the Event Plan, but in general this event will be very hands-off from Batt and High Command, letting Field troops come up with their own strategy rather than being ordered one by a higher-up-

>Event Characters Execution:
-Between 3 and 5 Commando Droids will enter Main Base disguissed as Clone Toopers and attempt to place an EMP in the GR, the EMP will be disguissed as a new industrial sized geiger counter, although ECs can come up with something different if they want to spice up it a bit.
-If the Commandos fail they can blow up their cover and try to shoot their way out or lay low and wait for the Second EC Wave, in which case they will join the fight causing confussion and distrust on the clone troopers (Republic Law enforcers will be ordered not to punish Golden rule unless it was a clear violation of it, rather than the distrust and confussion the Commandos are meant to create).
-If the Commandos suceed in placing and/or defending the EMP they can lay low if posible and join the fight once the Second EC Wave attacks, acting as a fifth colum, as previously stated or escape from the base if the prefeer to join as normal ground units in the upcoming attack.

The Rest of the Event Character's Execution has been explained already in the Event Plan, but they will be required to wait in between actions to let CE and RC leave the base.


>Event Information:
All of the Information has been explained already.

>Have you ever done an Event Before?:
No, I have helped make some and have given several ideas for them, but never done one myself.

>What was your event and was it sucessfully executed?

>Do you understand the responsabilities an Event-Planner has? If so, what are they?
Yes I do.
The responsabilities of an EP are to create and execute Events on the server to entertain the playerbase in a fun, fair but challenging way. If I'm not incorrect, EPs also act as a low type of Staff to end infightings that may occur when no Staff are present or are very busy to take care of the situation.

>Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?

>Anything else?
W-G E-Planner

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This is A well thought out plan and Very detailed. I like the Waves alot and you are pretty active.
 My only main concern is How it would be executed well in game cause with hp as 1k by droids with most clones being online and having to hold your ec's will not make it very far without a group push, Same thing with the Jedi Ec more hp. 

Goodluck ownzar. - Sandy








Current Ranks

DS Commando F91

CWRP Deputy Event Manager

Honour Guard

Past Ranks

CT 2459

CE PFT Medic Colonel

Battalion Colonel

GM LT Colonel

5x Regimental Medic

Jedi Ace

CWRP Senior Event Planner x2

Jedi Watcher

501st Colonel

Jedi Shadow

Jedi Beast Tamer

Jedi Warlock

Jedi Paladin

Jedi Lorekeeper

Jedi Phantom

CWRP Jedi Event Planner

501st Gamma ARC Colonel

Obi wan Kenobi

Plo Koon

Mace Windu

Grandmaster Yoda





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Sounds like a Fun Event and a Interesting one 
Is Trusted in CT 

[The only thing that might go wrong is if the clones deploy there tanks even when the droids have HQ so you will have to explain the full idea to the battalion ]But if you can deal with that then youll have a good chance 

Good-luck Ownzar :}


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