Rusty - Ketero

Keteros Trooper Event-Planner App

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Steam Name + Profile link: Rusty

Roleplay Name: Ketero 

Teamspeak Name: Philips Keter

Playtime on the Server: 1 Week 2 Days

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:211188625

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Yes, I have been in the Event Team on SCP-RP for over 9 months now.

Current Age: 15

Warns/Bans: None

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes I have a microphone that is understandable.



Event Plan: 

Map: Base map which we will be on at the time, so probably the new Titan Rishi

Enemies, HP, Amount:
“Animal Rights Extremist” ; 2000 HP ; 4-5 ECs ; Human civilian models
>Also in case the ECs get pushed around and destroyed a bit too much every once in a while I or another EP would become a “Corrupted Human Beast” or something, I don’t have any better names in mind. It would get 5000-6000 HP, probably a zombie model or some other fucked up model, get scaled up to like 1.3-1.5 and given the zombie SWEP to allow the extremists to push back the Imperials.

Passive, HP, Amount:
“Animal Rights Activist” ; 2000 HP ; probably only one 

Imperial Execution:
  Fleet and ISB will be informed that a group of animal rights extremists have attacked an Imperial owned laboratory and stolen many dangerous chemicals and have obtained very classified information are hiding on this planet. They are warned that the base should go on high alert due to the chance of them plotting an ambush on this base to take revenge on behalf of the animals the Empire used in their experiments. 
  Fleet would then alert the troopers to go on Defcon-4 and be ready. Whether they call a debrief, or use a voice amp is up to them.

Event Character Execution:
  After the base goes on Defcon-4, two trusted ECs will be brought to the mountain opposite of base with RPGs to shoot at the base. Now, you might think ‘’why would you give ECs RPGs off the bat?’’ well, cause they aren’t meant to kill anyone with them, just to create a distraction and have the troop's attention turned towards them. While this is happening the other ECs would kidnap someone (HMO Darkshelious please offer yourself up for the sake of LARP), and hold them hostage. This is the part of the event where it turns into the same event as every single other event. During the negotiation, one of the extremists would use a drug they stole from the laboratory to turn themselves into a Corrupted Human Beast, this is the part where the event goes shooty shooty no LARP. Of course, sometimes mid-event someone usually gets captured and some ‘’hostage negotiations’’ happen, we would probably ask for the release of all the animals being used in tests yadayada.
  As for how the event ends it will probably end like most events where it’s just ‘’oh we have killed so many of them that there are none more to kill’’ or ‘’Oh they are retreating due to us killing most of them’’



Story: “Are we the bad guys of the galaxy?”

Event Information:
  As you might know, the Empire is big and holds lots of power. As such, they do lots of horrible things too. For anything to develop there needs to be sacrifice, so many things have been sacrificed for the sake of progress, but not everyone is going to be content with that. There are many who sympathize with people, and there are also lots who believe that animals have rights just as humans do. They do not agree with the Empire's ways of using animals, even if they might be strays or born in a lab just to be killed, to be used in tests to see how effective the next big revolutionizing drug will be.
  The Empire develops many things at the same time, one of these items being the so-called “Bacta 3.2/B-BG”, a new experimental, unfinished, Bacta type. Supposedly it is supposed to fix any wound, external, internal, emotional, you name it. It is supposed to replace all medicine. But asking for such a miracle drug is a bit too much, but as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. As such, the research continues for a long time, and what other specimen to test whether it works on than a living being! 
  Animal rights activists do not support this, even if it’s in the name of science and development they do not wish to accept the waste of all these animals for the tests. Due to this, the ones that care for the animal's lives more than their own have raided an Imperial research lab used for testing that houses thousands of beings. Being there they discovered many things, such as the fate of the poor animals and the true effects of Bacta 3.2/B-BG. This new Bacta is no miracle, it’s a drug from the devil himself, that makes anything it touches turn black and burn. And if injected can turn one into something of a minion of the devil himself before dying and going straight down below and reading ‘’Abandon all hope, all ye who enter’’.



Have you ever Done an Event Before?: I have done plenty of events as an EP on SCP-RP

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: I have done tons of events on SCP, and have many custom storylines that I’m milking like Activision milks Call of Duty. The ones I actually remember are:
-The Cabinet / Playland
-The Ward / Huckleberry’s Clinic / Elevator Boy
-Inconsistency versus Static
-Lost comrades of a chilly lake / Holiday Spirit
-God Candidacy / Dr Sunshine
-Planet World (has a bunch of mini-storylines within it)
-Money Game / Gang Shit (not started yet)

All of these are storylines that have had many events done about them, and there are many one-off events that I have forgotten about. One of the events that is one of my most ‘Gigashit’ events and that I liked the most is a ‘The Ward’ event. Basically, Foundation researchers went into the Ward through The Elevator a second time, they encountered one of Huckleberry’s henchmen, Vladimir Smirnov, he went through a gate to ‘’The Room of Three Thousand Souls’’ where he then basically committed suicide by jumping into the ritual pool and drowning. Then the researchers begin encountering Smirnov's ‘Inmate’. It begins haunting them in the dimension until they finally return through the gate and through the elevator back into their Site. Afterwards, the researchers who explored begin experiencing symptoms and are taken to the medbay where the hauntings begin. It starts with them coughing up black liquids after which the power of the Site goes out and the facility goes into a blackout. The “Tall Man”, who is the Inmate of Smirnov begins haunting personnel around the site while the ghost of Smirnov himself haunts the medbay itself. Whilst Tall Man isn’t confined, the ghost of Vladimir is, over time he spreads memetic hazards such as TV’s from the Ward and pictures drawn by Subjects in the area allowing him to slowly expand. After a while of them trying to contain the anomalies and not being able to fix the blackout two researchers, one of which had been in the Ward when it first appeared and had taken a notebook out of it began theorising that the notebook is keeping them connected to this world. As such they began destroying it, which weakened the Inmate and ghost, they were then brought into the Room of Three Thousand Souls and met with Tall Man and Smirnov in a loop of constant death, at which point they threw the notebook into the pool destroying it forever severing Smirnov's connection from our reality and setting him free, though. . . that did not seem to set his Inmate, Tall Man, free as he had something that kept him connected to our world. Though Tall Man ceased haunting and assaulting personnel he still exists somewhere, connected to something or someone else. 
  The story is to be continued as V6 got shut down so I haven’t been able to finish it. I also have many other events, which I won’t explain in detail but give you the most boiled down versions of some of these events in a nutshell.
-Exploration of ice cave kilometres under Antarctica where the heart of a powerful anomaly is.
-Cook that made capybara stew, then got consumed by his anomalous dough which expanded and made monsters.
-Dimensional Geographic Channel from Planet World comes to document the earth.
-Dimension of toys with the consciousness of humans.
-Interaction with entity between the state of ‘being and not being’ caused by an Inconsistency.
  These events are just a fraction of the ones I have done, as I simply do not remember all of them.
  Also, thank Nook for being EC and making Pac3’s for a lot of events : D



Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?:  
  Well, if being an EP here is a bit like SCP they can do many things, probably even more than we can on SCP. Some being:
-Help staff with sits when there is none/insufficient amount on or there is an overwhelming amount of sits.
-Do events/PME’s consistently on the server.
-Help other EPs with events.
-Keep the player base entertained and wanting to come back to the server.
-Also keep the new players entertained and wanting to come back.
-Not be retarded and be half-what professional as you are part of the staff/event team representing who gets power on the server.
-You are also responsible for what you do yourself, so if you fuck up, you take the responsibility yourself.
-You are responsible for the power given to you, so don’t abuse it or be a dumbass with it.


Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes, I understand that I will be taught all the stuff I need to know for IRP events before doing events.

Anything else?: I will probably only stay as an EP until V7 releases on SCP as then I will have to start pumping them out there again.  Also due to my sleep schedule and time zone, I will probably only be able to do events at 5 pm.


Edited by Rusty

Bing bong blan bind bin bo go bi b 




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Literally the best choice for an EP

Current Ranks : IRP Senior Administrator, ISB Member

Previous Ranks Fleet Warrant Officer, Sith Lord, ISB Agent, Trooper EP,
Sith EP, Jedi Warlock, JT Commando Medic Colonel, Purge Sergeant Major HMO 1402, Jedi Historian, 74th DMO, 501st VC, Jedi Lead Honour Guard [Master], Wolfpack EXO

Meme Thread - General Discussion - Werwolf


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- Extremely Good Event Plan
- Good community feedback
- Great experience from SCP


Contact me or Zeref on TS or Discord for an interview!

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Current Ranks

CWRP Staff Manager

Plo Koon

Sith Initiate

Past Ranks

327th Colonel

Head of Battalion

 Republic Vice Admiral

 Imperial Grand Admiral

CWRP Admin

Jedi Champion

Jedi Battle Master

501st Vader's Fist Vice Commander

Imperial Commando DS Squad Leader

Imperial Commando Vice Commander S-12



Major General

Lieutenant General


IRP Event Planner

IRP Senior Event Planner

IRP Deputy Event Manager

IRP Super Admin (For 20 Minutes)

IRP Event Manager

IRP Vice Manager

IRP Manager

ICRP Manager

TRP Manager

Rebel Alpha Commander

FiveM Staff Manager




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