Nerf the ST and make HP rushing (even as a non-ec a warn able offense)

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What your suggestion is:
-Remove/reduce (no remove it) the retarded stun locking and fix the bug where the movement debuff stays after dying

- HP rushing, its FailRP for EC's why not clones???
Wookie Chieftains (wc) should NOT be able to 1v4 ec's by hp rushing and spamming a weapon which can be used while sprinting

Scriptfodder/workshop link: N/A

Any additional information: Ask ANY EC from the 7pm 15/4/22 event and they will tell you it was shit and aids.
the ST got more kills than any RC/Admirality, some of the most BROKEN and deliberately OP jobs in the game could not hold a candle to the retarded stun locking, overwatch level of balancing, plat vip job.

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ST has been nerfed already

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As Aleks stated, ST has been nerfed, and anyone can be warned for HP rushing. Report it if you see it.





Credit to Loki for this.



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