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Posts posted by tacoctazzz

  1. RP-Name Warns: Lando Norris :warns 2

    Level, Rank, Playtime: level 50,plat vip, 3 days

    SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199013268423/home

    What is the Church of the Broken God?: The Church Of The Broken god  is an anomalous religious group that sees flesh as evil and sees mechanisation as a sign of their god mekhane

    What are the 3 main factions of the church, how are they different from each other?: The church of maxwellism- they want the spread of information. They connect a microchip to their brains to be in a vast network of constant communication. They seek out new members on the internet.  The broken church- The broken church tries to reconstruct mekhane. They follow the original teachings of the mekhanites  The Cogwork Orthodoxy- They see mass production as prayer and the members usually replace parts of their body with mechanical parts.  

    Who leads the each of the factions?: Robert Bumaro leads the broken church, patriarchs lead the cogwork orthodoxy  and ------------------- maxwellists 

    Who is Yaldabaoth and who is Mekhane?: Who is yaldabaoth and mekhane- Mekhane is the god that The Church of the Broken God worship. It is seen in mechanisation and progress. Yaldabaoth is a god that represents flesh and instinct. The Sarkites believe yaldabaoth created life

    What to the CotBG is herecy?: What to the cotbg is heresy- the cotbg sees disassembly as heresy. The disassembly of the church into the three groups was the greatest heresy to Robert Bumaro

    What is Sarkicism?: What is Sarkicism- Sarkicism is a religion founded by Grand Karcist Ion that worships flesh. Sarkites are known to cause changes to their body and get anomalous powers. Many Sarkites attempt to become godlike using powers

    Describe the War of the Flesh and how it ended:  Describe the war of the flesh- The war of the flesh was an occult war between the mekhanites and the Sarkites. Both sides used the powers, abilities and anomalies they had to gain victory over the other. Mekhane and yaldabaoth were involved. It ended when Mekhane turned himself into a brass cage to trap Yaldabaoth. This however also shattered mekhane into pieces


