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Posts posted by DawnFenrir

  1. Name: Eddie Hallgren / DawnFenrir.
    TS Unique ID: B23/fh4O4hFX7i1xyDcNVZMxTN4
    Requested Medals: Push to talk, Plat-VIP, Silver Merit 3th Class. (Received it after my 4th) 3 Year Community Service Medal.

    PS* Lost my Teamspeak account identity. Evidence: Screenshot.


  2. 20 hours ago, Hans Von Schulz said:

    i wasnt meta gaming i just wasnt being stupid,

    I will use this excuse every single time when a civilian will approach me and get TP by staff however IRL you don't see Police have their guns ready for combat 24/7 But sure i guess you think every civilian is criminal in the server which i can understand. It's not the frontline and not 1944 Warsaw so realistically speaking the criminal activity wouldn't be that high during this year. Why did you battering ram the garage gate. You obviously knew I was standing right next to that main door waiting for you and I never really showed any aggression or signs to kidnap you before you park the vehicle.

  3. Your In-Game Name: Eddie Hallgren

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:546649156


    Offenders In-Game Name: Hanz von Schulz

    Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:170267756


    What the offender has done: Used metagaming to not get himself kidnapped



  4. Your In-Game Name: Eddie Hallgren

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:546649156


    Offenders In-Game Name: Tov Goldman

    Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:435616573


    What the offender has done: Cuffed me in spawn for no reason. I left the server once he was going to take me out of spawn to.



  5. Hello, first of all I'd like to say that when i was appointed as CO in Caesar i received all the whitelists for the company in case we had low numbers on duty then I could play as my second character in the regiment and if you're serious about this then i suggest make a abusive threads on all of them who have done the same. As for the punishments when enlisted are obeying orders in the military then it is crucial because it shows respect to officers with a higher rank. Therefore they will possess the ability to be discipline and follow instructions. If they disobey and act  stupidly or lacks intelligence of common sense then i will be harsh to them so they will learn but i will not explain this here. As for the IC situation you have no knowledge of who William Hartmann is and you kept saying Hallgren in the IC situation so that is why i told you not to keep talking OOC in IC situation same as the grenadier.

    Thanks for reading and have a have a nice day!

  6. Hello, so to begin with i misbehaved and acted unprofessional in the situation earlier. I could not control my emotions when again and again when we told you not to take the pictures but that is another story, I will accept the punishment no matter because i know that i did was wrong and i do not want you to be scarred of me if i was to take you're staff sit but I will apologize for my outburst

    Thank you for taking your time to read this.

  7. You came up to us saying orpo patrol was killed in a funny way and turning it into a joke about dead reich officials and that is arrestable offence as well in RP you can clearly see when someone is high on drugs and with my authority i went down to GP you to ask some questions. Suddenly you decided to run away and immediately breaking FearRP. You acted really suspicious. Therefore i warn you for running under gunpoint. I did not record the situation becuase my screen capture was not on which i believe it was but from my point of view you broke fearRP.

  8. Describe the issues: Had my TeamSpeak account restored because I currently where facing a lot of problems however with that I lose some important tags which i would like to receive back.


    Describe any possible fixes (optional): Need the Moderator, and 1 service tag, the rest i can fix.


    Immages/Videos of the bug (optional):


    Additional information: My new TS ID, ATbmnQbTACGbbkolBUQKeypzXwA=

  9. Event Idea: SOE tries to take Tiger 2 blueprints.

    Explain the event in detail:  On 26 May 1941 Hitler ordered the creation of heavy panzers which were to have an increased effectiveness to penetrate enemy tanks. On January 1943 when the order was given for a new design which was to replace the existing Tiger 1 the first blueprints came up so for the development, 2 firms were contracted to come up with the designs namely Henschel and Sohn and Porsche. Both firms Henschel and Porsche were responsible for only the chassis and automotive designs. Turret design was awarded to another firm Krupp. This event involves both passive RP and combat. The idea here it that SOE have been informed that Germany are creating a new super tank and while the allied tanks are currently struggling then this operation would come to be vital information for the allies and war effort.

    (Server Groups involved)

    No sure, can be all from Wehrmacht, SS.

    Resources needed for this event that are not currently on the server (models/cars etc)

    A Prototype King Tiger,  Tank blueprint if possible.

    Additional Information: https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Panzerkampfwagen_VII_Tiger_II

  10. Type of suggestion: 

    Edit/Add regiment.

    How important is your suggestion:

    If whermatch should grow more like orpo then (10)

    Your suggestion:

    Add Waffen-SS regiment or in future.

    Reasons for this suggestion:

    Waffen SS is considered 4 branch of whermatch and should be allowed in. 1SS could take over the ehrenwache more since it's their main job. Maybe rename and remake GD to 2.SS?would definitely increase whermatch popularity.

    Any relevant links: None.


    Additional Information: None.