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Posts posted by Limzik

  1. My In-Game name:
    CT 1756 Limzik.
    STEAMID: (

    Steam Name:
    What is the reason for your ban:
    Leaving while cuffed
    How long were you banned for:
    3 days
    Name of the staff member who banned you:
    Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:

    I don't intend to cause trouble, and the circumstances of the situation didn't warrant a 3-day ban. I`d be playing and progressing right now if I hadn't been banned.


    My evidence is my account of the event above, I only just saw the template sorry.

  2. Hi, my steam name is `Limzik.` and I just joined the server yesterday, I have probably played 4/5 hours total, and I am still a CT (was looking to join a battalion today).

    I logged on this morning around 9 am and there were 6 people online, so I decided to check out the scavenger job. I made my way into the base after exploring the map just to mess around, and I was planning on coming off to return later.

    Anyway, I got arrested for being in the base (which is 100% fair enough), it happened once earlier and I waited 300 seconds, however, upon the second arrest I said in chat that `I'm heading off now` and `Ill cya around`, I just returned now and Ive been banned Mackan for 3 days... so now I cannot play the entire weekend or Monday.

    I understand it is against the rules to leave when cuffed, but under these circumstances, I don`t believe a 3-day ban is a fair punishment... I just want to play on the server, and a ban is made to punish players who ruin other people's RP experience, and I do not believe I did that.

    tyvm, Limzik.