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Posts posted by Fluffy

  1. Dear L.S.: I am intrigued. It is fair that this intuition comes naturally to me. I can't say no, can I? It feels true to me, weirdly specific for tastes but nonetheless you can call me interested and perplexed but I am definitely in. I don’t know what you expected me to say, but I hope that along the line of what you meant.


    My official name [RP name] is...: Dr.Jason Jay Wu-Zhang


    My Online Identities [Steam Name & Discord Name] are...: Fluffy Dah Fluffy #3356, and Fluffy


    My Library Card Signature [SteamID] is...: STEAM_0:0:44488251


    The time I have spent inside of the Library [Playtime] is...: 2w 6d 16h 15s




    My intentions when I joined The Serpent's Hand was...: I’m not going to lie. I crossed the Serpent's Hand a couple ages ago. I cannot deny their main attraction, if that's what you would call it, brought me in. A library, full of untouched or completely touched records of every...single thing that has, will, ever, or never existed. It interested me. Getting in through from such a median of a right activist group didn't bother me. They seemed educated enough, and they seemed to be able to put their feet in the right place to brace for a probable impact so I joined. I got developed into them. I joined at first just for the kick of unstoppable knowledge but the more I hear them speak the more I can't disagree. And, luckily it isn't a total uncontrollable mess. The Organization  wasn't a mess, the Library although not a mess, was an inconvenient disaster by itself. I found out quickly I wasn't going to absorb any specific knowledge unless I just pointed to beside me. So my original intention was gone. But, I developed an ideology with the organization. I think ideology is the wrong word, rather I think feelings in a better word? I didn't want to leave, I felt like I actually like being within the organization, without the gaining of  knowledge. It felt odd at first but eventually, I started to follow. The more I followed them, the more I became more and more interested, and now I stumbled into an abyss of loyalty. 


    “My strange physiology  can now be explained through others' words. I didn't understand these confrontations with physics, science, time and space. They were the things that got me interested in the whole mechanics and forces of the universe, and got me into the studies. My effects on the universe- or rather the lack of my effects on the universe. How I don't exist but I am in this chair right now recording this audio, is a question wanted answered, and you gave it to me. I am forever grateful for that. But, I can't help that it's quite convenient that when I searched for answers I ended up joining the Serpent's Hand.” 


    I know a lot about The Serpent's Hand such as...: The Wanderer's Library. A source of information about everything. Everything written, not written, things that will never be written, and things that can not be written. The things that exist outside of this universe, the things that exist outside of every plane of existence can be found in writing here.


    Let's talk about a way to enter the Wanderer’s Library. The Hydra’s Spine. Built by a race from a ‘different’ place if you would. It's a way to enter various things, time, space, and reality that are very non existent in the Hydra Spine. Everything is linked with dark dirt tunnels. They link up practically every reality, universe, and time frame. It's quite strange.


    But then we have the people I have encountered:


    L.S, I have never met them. I have respect for them of course, whoever they may be. I understand they are quite a figure of our group. Not a leader, but certainly a key to locked doors. I guess that's why people like them so much.


    John Morse, I believe he contains the big boys. The ones that destroy our reality as we know it. The official job title I have yet to understand but it has something to do with Esoteric beings beyond our understanding and for that, I wouldn't doubt his intelligence.  


    The Wolke Brothers, Grauen and Gewitter Wolke, I don't know these two personally but I understand that they have comments in a few places here and there. They get around and that's all I can say about them.

    The Birdwatcher, Met him in real life. His name does hold true, although I don't know if its somesort of reference. 

    Crow Far-Walker, I hope this is a persona and not his real name, if so I feel very sorry for him. He has left some vulgar comments on certain things, I don't have much respect for the man, I think I have met him at a bar conveniently...Nope that was just a drunken Scot with a sailor tongue, I am sorry quite salty to people like Crow. 


    Agent Camryn, Met him in a dream. We had a conversation about intelligence and how we can use our ‘powers’ to gain more of it. He manifests in dreams I guess, whatever supernatural type being he is. 


    James Franklin, Who the hell gave god like powers to a psychopath. I mean, were fighting for the same cause here right? I am not fighting for killing my daughter. I mean who does that. Who kills like that, and abuses their power for no other reason but to cause chaos. 


    David Mercer, A man of very anomalous and strange physiology. Stranger than mine for certain. I think he was a creation of something far grander than myself.


    I would describe myself as...: I would say I am pretty alright. Some people might definitely hate me more than others but, I don't let those things hurt me as a whole person. Very few people feel that way. I am very critical but what do you expect? I’m a doctor.


    My story about finding the Library & The Serpent's Hand starts with… Forums. And I am not talking about normal forums, we are talking about deep web forums. Eventually you get down to the point where the government doesn't even have watchers. It's dangerous down there, and I expected my answer to my question of who I really was, was dangerous. I never really found the answer I was looking for but I found a recruitment video on a JPG file. I found it weird that audio would be on an image file, it's usually a sign of a virus, but it didn't look like one. I clicked, hoping it wasn't the latter but I found audio. It was terrifying, a woman crying about a library of forbidden knowledge, that it contained everything, and that she ‘looked at something she wasn't meant to’. It piqued my interest and that when I got the invitation a few days later after a search history that could have landed me on a few watch lists. I joined, and started my search with no appeal.