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Posts posted by SacredSeal

  1. In the beginning 2 deities were born, Yaldabaoth - the goddess of flesh and primal instincts and Mekhane - the god of metal and evolution. The 2 beings gave brith to mankind, Yaldabaoth gave us our bodies and Mekhane our minds. After humanity advanced throughout the ages, creating new technology, Yaldabaoth became angered at us. We have abandoned our primal instincts for the safety of our homesteads. Thus she decided to restart us, wipe out the current stain and start anew. Mekhane in all his glory and mercy could not let that happen. In his wisdom, he knew that a war between 2 gods will result in the end of the world, so he decided to break himself and construct a cage from his parts. He tricked Yaldabaoth and trapped her in that cage. And thus the Church of the Broken god, seeks to rebuild their master and savior. Even though their differences the Broken Church, the Cogwork Orthodoxy and the Church of Maxwellism united to gather the parts of their god and reconstruct him anew. Disassembly is heresy. 



    RP-Name Warns:

    Level, Rank, Playtime: Level 20, I have 1 Day and 9 hours as of today 14/09/2020

    SteamID: 76561199044519842 

    What is the Church of the Broken God?: A Global organisation that believes in man's inherent evil and the purity of the machine.  The Church tries to bring together the components of the Broken God, to fix him. The Church overall believes that man and flesh are base and savage, and that machine is the way forward .

    What are the 3 main factions of the church, how are they different from each other?:  The Broken Church, The Cogwork Orthadox Church and The Church of Maxwellism. The Broken Church is the original main Church. The Cogwork Orthadox are sometimes known as the Tickers due to the noise of their mechanical implants. They wish to mirror their god, so they experiment with mechanical implants.  The Church of Maxwellism use a more modern interpretation of the belief system. Instead of severe modification, they use smaller more cybernetic implants that are more advanced. Unlike the previous 2 factions they believe that fragments of the Broken God remain in modern technologies like the internet. They are also known as Hummers because of their tendency  to meditate to computer fans.

    Who leads the each of the factions?: Robert Bumaro leads the Broken Church. 

    Who is Yaldabaoth and who is Mekhane?: Yaldabaoth is the God of animal instinct and flesh, the savage god. Mekhane is the God of Intelligence and Thought. Mekhane and Yaldabaoth created humanity.

    What is Sarkicism?: Sarkicism is a religious/philosophical system that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices. Adherents practice ritual cannibalism, human sacrifice, corporeal augmentation, thaumaturgy, and dimensional manipulation. Organic manipulation has allowed certain Sarkicites to achieve anomalous states of being, transcending the physical limitations of baseline humans.

    Describe the War of the Flesh and how it ended:  The Sarkics clashed with the followers of Mekhane and both sides burnt out and faded away for a brief while. 

    Thanks for reading my application I would really like this whitelist

  2. Your In-game name:

    Your Steam ID: 76561199044519842 


    Reason of the ban: ERP I think

    Date you were banned on: 14/09/2020

    Duration of ban: Perma

    Admin who banned you (In-game name / Steam name/ Steam ID): Not sure sorry


    Explain the situation of your ban from your point of view in detail: Its a very dumb story, where I did a dumb thing, but I believe a perma ban was too harsh for the crime, a warning or a small ban maybe but not this. Anyway, I was in the sewers, a guy vomited so I said that I came ( as a joke of course ) however the admin seemed to not find this all to funny and perma banned me for failrp which seems rather harsh.

    Do you think your ban was justified: No I do not, maybe a smaller ban or a warning but not a perma ban

    Why should you be unbanned: Because this is legitimately my favorite server and I would hate to be banned from it, me and my friends love this server and we play it all the time.   


    Any kind of evidence:

    Additional information:


    Thank you for considering my ban request. I sincerely hope I get unbanned ( or at least a small ban )

  3. Your In-game name: Walther Weiss

    Your Steam ID: 76561199044519842


    Reason of the ban: Shot a German officer

    Date you were banned on: 1/08/2020

    Duration of ban: 1 day

    Admin who banned you (In-game name / Steam name/ Steam ID):

    The admin was Wolf Varem I think

    Explain the situation of your warning from your point of view in detail:

    I was near the base in the city, I checked the door on the off chance that it was unlocked and it was. As I went inside I saw an officer. I pressed my keybind for counter and ran at the officer while saying "ahhhh" ( yes I know stupid but I wanted them to know I was coming) and I unloaded my revolver into the officer before being gunned down by a nearby soldier. Then the remaining officer said, "Hey i'm gonna ban you now", I was in the weird glitch where i could still talk after being killed and I asked him for a reason but he didn't respond. A minute after respawning I got banned. 

    Why should you be unbanned:

    This admin had clearly gotten annoyed at my interruption of his meeting, I don't see this as rdm as I was playing as a criminal and I even used counter and spoke before I attacked. I believe this admin just got heated up in the moment. 

    Any kind of evidence: I've got no evidence except for my friend who can vouch for me, in game name Yakob Von Heisenburg who I was talking to via Discord.


    Anyway, I thank you for considering your request, I hope their isn't any bias in favor of the admin but I honestly don't think I broke any rules. 




    Also I missed the poster incident thanks to this ban

  4. Your In-game name: Walther Weiss

    Your Steam ID: 76561199044519842


    Reason of the warning: I violated NLR while trying to get to my car

    Date you were warned on: 17/07/2020

    Admin who warned you (In-game name / Steam name/ Steam ID):

    I apologize I don't remember the Admin's name

    Explain the situation of your warning from your point of view in detail:

    So, me and my friend who were playing were driving around in a car for the first time to see what it was like, we must have been going to fast because we got into a chase with the army on our tail. Once we pulled over we got into brief combat and I died. When i respawned I went back to the area, crossing a section that violated my NLR, my car was out of the NLR zone and I didn't know that getting into my car was not allowed. Anyway some soldier came running out and shooting at me as I was stopping the car, when I stopped the car he arrested me and called an admin. I had to sit there for 5 minutes while I tried to explain the situation to the admin, unfortunately I found it hard to understand the admin as he had a strong accent and his microphone was very quiet. He banned me after 5 minutes of him fumbling around.

    Do you think your warning was justified: No, it was a harsh punishment that should only merit the admin telling me not to do it, instead of that he gave me a 5 day ban.

    Why should you be unwarned:

    As I mentioned before, it was an overly harsh punishment for a small offence and I now know that I can't do what I did. I've seen many people break NLR before so I'm not sure why I got banned.

    Any kind of evidence: I've got no evidence except for my friend who can vouch for me, in game name Yakob Von Heisenburg.

    Additional information:



    Thank you for considering my request and I'm sure that me and other players would value if your admins get more training as I have also been banned once by a literal 12 year old admin but that's a whole other story.

    Once again i'd very much like to be unbanned as I really enjoy this server and I play on it with my friends, this is like one of the only servers ive considered paying premium for.


    Also I missed the poster incident thanks to this ban
