Clancy Colbert

Platinum VIP
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Posts posted by Clancy Colbert

  1. Richard is a very active individual on the server and I've enjoyed my time playing with him on E-11, he definitely knows the rules through and through and its safe to assume that he'll make a great addition to the staff team.

    Putting aside that time you stun sticked me off my own bridge and killed me, it's a +1. Best of luck!

  2. I believe you deserve an unban. I made a similar mistake and killed 3 Class-D without warning them beforehand and it resulted in a permanent ban as expected. I can see you didn't MRDM on purpose and you just didn't know the rules well enough, I recommend you go over them while you wait for results on this appeal so when you get unbanned you don't find yourself in another admin sit.

    Good luck with your appeal!

  3. RP-Name: Clancy Colbert / Agent Colbert

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98270386

    Playtime (Must be 4 days or over): spacer.png

    In-game Warnings (Reasons and amount, provide a screenshot. Type !warns to see a list, warnings may not exceed 20 [exceptions can be made]): 1 warning for MRDM, killed 3 Class-D that were in airlock


    Have you read the rules of SCPRP and understand them?: Yes.

    Have you read the SCP-096 rules and understand them? Demonstrate your understanding with an example or two: Yes.

    - I may only use the Bypasser SWEP to open closed doors if I am chasing SCP-096-1.

    - I cannot force people to look at my face, otherwise it will count as a failbreach.

    - I must always be facing a wall while I'm in my containment chamber and cannot face the door directly.

    - I cannot chase an immortal target for more than a minute and am not allowed to kill other SCPs.

    - I cannot use Simple Thirdperson or PAC3 to look outside my containment chamber.

    Are you able to play the job often and RP correctly?: Yes, I'll finally have something else to play other than E-11.

    What is the containment procedure for SCP-096 if it has breached? Explain with as much detail as you can: Once SCP-096 has reached its target, killed it and entered a calm and docile state. The room which contains SCP-096 will be evacuated of any non-containment personnel to avoid accidents during containment. Once the room has been cleared of personnel, E-11 and B-7 will walk into the room with their backs turned towards SCP-096 and will continue walking backwards until they make contact or feel SCP-096 behind them. One of the containment units will then go behind SCP-096 and carefully place a bag over its head. Once the bag is placed and cannot come off easily, SCP-096 will be placed in containment cuffs and will be placed back into its containment chamber, the bag and cuffs will be removed and the containment chamber doors will be shut closed.

    While in a test, the D-Class they have put in your Containment Chamber has run out and managed to get to the Entrance Zone after looking at your face. What course of action do you take and what do you do once your target is dead?: I would breach containment immediately and chase down the D-class (now referred to as SCP-096-1) while taking the most direct route to his location, once I find SCP-096-1, I will proceed to kill them and sit back down in the exact position I killed them in until I am contained or until someone else sees my face.

    While chasing SCP-096-1, you pass a researcher, MTF personnel and D-Class who all look at your face accidentally. You manage to kill your original target and you circle back to kill the rest. Is this a good RP scenario and why? (Free form question.): Yes, this is a good RP scenario. Seeing SCP-096's face accidently or not does not matter. SCP-096 kills anybody who has seen his face, doing so in this scenario is the right thing to do.

    A Group of Interest has entered the facility and is attempting to bring you to their base. While transporting you, one of the members sees your face, however says that it was an accident and that you should just ignore it. What should you do and why?: I would proceed to kill the GOI member who has seen my face much like every other SCP-096-1. Ignoring the member would count as FailRP on my behalf and is also against SCP-096's rules.

  4. RP Name: Clancy Colbert

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98270386

    Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or above ] 5w 3d

    In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 1 Warning for MRDM (wasn’t on purpose just hadn’t read rules at the time)

    Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, do you understand them?: Yes.

    Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* Yes,

    - SCP-096 is not allowed to go on a massive killing spree as it would be FailRP.
    - The clearance 5 keycard can ONLY be used when chasing 096-1 and nothing else.
    - Using a PAC3 camera to look directly outside your containment chamber is against the server rules.
    - I cannot stare directly at the containment chamber’s doors and I must face a corner or a wall of my containment chamber to not force players to see my face.
    - SCP-096 must kill everyone who sees its face (096-1) and cannot leave them alive. It does not matter if they looked at 096’s face accidentally or if it was a friend of 096.
    - I must sit down exactly where I killed 096-1 and I cannot look around, move around when I have no targets.
    - I must let staff know if anyone is trying to breach 096 on purpose.
    - I should be careful while using 096’s SWEP to kill 096-1, as accidents can happen and I might kill another player.

    Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: Yes.

    What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) Once SCP-096’s position is told. E-11 and Beta-7 will clear the area of any foundation personnel to ensure there isn’t any disturbance in the containment of 096. Once the area is clear, E-11 and Beta-7 will search the room walking backwards to avoid seeing 096 and try to find him. Once 096 is found, he will be bagged and dragged back to his containment chamber. He will be placed in a corner of the room to avoid anyone seeing its face again.

    During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: I will chase down 096-1 and take the fastest route to him and move as fast as I can. With the usage of the clearance 5 keycard, I’d be able to open the EZ checkpoints to get to 096-1 easier.
    Once 096-1 is killed, I will sit down directly where I killed him and wait till I’m recontained or until someone else sees my face.

    While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: Yes, as anyone who sees 096's face must be killed as soon as possible. I also believe the order of how 096 kills his targets should be from first 096-1 to last.

    If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* I would alert foundation personnel about the Class-D using foundation comms and I’d proceed to contain SCP-096. E-11 and CS’s job is to contain anomalous entities whenever they manage to escape.
    Going after the Class-D will leave foundation personnel vulnerable to seeing 096’s face by accident while walking around the facility which can be simply avoided by containing 096.

    A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: As stated in 096’s rules, I must kill all 096-1’s even if they saw my face as an accident or if they were a friend of mine.
    I would proceed to kill the GOI like every other 096-1 and sit down where I’ve killed him and wait for containment to arrive. Otherwise it would be FailRP.

  5. Which Rank/Tag do you need: Platinum VIP

    What is your RP name on the server(only use one): Clancy Colbert

    Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:Screenshot_3.png.9bec8dafa9650f990427c6180ca12a14.png

  6. OOC Section:

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98270386

    In-Game name(S): Clancy Colbert / Commander Colbert

    Playtime (Minimum of 3 days): 5w

    Amount of Warns (Max 15, exceptions can be made): Only 1 for MRDM (wasn’t on purpose)

    Have you ever been severely punished before? Why? (3 day+ bans): Permanent ban for MRDM, killed Class-Ds without warning (hadn’t read rules at the time)

    Why do you want to join A-1? (Minimum of 250 words): Alpha-1 became more and more interesting once I began to learn about it. After watching many roleplay as Alpha-1 I’ve decided that I would like to have a chance to play the job and understand and learn as I go. This will also grant me the chance to stick by site administration more to see how they operate as I usually am playing as jobs that are not around site administration as much as I’m hoping. This will also expand my opportunities of roleplaying and will allow me to play a different MTF job than E-11 and Nu-7.
    As of currently, I only have one whitelist and granting me A-1 will give me something to play as when I’m up to nothing on the server. Through my minimal time of being alongside Alpha-1, I’ve watched them do their jobs and met some of them who were chill. I would simply like an opportunity to do what I’ve seen Alpha-1 do and I would like to expand my knowledge on site administration by getting this whitelist. My activity will be decent, I will follow orders given to me from higher ups without question. I will commit to my job and fulfill my duties as much as I could. This will become more clear once I begin playing the job. Any mistakes I make during my duty I will most likely learn from and understand how to act once I’m met with the same situation. I believe I’ll be a great part in Alpha-1 and I’ll do my best to show that.

    IC Section:

    What is the purpose of A-1: Alpha-1 are high classified MTF that are essentially “Bodyguards” for site administration such as the O5 Council. They report directly to the O5 and are used in the strictest operational security.

    What can you contribute to the Task Force?: My commitment to the job, including following higherup orders and fulfilling my duties by protecting Site administration with my life and standing by their side in any situation. I will ensure their safety no matter what situation it is and stop any assassination attempts at all costs.

    What would you do as A-1 if there are no O5 members on-site?: I would protect any other site administration such as the site director. If there are none I’ll most likely be overseeing E-11.

    The safety of Site Administration is ALWAYS number one priority, unless you are ordered otherwise, do you understand?: Yes.

    Going rogue as A-1 is the biggest mistake you can make on the whitelist and will always result in immediate blacklist, do you understand?: Yes.

  7. OOC Information:

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98270386

    Steam Name: Unzo

    Amount of warns and the reason they were given: 1 warning for MRDM.

    In game level: 50

    Playtime: 4 weeks / 6 days

    IC Information:

    Clancy Colbert was born October 24th 1998 in Canada, he and his parents had traveled to New York for work. His parents took great care of him and taught him everything they could. When Clancy was at the age of 9, his father had passed away in a car accident. His mother was the only person he could rely on for help. His father was a good man, he wanted to follow in his father’s steps as his father was a scientist. Clancy loved science and wanted a job related to it. So Clancy focused on his studies and graduated without problem. At the age of 17 his mother had passed away. Although Clancy was left alone to rely on himself, he traveled to OvisCity to find a job. Clancy found a basic job which he took and started working as hard as he could. He caught the attention of OvisCity, known for his hard work and dedication to the jobs he pursues. This of course caught the foundation's eyes as well. The foundation sent him a letter, inviting him to join. The foundation explained what Clancy will gain from joining them and Clancy agreed. The SCP foundation took Clancy, gave him his lab and documents necessary and Clancy began working. Although he was uncomfortable when he first saw anomalous entities. Clancy kept his cool and began researching. 2 year into his recruitment. Clancy had made great progress understanding certain anomalous entities. And for that he was given a promotion to senior researcher. 3 years passed and a group that works with the foundation sent him a letter, asking him to have an interview which he may receive a promotion from. Clancy accepted without hesitation and attended the interview. The interviewer asked Clancy questions that would decide if he would join the “Internal Security Department” or not. The interview concludes and Clancy is told he will receive results within a week. Clancy leaves the interview and awaits his results.