Erwin Krauser

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Posts posted by Erwin Krauser

  1. Name: Dr. Erwin Krauser
    TS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]:  Yatdv9Bw4D65vxFELlWf4C/mZxA=
    Requested Medal: 2 Year Medal

    The First Day I joined the server and got Recruited in a regiment that was also the point where everything started.

    Extra Information:  N/A

  2. Hello Dear Applicant you left during the FG had arrested you and told you to stay afterwards what you did was you Called him a "cunt" and left the server what is obviously LTARP since you were in a RP situation and were being interiogated Since you cant just leave when being in a RP situation like this.

    Greetings, Krauser

  3. Let me explain why my actions are valid and are with good reason

    The screen shot that you show of me "abusing no clip" actually shows me dismounting from the AFV

    Due to client side and our vehicles being close in proximity, I actually dismounted on to your half track, but because of server lag / client side connection, I am displaced to your right.


    I dismounted to on top of your half track and had you under gunpoint (on my screen)

    You kept moving long enough that I slid off the side of the vehicle (after being held at gunpoint)

    So, I entered no clip, to reach up to the half track, to gunpoint you again, because I wanted to give you another chance, instead of pulling you back with my physgun and just warning you right there and then.

    Yet, you kept driving off under gunpoint, so, I warned you for "FailRP - Breaking FearRP"

    It states in the Trial Moderator Mentoring guide:

    •  While playing as a job, you are still on duty: you are always on duty

    Which directly advises me to use my administrative powers to prevent rule breaking, which you in fact commit. Even, if in an IC situation, such as the one provided.

    Greetings, Krauser

  4. 10 minutes ago, Jamessssss said:

    does this not count as car surfing, is that not FailRP? 


    So instead of teleported him into a sit, you gun pointed him (IC) to take him to a sit?


    does this not count as car surfing, is that not FailRP? 

    Car surfing is 10 times diffrent then what happend in that video.


    I Didnt want him to continue breaking rules and drive into to the city cause It coulve been a possibility of him being a Minge so I stopped him with my Phsygun he cut out the part where He drove against something and had stopped and I were ontop of his vehicle.

  5. Good Day So When you were in the Halftrack I were already ontop of your Vehicle and you Continued on Driving Even tough I told you to stop so what I did was I went in to noclip and Tried to get you out of the Vehicle so I can get you up to a Roof and make a sit out of this situation since you werent Listening and you tought that its not possible to be Gunpointed if someone is ontop of your vehicle inside I had explaiend you this multiple times but you didnt listen and I brought you up to a roof and Warned you simple as that Please show the rest of the Video clip where you are in the sit with me aswell next time Dankeschön.

    PS: Not to mention you had stopped earlier on aswell and (I had been already on your roof you cut out the part where I already was on your roof) with the vehicle since you drove into the wall and then When we had you cut off you tried to drive away again If you have the full video clip of it I would appreciate it if you could post it.

    Greetings, Krauser

  6. +1

    I agree with May and Bierschenk and have nothing more to say since I agree with all points also I  had a lot of bad experince with them aswell and just can agree that these kind of weird situations were not rare.

    Greetings, Krauser

  7. -1

    It would be nice if you could provide us with some proof of what went down a Video recording wouldnt be to bad besides that not all props are Blacklisted if you have a basic understanding on what Serious RP is and if you read the rules then there wouldnt be issues like this happening at all Not all props are Blacklisted that are FailRP besides that it looks like a Military Outpost I agree with May on that one I think you should be able to tell what a vaccination centre looks like if you go to one near your home.



  8. Greetings, I was watching you when this happend, there was 2 SS members following you as you can see on the Video and they were both close enough in range Especially Hugo he was in range telling you to stop running under GP and behind him there was another SS and 4 ORPO's were also able to be seen on the Video. You were outnumberd you had your gun out and you still wouldnt have been able to counter due to Superior force, There were to many and you were still breaking FearRP its clear to see in the video also towards the end on how many people were trying to Stop you. I have been there the whole time and watched this Situation since you already have a Tier I you shouldve learned from your past mistake on how to deal with situations like this.

    Greetings, Krauser

  9. +1

    Pretty good application was looking forward for it The only thing that could become a problem for you is your activity if so thats why as a Staff member its important to be active and mature and be able to handle stressfull situations but I am sure you will be able to do so I wish you the best of luck and looking forward to see you in the Staff Team!

    Greetings, Krauser

  10. First of all thank you for this nice post about me and giving me a compliment that I am taking my job serious because thats actually what a Staff member is supposed to do lol besides that I only kicked yesterday 2 people and they both were for prop push so not sure what you are on about if you are salty about it DM me on Discord and we can talk this out Homie.

    Greetings, Krauser

  11. +1

    Very good to see you applying for Staff overall you are a very repsectfull and compitent guy and have been Staff before what means you have experince you got a Respectable IC Rank and are also very well known within the community and very good staff application aswell  you will do great within the Staff team and I hope to see you back aswell good luck!

  12. Hello Dear Applicant, You have been banned because Someone had kidnapped you while you were on your ORPO job He brought you up to a roof and you Disconnected by user what is considered LTARP in the Rules I saw a video evidence of it aswell where it showed you moving and you probably didnt know you were Banned until when joining back you found out about it.

    Greetings, Krauser


  13. +1

    Josef Kraz How long I waited for this app to see again I was planning on asking on if you wanted to ever join back the staff team and now that I see your application my question got anwsered You already have been staff before and I saw there already of how much of a Compitent and Dedicated guy you were I am REALLY looking forward to see you in the Staff team you will be a great addition and will be a big help aswell I know that you are a good guy OOC and always chill and mature so I wish you the best of luck and I am looking forward to work together with you!

  14. Neutral

    I know you for a little bit and I have seen some negative Reports overall you are a Respectful person towards me and act appropiate but I am not sure if you are ready for Staff yet I didnt see to much action of you on the server yet and Reputation wise so I will stay neutral I wish you good luck but overall I need to see more of you first before Every person can improve and Increase and I am sure you will still develop into something even better in the Future so make sure to focus a little bit on yourself first before thinking about Overall on the server Cause negative thinking wouldnt help you to much as a Staff.