Mr Clean

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Posts posted by Mr Clean

  1. Server you got banned from: SCP RP

    Your name in-game:  Walter Clean

    Your SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:461543746

    Admins' name that banned you: Norra

    Admin's steamID: No Clue

    Why did you get banned?: Reason was Stated "Trying to Crash the Server"

    Evidence(Un-necessary): Lots of Evidence against me, No need to prove my innocence's 

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Its been Around 6 months from that incident, I was basically banned for trying to crash the server, from me spawning a mass amount of props at one time, I don't think it would have crashed the server, due to it there being very little people on, and that none of them was spawning prop, except the ones on surface with me, I think I should have been banned for Mass Prop mingery and Mass RDM, which I did commit, I do admit that, someone told me about the concept of downtime, and I believe them, which taught me to do this, but by the time I found out it wasn't real, this "downtime" It was already to late, and I've already committed the act, I believe I should be unbanned because, I have learned my lesson, in-fact, I already learned the lesson, 2 weeks Prior to my banned, cause I did pick up my act and continue to play on the server 2 weeks after, I guest the guy who made my ban request, waited 2 weeks for it, but I did pick my act up, and made it all the way to SD, but I do feel that I have served my punishment now as of this Perma-Ban, I've waited 6 months, and I would enjoy a second chance on the server, that I use to always play on.

    Anything else?: N/A

  2. 1 minute ago, Lando Lovelace said:

    How fucking retarded can you be

    You mass propkilled and propspammed

    Which was 2 weeks ago, it would be understandable if you did it then and there, I'm not being retarded, I'm just stating something that is unusual 

  3. Wasn't trying to crash the server, There is 128 slots on the server, I'm pretty sure the server has been stress tested before launch that it can suit mass prop spawning, if a server crashes from props just being spawned in, the servers host was either have a bad server connect, or it wasn't the props, servers can't  just crash like that bud 

    10 minutes ago, Lando Lovelace said:

    bro mass propkill and attempting to crash the server is ok if they dont say stop guys guys


  4. I'ma have to defend myself here, so here we go.


    I wasn't trying to crash the server, the server would have never crashed cause everyone has a prop limit to prevent that from happening, so, it was only prop killing.


    Point One : You waited around 2 weeks to finally post this evidence of me breaking the rules, which is very odd, if you forgot,  it wasn't really a big deal for you if you forget about it until 2 weeks later.


    Point Two : You have other evidence of others doing the exact same thing I done, but you decide to only make a ban request on me now, which to me, looks like a targeted attack on me.


    Point Three : This is the only time you brought it up, this is the only time you have ever mentioned it, from the passing of them 2 weeks.


    Point four : During Today, the only time it was mentioned within discord, it looked staged to a point, where you was talking in DMs to target me, after 2 weeks of this happening, making it looked even more targeted towards me.


    Point Five : From what I see, you have a whole random folder, of mostly everyone breaking the rules, You only decided to make a ban request against me, when there are many others you can make a ban request against, you haven't show the whole clip, you never once said stop, which, we proved in-game, if you said stop, everyone would have stopped, you actually joined in within that case, which means you also broke the rules, Which means you aren't innocent about this as well


    EVIDENCE ONE #general - Discord ( This Evidence shows the first time it was brought up, and it looks randomly targeted outa no where.

    EVIDENCE TWO#general - Discord (  #general - Discord ( This Evidence shows how he has evidence of others breaking the rules, but decides to only target me.

  5. In Game Name: Mr Clean

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:461543746

    Age: 16

    Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: SD, before the whitelist update, I've played as Site Adviser recently, and HoS, but most of my High Ranking experience is on other servers.

    Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I feel, that I would be a good site director, due to the fact, I enjoy enforcing the rules, enforcing Foundation policy, I'm very organised when it comes to the aspect on setting out directives, given down to depart heads, I like too keep everything and everyone in-check, and up to date with what the directives are, I have played as site director before, but that was before it became a whitelist, and I did enjoy the role, everyone that saw me, enjoyed the role-play aspect that I did give off, being, and sounding very serious when necessary, I work well under pressure, I know how to make the best decision by evaluating all the options I do have, at the time. I do think I am fit for the role of Site Director, hoping I do get accepted into such a high respecting role.

    What role does the Site Director have on the site? On site, the site director is the highest ranking personnel on-site, only reporting to 05, they are the head of all Internal affairs within the site, with them being the final decision maker on all tasks, which only 05 can overwrite, the Site Director makes sure the day to day running is at top quality, handing tasks down to all depart heads, while also, approving or denying all requests coming their way, from the best possible decisions they can make, at the time, after all this, they hand their daily report to the 05 council for evaluation, following all operations and tasks handed back down to them from 05, if given.

    What is the O5 Council?: The 05 council [Overseers] are the ruling body of the foundations, they are the people who have ultimate control over all the foundations, and operations within, they are a mystery to most foundation personnel, even possibly seen as a myth too most, even too those in high seats, within the foundation's hierarchy, their members is unknown, going only by numbers from 1-13, they could possibly be anyone. Each 05 council member knows almost everything, there is to know about the foundations, with also, each member within the 05 council, leading their own specialised department. but still holding full over site of all other departments, if required, but mostly know, to command operations over all sites, on a large scale, instead of a micromanagement scale.