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Posts posted by RandomCat

  1. RP Character name/s: Dmitriy Volga

    Steam Name: RandomCat

    Steam ID (https://steamidfinder.com/ STEAM_0:0:182086019

    Age when applying: 15

    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: Italy, GMT +1

    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes

    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 1 week and 5 days.

    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: Platinum Vip

    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: I own a working microphone, I often use mic.

    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: I joined In May 2021.

    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: I do not use Teamspeak or the forums quite often as I do not need to use them for any roles that I have, I do use discord often though.

    List of all previous RP server staff experience: I Have experience being a mod and admin on a DarkRp server called CloudGaming. I was a Mod for around 6 months and then a Admin for around a year, I then stopped playing the server as it started to get constant minges and hackers joining the server.

    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify): None

    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to http://imgur.com/ or as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2772823192

    State the role of staff on the server: The role of staff on the server is to keep the server in order and make sure other players are not having their RP ruined by rule breakers.

    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): The server is set in Berlin, 1943. The Axis powers were on the verge of losing the war against the Allies. The Nazis have retreated to Berlin and are preparing for war. There are rebels in Berlin consisting of the resistance and the Iron Front. The Reich is under alot of pressure as they are constantly fighting with the resistance and the Allies (whenever there are events).

    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them? I have read the rules and am familiar with them.

    Have you read the punishment list ( Punishment List v3.0 ) and are familiar with it?I have read the punishment list and am familiar with it.

    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):

    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?

    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?

    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?

    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?

    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?


    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:

    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: If the admin is on duty and can take care of it, then I would leave it to the admin to handle, on the other hand if the admin is in RP and cannot currently take care of it, I would first ask for evidence, then the indviduals name,  I would then bring him and warn him, depending on the situation either a T1 warn or above if they have killed multiple people.

    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: You must first press f4, go to the third reich menu, on the left hand side click on the regiment you would like to join, Army being wehrmacht, Police being OrPo and Party being SA and NDSAP, if he wishes to join the SS then I would tell him that he needs to wait till they are recruiting to be trained.

    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around: Tell them to stop or else he will get warned/banned.

    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:  I would explain to them that the purchase of a rank does not exempt them from punishment and explain to them how to use their rank properly to join resistance as a gunner or rifleman or instead join wehrmacht and become part of the Panzer unit.

    5) A player is prop spamming: If they are prop spamming then I would kick them for the reason: Prop spamming.

    Answer the following questions in detail:

    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments: A tier 1 rule breaking is a rule that has been broken because either the player is new or didn't know of the rule, the punishments are usually a warn or in case of prop minging or rdm it is a kick and a warn. A tier 2 is given to a person who either broke the same rule after being told to stop, caught intentionally breaking a rule, breaking the rules over and over or if they have not read the rules at all and they have played the server for a decent time.

    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming: IC means you are in character, you are rping you have a job and you follow the outlines/rules of that job, you don't know other peoples names unless you asked for their names, you wouldn't talk about in real life things IC. OOC is out of character meaning you can say relatively anything, from how your day was or to something that just happened in character and you thought was funny. Metagaming is using knowledge that one wouldn't have unless they were OOC, such as, knowing someones name without asking, or using information from OOC to find where someone is or what they are doing.

    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP: Serious RP is where you are IC and you will follow the basis of in real life emotions/instincts, for example, if you were in real life and somebody points a gun at you, you don't want to die, that would be the same in Serious RP. Semi-Serious RP is where one does not follow natural human emotions or instincts to act out, if you are held at gun point, you would most likely attempt to shoot back or kill the person that has you gun pointed, you would not fear your life.

    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode: Passive RP is mostly doing actions with /me where you want to give more depth into an RP situatin so for example, you would do: " okay sir, I'll hand you the pizza, /me hands pizza over.

    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting: Combat baiting is trying to purposely cause a fight or a gun fight so you can shoot and kill people, often it is knowing that you are doing something illegal out in public and purposely doing it out in public so you will get caught and you can shoot back.

    Have you added the Manager [Varem] on Steam? Have you added the Manager on Discord? - Danielwb03#5804. If not, add him: Yes I have sent him a friend request. both on steam and discord

    Have you added the 
    Vice Manager [Michael] on Steam? Have you added the Vice Manager on Discord? - I3xoyal#8285. If not, add him: I am unable to add h im both on steam and discord

    Have you added the 
    Staff Manager [Scheppert] on Steam? Have you added the Staff Manager on Discord? - KyleK#2874. If not, add him: I have added him on discord and sent him a friend request on steam

    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words): I don't believe that I deserve to be staff more than others, I believe that I can and would be a good staff member for the following reasons. I have a lot of experience in most IC roles and know how most of them work. I always work hard and have a lot of time to spend on games and can always be active even in the early mornings when most staff have either work or other important things to take care of. I will not ever minge in game or abuse my powers as a staff member. I will never be biased in a sit just cause it is my friend getting warned or banned. I am extremely knowledge in the rules, this is because after my first ban back when I joined the server, I got really frustrated at the reason I got banned, subsequently I went to the rules after I was done with my ban and thoroughly read through them to make sure I would never get a warn or ban again. I will also bring to the staff team a reliable person that you will be able to count on to deal with things quickly and swiftly and not tossing aside sits cause I want to get through them cause I'm either bored with it. My strongest points as a person are that I am very friendly towards most people, I haven't made enemies on the server by being rude or insulting them, I often get along with most people although sometimes people are annoyed with my voice so if they are I have no problem typing if it makes them feel uncomfortable.


    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: I am under complete understanding of this.



    - You must be 15 years in age or older.
    - You must be able to speak and type English fluently and correctly.
    - You must have at least four (4) days of game time.
    - You must have 10 or fewer warns.
    - You must not be banned when you apply.
    - You must be able to speak or type quickly and correctly.
    - You must not advertise your application in any way.
    - You must not copy anything from other applications.
    - You may not edit your application without permission from a Hierarchy member,

    - You may not edit the application template itself - including the colours, besides the questions themselves,
    - You may not copy-paste parts from a previous application that you have filed unless given permission.
    - Only reply to your application if you need to specify something. Unnecessarily spamming/bumping your application will get it denied. Do not engage in grovelling under your application (posting thank you for reading my application every time someone posts etc.)

    Staff Meetings are at 7pm (UK Time) Sunday. Make sure you can attend! 

    Exceptions can be made with the permission of a Server Management Team Member.

  2. How is that a -1 He was adding on the fact that if they were counted as knives then he was breaking fearRp, that was just an extra detail, so you clearly haven't read everything yet

    2 minutes ago, Spades said:

    For the quote as reference, Knives apply FearRP because they can cause "critical damage", knuckle dusters don't because a crack from a knuckle duster isn't going to kill someone unless your Francis Ngannou (Rogue checked this with Auster whilst I was in the channel).

    Having also watched the video, he has already drawn a weapon before you dealt any damage as you missed the first punch and he pulled out his MP-43 before you landed a punch thus rendering you under gunpoint before the first combat is initiated.



  3. Priority of the bug on a scale from 1 to 10: 7


    Describe the bug: I am suppost to be banned for 3 days, I was banned at 10:16:26 and it is currently 10:21:16 and I am still banned.


    Describe any possible fixes (optional): Unbanning me


    Images/Videos of the bug (optional): 


    Additional information:



  4. Your In-game name: Corti Vespucci

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:182086019


    Reason of the ban: Mass RDM

    Date you were banned on: 13/05/2021

    Duration of ban: 3 Days

    Admin who banned you (In-game name / Steam name/ Steam ID): Hans Gerder


    Explain the situation of your ban from your point of view in detail: I stated this bellow in the additional information

    Do you think your ban was justified: No

    Why should you be unbanned: Because I was banned for a mistake my teammate made, how am I suppost to take responsibility for the fact that my teammate was clumsy and decided to not advert assist, also I could've voided it yes, but usually you advert an action and you do it immediately, since it was an ambush and the vehicle we were ambushing was going at high speeds  I immediately took action and gunned everyone in the car down.


    Any kind of evidence: I have video evidence, I cannot upload it but I can show it to any admin via Discord

    Additional information:

    I was banned for Mass RDM, since I was doing an ambush with 2 other people out in the country side, at the time everything was going alright, we had set up an ambush area, ready to advert ambush, we had all agreed to do it all together, but things turned south whenever one of our teammates got completely distracted, by talking to someone else, so he didn't advert assist, hence the ambush counting as Mass rdm since I killed all 4 people in AFV and I was the only one who killed them, I'm actually thankful to that since the other guy who adverted assist would've gotten I believe 1 week ban, witch I didn't want cause it was the guy who didn't advert assist's fault, I even have proof to back it up that we had agreed to all be ready to advert assist and I'd advert ambush. So to sum up the whole situation, I am banned for 3 days, for the clumsy mistake of one of my teammates, I still don't see how rules can punish me, for a clumsy mistake of one of my teammates, I'm not gonna lie, I'm really angry at my teammate, I won't name him since it would rather rude. I will restate I have video evidence of what happened, although I can't submit it to the attach files below, I can however screenshare in discord what had happened.