[WW2] Ernst Drescher

Platinum VIP
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Posts posted by [WW2] Ernst Drescher

  1. I mean I'll admit I'm hella inactive now and I haven't played shit for a while now because I got demoted back to rottmeister (and retired from orpo. And then I got demoted to Unterwachtmeister) but tbh it's not about me so I'll just say a Neutral for now. Because while you were speeding and you ran into a staff member Varem probably was in the middle of the street and should have been more careful. But we'll probably have to see if Varem has any video evidence or some shit that incriminates you. (or something?)

  2. Now, I'm not gonna say -1 but I'm gonna say -1 now I've never been staff before on a GMOD server at least but even I can tell that you don't necessarily have a good app now I could just be some lazy idiot and say "The reasons why have been included above" but I'll tell you some reasons why because I'm not a lazy boi. Unlike some other people I'll actually write why I think your app was shit

    : almost every single person has pointed it out but the app seems to look rushed and it looks like it took you less than 20 minutes to write it. Also as Rick boi has pointed out already the section about "Hey fucker this is why I should be staff more than other people who submitted other staff apps" that are supposed to have 200+ words and you have exactly 95 words (I think?) also yes I counted


    Eyes Burning GIFs | Tenor who do you think I am? Do you think my eyes can survive the colors? I'm blind af now holy fuc I wish I was like Logan Paul so I can be fucking "colorblind"



  3. +1 NEUTRAL 


    While I like your application and you can be trusted as you're a CO

    Though I believe you have a LOT of warns... You have a total of 15 which is 5 more than the highest amount of warns you should ever have as a staff member

    so only because of the warns I'm gonna give you a +1 / NEUTRAL

  4. Good application, decent amount of play time on the server, cool dude.


    Tiny spelling mistakes are somewhat common but those can be fixed easily.


    In my opinion he did the best in the situations and or the terms of important things in the server (passive rp, semi serious RP vs serious RP, OOC/IC and Metagaming, etc.)


     BIG +1

  5. 1 minute ago, Daniel Barberi said:

    I think I'm not explaining myself correctly. The player that shackled the ammo stealer in spawn got reported for RDA and he did not get warned. In this case Eric got warned for doing exactly the same to stop the ammo stealer.

    So what you mean by this is you're allowed to shackle someone IN SPAWN if they're stealing your ammo? Keep in mind this was before the rule about ammo stealing so at the time ammo stealing was still technically allowed (also train station above the spawning area is still spawn if you leave the train station you're leaving spawn that's why there's a KOS sign on the railroad towards MB it's because if you go there you're leaving spawn so they are allowed to kill you because that can be a way to illegally get into MB) 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Daniel Barberi said:

    My point is ... if back then when there was no rule against those actions the player that shackled the other one stealing his ammo did not get any punishment why should Eric NOW with a rule get warned ?


    That's because Eric WAS the one who shackled the player who stole his ammo IN SPAWN not the one who stole said ammo, train station (above where you spawn) is still considered spawn

  7. 4 minutes ago, Daniel Barberi said:

    Like a month ago there was a topic about a guy reporting someone for shackling him in spawn but he was stealing the other guy's ammo and Auster denied it because there was a reason for the shackling. Now we have a rule against stealing other's ammocrates so it's even better for Eric in this case

    but is it though? The rule wasn't introduced until yesterday so it wasn't a rule yet therefore the warn was for a good reason... Even if it's wrong to steal ammo (for example some fuckers always steal my ammo in spawn and they're mafia and tbh I really get pissed about it) there was no rule at the time against it

  8. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes     



    Thank you for suggesting this, it's a interesting idea and it'd make talking on the radio a hell of a lot easier. it took me so fucking long to learn the radio system after they changed it and it looks like I might have to do it again but to hell with it    +1

  9. Which Rank/tag do you need: Platinum VIP

    What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Ernst Drescher

    Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:     2020-05-08_11_32_37-Window.png 

    Sure I might have been a minge at the moment but I really don't care tbh plus I don't wanna fucking buy photoshop to cut it out...


    And I don't have any other evidence so I kinda have to show it...