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Posts posted by Xo_Crystar_Xo

  1. General Information:

    Steam Name + Profile link: xCryStarx

    Roleplay Name : CG Executive Officer xCryStarx

    Teamspeak Name:

    Playtime on the Server: 1mo 3w 4d 3h 54m.

    SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:1:80948898

    Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No. Im deeply sad because of this. 

    Current Age: 19

    Warns/Bans: 1 warning for the ARDM  

    Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes

    Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No

    What was your event and was it successfully executed?: Never got executed sadly *cries immensely 

    Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes.  So the importance of an EP is to explain to the ECs that they are not to HP rush in events. They are to supply enjoyable and engaging events for others to participate and have fun in. They can do some staff claims but this is only when there is no staff members on to claim those claims. Those are some of the things that I understand about EP 😄

    Event Plan 
     Event Plan is stated within this Document I created   : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LuzOHhEvivSu7xK-KaateAa_ZOvL712D6R6ueoL7rHg/edit?usp=sharing
    Map: (Mos Mesric) 

    Enemies, HP, Amount: See Event Document , Thank you 

    Passive, HP, Amount: See Event Document , Thank you 

    Republic's Execution: See Event Document , Thank you 

    Event Character Execution: See Event Document, Thank you 

    Story: See Event Document, Thank you 

    Event Information: See Event Document, Thank you 

    Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes and Im excited to be learning like the ways of a buddha training


    Anything else?:|W-G E-Planner|   

  2. +1/Mutual My reason being for this is firstly Richard is a lovely person and can be a serious person when need be from my perspective of knowing them. My second reason in which I have placed this to be in a mutual as well is because of the actual event application. In my opinion the event plan itself could possibly use some pictures and maybe a document to showcase the plan itself in detail. Most event planners use documents and they place their Jedi/clone events in them etc. However my overall +1 for Richard is for attempting to apply for EP as its a step forward in them to represent themselves and to show the EP team and community that they can be held responsible and can try and make fun and engaging events.  You've been great in CG from my time as your EX -LT Colonel as I've seen you been good at following certain rules and regulations but not denying the fact that most and all of us do be silly behind walls which is fine etc. 

    I would say that this event plan is like a baseline and would most likely be improved with the proper training etc. These are my reasons. I'm not too sure about the others opinions but this is mine!

    My ending conclusion is a Recommendation to try EP! 

    I wish you all the Best Richard and best of luck!

    CG CryStar 

    GIF by Star Wars

  3. +1

    Shade has done a good job in CG so far as a colonel. He has helped when Hierarchy has gone on Loa and he manages to fulfill tasks and deadlines when needed to be met. 

    Shade would and could be a great addition to the battalion section on CWRP. I've seen how he reacts to people who mess about and when he does himself. It isn't destructive nor is it at a bad timing. Like all its okay to have some fun on the server every now and then.  

    Im saying this because I'm making a point that he knows when to behave and when to have some laughs with others. 

    Good luck - Crystar the femboy of CG 




  4. Super omega +1 

    Vex as stated above from my message is a lovely person to speak to and a great vice commander within CT. He gets the job done when it needs to be done and he has done so much for the server and for many people. 


    I highly recommend vex to be accepted into battalion and he would do an excellent job if he has the opportunity of receiving the almighty hat and uniform into battle. 



    Basic Information:

    Steam Name + Profile link:   https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198122163525/

    Roleplay Name: CG Medic CPT xCryStarx 

    Teamspeak Name: CryStar

    Playtime on the Server:  4 weeks + 

    SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:1:80948898

    Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No

    Current Age: 18 

    Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes

    Event Plan  :https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CSGsFb2qlblUtwN4bO1abGOjnK4LjA-ndHhCH1ZEGP8/edit?usp=sharing 
     Event Plan is stated within this Document I created   
    Map: ( Venator vs Providence)


    Enemies, HP, Amount: See Event Document , Thank you 

    Passive, HP, Amount: See Event Document , Thank you 

    Republic's Execution: See Event Document , Thank you 

    Event Character Execution: See Event Document, Thank you 

    Story: See Event Document, Thank you 

    Event Information: See Event Document, Thank you 

    Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No

    What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

    Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes.  So the importance of an EP is to explain to the ECs that they are not to HP rush in events. They are to supply enjoyable and engaging events for others to participate and have fun in. They can do some staff claims but this is only when there is no staff members on to claim those claims. Those are some of the things that I understand about EP. 

    Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes 

    Anything else?: Good luck to everyone! |W-G E-Planner| general grievous GIF

  6. Basic Information:

    Steam Name + Profile link:   https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198122163525/

    Roleplay Name: CT LT COL WB xCryStarx 

    Teamspeak Name: CryStar

    Playtime on the Server:  2w 5d 19h 38m (I know the time is only 5 days more not long enough for goog experience. However I would like to try my best for you guys) 

    SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:1:80948898

    Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No

    Current Age: 17 (18 literally in 2 weeks) 


    Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes

    Event Plan:

    Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original: Event Plan is stated within this Document I created   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RWk7NA9O4tJw-8T3RLthAasBKTRoKekVwTpssBvOnWg/edit?usp=sharing
    Map: RP_CoruscantBelow

    Enemies, HP, Amount: See Event Document , Thank you 🙂

    Passive, HP, Amount: See Event Document , Thank you 🙂

    Republic's Execution: See Event Document , Thank you 🙂

    Event Character Execution: See Event Document, Thank you 🙂

    Story: See Event Document, Thank you 🙂

    Event Information: See Event Document, Thank you 🙂

    Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No

    What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

    Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes.  So the importance of an EP is to explain to the ECs that they are not to HP rush in events. They are to supply enjoyable and engaging events for others to participate and have fun in. They can do some staff claims but this is only when there is no staff members on to claim those claims. Those are some of the things that I understand about EP. 

    Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes 

    Anything else?: Good luck to everyone! |W-G E-Planner| 

    Season 3 Starship GIF by Star Wars

  7. Basic Information:

    Steam Name + Profile link:  Xo_Crystar_Xo | https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198122163525/

    Roleplay Name: CT LT Colonel CryStar 

    Teamspeak Name: CryStar

    Playtime on the Server: 2 weeks and 19 mins 

    SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/):  STEAM_0:1:80948898

    Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: None at all very sadge

    Current Age: 17 almost 18 

    Warns/Bans: 0 ikr

    Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: You bet I do! 

    Event Plan:

    Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original(Use the Template): The event plan is to collect at least 6 EC to do the event. I will explain to them how to use the TS event comms room. After that I will set them their roles and set their HP. In conclusion to that I will then go over with them what HP rushing is and what not to do as an EC character. The next is to make sure that the Highest battalion member that is in charge is in the comms as well so we can communicate with them. After this I will then explain a part of the story to the EC's so they get a general idea of what they have to do e.g Their objective is infiltrate the Republic and steal data within the base and to take down the Generator room.  Once doing so ill place down new spawn points in the GR so they can take the GR hostage for some time and after that I will proceed to set their spawns further back eventually to allow the clones to win. After a decent battle The tactical droid will be shot down and will be disassembled by RC/ CE who will try and locate the data in what the droid objective was. Unfortunately they would be unsuccessful and it was badly damaged during the fight.  This then in conclusion concludes the nice little event that should last for around 25+ mins with some basic back story. 

    Map: Rishimoon 

    Enemies, HP, Amount:  5 Commando droid 1500 , 1 Droid leader (Tactical) 2000

    Passive, HP, Amount:  950 HP reason its not too high and not too low. Its a decent amount of HP in case someone accidentally shoots the Event character. 

    Republic's Execution: The fleet informs the clones that a CIS ship has entered orbit and has seem to have planned an attack on the base to retrieve some valuable data that could prove most useful to the CIS and their plans to fight against the Republic.  They get word that the commando droids seem to have gone into the admirals office. Battalion orders CG to get some shield walls prepared for the frontline regs to line up behind them to slowly push forward by CT, 501st and CG. RC and ARC try and sneak in the vents and try and ambush the droids and try to assist the other regiments. CE are ordered to protect the GR and also set up some fighters when the commando droids ships get deployed by the tactical droid.

    Event Character Execution:
    Firstly the Commando droids will be spawned inside the main base to try and infiltrate. They will proceed to sneak in HQ and try and get to the admirals office where an important data pad is being held with classified information that will prove some importance for the republic. They will then steal the data after sneaking. After that 3  will go and turn off GR while the other two try and sneak off with the data and request extraction. After they get located by republic personnel they will then open fire on them and kill a few. Their main objective is try and get the data out of the base and hand it over to the Tactical droid.  The commando droids will then be assisted with support fire from the ships (That some of them will pilot) and some commando droids will be on the ground.


    Event Information:  CIS Droids have been deployed to Rishimoon  in order to retrieve data to bring back to the CIS command to help them win the war. They try and infiltrate the main base and steal some high important republic data. However they are quickly found out by the republic personnel and they have a struggle to extract that exact data . Tanks and clones go to war with each other to try and secure this precious data.  The Tactical droid is in affiliation with an important CIS personnel which is unknown and would need to be disassembled for further study by RC/CE. 

    Have you ever Done an Event Before?: Nope

    What was your event and was it successfully executed?:  N/A

    Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?:  So the importance of an EP is to explain to the ECs that they are not to HP rush in events. They are to supply enjoyable and engaging events for others to participate and have fun in. They can do some staff claims but this is only when there is no staff members on to claim those claims. Those are some of the things that I understand about EP. 

    Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes that sounds useful and understandable as I have little to none experience. 

    Anything else?: Dwev furry +1  | Want to give it a go and best of luck to anyone who gets it | First time writing this up so apologies if it isn't good (we all learn)  |W-G E-Planner|