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Posts posted by Evolve117

  1. Cuff Extended I did that by accident, i just stayed still, thought i'd still be automatically dragged but can my ban please be reduced by a day at least! I want to join back as soon as possible. I didnt know about the Battalion orders, nothing was mentioned that Medbay was off limits.

    I understand rules are rules but i WAS going to join back in, i would still have gone to the Brig. This ban is just annoyingly unjust, I get since i broke rules but its still not called for when i was willing to comply. I did leave cause i wanted to just have fun, sorry for this. But yeah i now know what do do next time. 

    Two day ban is still a little too long in my opinion, i just want to get back in. I'll do this Brig time if you unban me early I promise.

    Side note: What is the LTRAP ban reason?

  2. But can i please get unabnned, while i didnt know at the time the reasons for getting the arrested which i thought were unjust, the reasons were not explianed and the ban is an escalation (my thinking at the time after leaving and trying to rejoin) 

  3. adding extra info:


    My In-Game name: 501st TRP Evolve

    STEAMID: (

    Steam Name: Evolve117

    What is the reason for your ban: LTARP

    How long were you banned for: 2 days

    Name of the staff member who banned you: yorchE

    Evidence: I believe i was unfairly unbanned: i would have followed this same staff on rejoin and think that a ban for leaving was too hasty. I have no idea why i was arrested 

  4. I would like to get unbanned. I was cuffed at medic bay but was following a 501st buddy. I thought i was intruding but then got cuffed and dragged away even though my medic buddy tried to tell him I was with him. While being dragged off i decided to disconnect and was going to rejoin. If i was chased again i was going to comply on rejoin. But i've now been banned for 2 days and want to uban, I'll still do the "punishment" whatever it may be.